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Sohrin's POV

Opening my eyes, the first thing I saw brought a smile to my face.
Jungkook, sleeping in front me while light snores left his mouth. It made me giggle slightly.
I turned and got out heading for the bathroom to freshen up.

I was done after a few minutes and by the time I came out Jungkook was seated up and rubbing his eyes.

He looked like like a child when he looked up at me and smiled with his eyes closed.

"Go clean up Kookie!" I said and he nodded before getting up.

I went downstairs and started cooking something for the two of us before Jungkook came down.
I opened one of the cabinets to take out the vessels when cold air rushed through, giving me shivers.

I ignored it and turned around with a bowl in my hand and suddenly my feet stopped. In front or me stood a woman who looked very familiar.

She was dressed in a long black robe. Her face brighter than any fair person I had ever seen. While her eyes were surrounded with black kohl. She just stood there expressionless and I did the same.

I stared at her, but I could feel my heart jumping. I was surprised that the bowl did not fall out of my hands in shock.

Her face seemed so cold that the currents vibrating in my spine kept growing every second.

"Noona~" Jungkook sang loud and hugged me.

I looked at him with fear written on my face and I quickly looked back at the woman. She was not to be seen anymore, I frowned and looked back at Jungkook who was smiling sweetly at me.

"J-jungkook, did you see her too?" I asked and he looked confused.

"Saw whom?" He asked me and I pointed at the direction where I saw that lady.

"Did you have a bad dream? There's no one there!" He said and and hugged me taking the things from my hand and placing them on the counter.

We cooked together and even finished eating up but the image of that old woman didn't leave my head.

I was traumatised in a way, I was scared for sure but traumatised because I knew that I'd seen her somewhere.

I couldn't recall it at all but her face was registered in my head. I tried hard to ignore it as well but it was too hard to do.

Jungkook noticed me spacing off and asked me if something was wrong but I said that everything was fine.

The day went by as normal, only Jungkook was a bit worried about me and I was trying hard to remember where I saw her before.

I went back to my room completely frustrated at my thoughts, I laid down on the bed facing the ceiling. Jungkook soon entered the room and laid beside me.

He sighed before pulling me to him and cuddling me.

"Please don't be this way Noona." He said softly.

Hearing his voice I hugged him tighter and kissed his lightly clothed chest.

I felt him shiver slightly from this action of mine. I looked up at him and his dark black orbs were now light brown in color.

I couldn't understand this at all, his eyes were sometimes deep black in color and then suddenly they would turn brown.

I used to be scared and worried before whenever this happened but now I'm used to it.

His eyes always softened whenever they turned brown in color.

"I love you so much." He said and pulled me even closer before kissing me. His soft lips moved on mine and I shut my eyes close.

I felt so many sparks burst when he hugged my waist, we shared the kiss for a few more minutes until he pulled away breathless.

His dark black eyes once again on display, piercing through my gaze.

He soon smiled and drifted off to sleep along with me. There were these times when he would get me really confused and doubtful, but I always shrugged it off knowing how much he loves me.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jungkook's POV

The moment she kissed my chest I felt a sense of warmness run in me. She was so small and innocent like this. I had to accept what came to me and my bad luck.

The bad luck that doesn't let me have the humanly pleasures of life. Friendship, love family, happiness, things I never had in my life.

But I needed her, more than he does. He wants her for his own pleasure. Heck he never even loved her. It angered me whenever he kissed her and told her that she meant the world to him, just to get her to trust in him completely.

Only for him to break that trust later.
How I wished she was able to see the truth.

To be continued...

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