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"How are you? You've been gone for so long. If I would be given a single chance, would you come back to me?"

There is this one time in my life,
When a girl caught my eyes,

You, yourself glued my attention to you,
And put too much bond that I was drawn into you,

Unconsciously, I fell in love,
That I don't know how I can have,

This kind of things you let me see,
How powerful can you be?,

You changed my life from zero to one hundred,
And made me love you from what I thought I can give,

You're like a rainbow after the rain,
That brought smiles whenever you came,

But what if the rainbow doesn't show,
Will everybody have a chance to see you console?

Those happiness we thought we couldn't contain,
You let it out like it's a normal thing,

So if you disappear without a sight,
Can everybody live there life?

Cause if you'll ask me,
I know that I can't live,

Living without the love of my life,
Is like living while dispersing apart.

Just A Single ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now