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Chapter 4: The Meet Up

Bryan's POV

"So class, I am hoping for a great performance tomorrow okay?"

"Yes sir!"

"Okay. Goodbye class" at last!

Tapos na din ang class ko. I'll be going to the library today for a research. I need to research about my assignments. I'm not really fond of surfing the internet for my assignments. I searched for them on my own.

I fixed my bag and went out the classroom. I scanned my camera. Kahapon kasi marami akong pictures na nakuha. It became a habit of me that after class ay gagawin ko yun.

I was very busy looking at the pictures when I bumped into someone. Her books fell and I knelt down to help her pick up her books.

"Here" I said as I hand her the last book about Medicine

I looked at her chord but BS Architecture is written on it. Wala namang connection yung book sa course niya ha?

"Thanks" she said without looking at me

I stared at her figure and realized she is the girl.

"Miss! Wait! You left this" I said and gave her, her hanky

"Thank you again" she said and bowed

She was about to left but not this time.

"Miss, ako nga pala si Bryan. Pierce Bryan Villegas. How about you?" I asked and I saw her face

She maybe hesitating to give me her name. Oh well.

"It's okay if you don't want to say it. I'll get going" I said and turned my back

"Amber! Amber Aguilar is the name" I heard her say

I turned around but I saw her turning to the left side of the hallway.

Amber Aguilar. Nice name.

I shook my head and went to the library. I gave the librarian my Library ID and she let me pass. I searched for the book and found it on Isle 10. It was a bit hard to find since nasa malayo anong part yung Isle 10. I sat on a quiet and hidden place. Pwede nitong matulog. But I'm not here for that. Now what page was that?

Aha! Page 245. I turned the book to its designated page and started jotting down important notes.

I was busy copying what was in the book when I heard something fell. I ran to Isle 8 and saw a girl sitting on the floor.

"Miss! Are you okay?" I asked and there I saw her face

"Ouch...." I heard her say

"Amber....okay ka lang?" I asked and she nodded

"You must be very careful next time. Baka mapalabas ka pa ng librarian. Come" I said and helped her walk to my position

"Bryan right? Thank you ha. I was just reaching for a book that pique my interest when I fell from the ladder. It wasn't a bad fall. I'm fine" she said and smiled

"Anyways, ano ba yung book na gusto mong kunin? I can get it for you if you want" I said

"No! It's okay. I'll just look for something" she said trying to dismiss what I said

"It's okay. I insist. What book?" I asked

"Photography" she said and smiled

"Okay. I'll get it" I said and stood up from my sit

I went to Isle 8 and looked for it. I saw a book about photography. I know this book. I have read this when I was in high school. That was the time when I really love photography.

I get it and walked back to where I left Amber. I saw her holding my camera and she is smiling.

"You're an aspiring photographer" she said like she is certain

"Nope. Its just my hobby" I said and she just smiled

"Anyways, I think may alam ka na din naman sa photography. Will  you tell me any random things about it?" she asked as she pushed the camera to me

I was hesitating when I saw her angelic face smiling at me.

"Okay" I said as I let out a defeated sigh


"Thank you Bryan! I owe you one!" she said and I was a bit surprised when she hugged me

"Oh! Sorry! I am really sorry! I was just--"

"It's okay. I'm used to it" I said as I waved my hand

"Anyways, I have to go. Thank you talaga for the information ha? See you around the campus!" she said as she wave her hands at me

I smiled and wave my hand. She ran out the library and was stopped by the librarian.

"Ssh!" the librarian said

"Sorry..." Amber said and bowed her head

She looked at me and I laughed at her. She gave a peace sign. She slowly walked out the library and disappeared in my sight.

I don't know why but I have this feeling like there is something connecting me with Amber. Parang ang gaan ng loob ko sakanya. I just don't know why.

I shook the thought off and continued reading the book I got. I jotted down more notes and after I finished I decided to stay for awhile.

I'm so tired. Anong oras na ba? 4:01 PM. Ilang oras ko bang kasama si Amber?

You're an aspiring photographer

Her words echoed in my mind. Bakit ganun? Parang konsensiya kung bumalik sa utak ko ang mga sinabi nila?Is it time to fight for my dreams?

As I was thinking about it my phone vibrated. It was a text message from Dad.


Anak, uuwi kami ngayon ng Mommy mo. Make sure that the house is clean. You know your Mom. I don't want her tantrums for now. Be productive in your studies!

And reality hit me. I can't fight for my dreams. Even my own family is the enemy on reaching for it. Well, Brix is approved on it. Mom is on both side. And Dad.....he would definitely get mad at me if I disobey him.

I just relaxed my mind and emptied it for minutes. After that I went out the library.

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