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Chapter 15: Her 19th Birthday

Bryan's POV

Another peaceful morning came. No Brix. No annoyance. Good.

I quickly got up and wash myself for school. Another boring Monday for Bryan Villegas.

I wore a black and white striped long sleeves which u folded to be three fourths. I partnered it with a black jeans and a black high cut shoes. I also wore suspenders and a black jacket to hide it. Today's a special day.

Today is Amber's 19th birthday and I planned in surprising her at school. I hoped she would like it. She also requested the clothes for me to wear. She personally bought all of them. She is very determined to see me wear those clothes. But it's her birthday today, so let's just do what makes her happy.

"Bryan! You're into one of a fashion trend today. Something special?" Mom asked and I just gave her a smile

"Oh.....someone special? I hope it's a girl..." Mom teased and I can feel my ears heating up so I held it tightly to stop it

"It's nothing Mom. It's just Amber" I said and Mom's face brightened

"Oh? It's Amber's special day today? Well, why didn't you told me! I should've baked something for that lady. I really like her. A lot. But anyways, I'll get going to fetch Brix." Mom said and my brows creased

"Brix? Why?" I asked and Mom gave me a worried look

"Asked for my permission to attend a party but didn't told me that it was an R-18 one. With alcohols and bars and.....gosh! He is a headache to start with. Lucky that your Dad is off for his errands. Want to ride with me?" Mom asked when she was on the doorstep

"No. I'm fine. Just fetch Brix from wherever place that is" I said and Mom smiled before opening the door to her car

"Tell Amber to visit here some other day! I'll treat her and tell my greetings! Bye, Bryan! Love you!" I heard Mom shouted before her car drove to somewhere

"Manang! Lahat na ba nasa kotse ko?!" I shouted to Manang who is currently in the kitchen

"Secured and safe! Lahat na Bryan!" she shouted back and I thanked her

I hopped inside my car and drove it to school. Actually, I am one hell of a lucky guy because the weather is with me. I am wearing a jacket and the weather is quite windy which makes it hard for me drive.

Pagkapasok ko sa school ay pinagtitinginan ako ng tao. Naka-jacket eh. Kakaiba. Tsk. Si Amber kasi.

May dala pa. Mga pagkain. Nakiusap ako sa mga kaklase ni Amber na papuntahin siya ng maaga sa room. Surprise eh.

"Bryan! Handa na lahat! Nag-text na rin si Amber" I heard Angel or Angelo said and he let me take a peek at his phone which has Amber's text message.


Oo na! On the way na nga diba? Atat much ka teh?! Natatae?

I chuckled softly when I read her message.

"Kilig much ka naman Fafa Bryan. Hmp! Your welcome ha!" pagtatampo ng bading

Oo. Bading.

"Thank you" I said and she shouted which I think ay sign na kinikilig siya


I entered Amber's room and I put my message on her chair. It was written in a pink cutesy letter. She'll like it.

I hid behind the white cloth that was usually hang at the back of their room. Nagulat ako. Maraming tao. Ang iingay. Tsk.

Nanahimik lang sila nang makita si Amber na naglalakad papunta dito. She is wearing a white see through laced dress which is over a red sleeveless crop top which has a collar na linabas. She partnered it with a white skirt. Naka-flats lang. Kakaiba.

"Oh? Wala pang tao? Anyways, bye Denise!" I heard Amber said and I can hear her footsteps entering the room

I slowly signalled them to move kapag nakita na ni Amber yung letter. Eventually, Amber saw the letter and opened it.


We all emerged from the back of their room and Amber looked surprise.

Confetti's were occupying all the space of the room. Lahat kasi may dala. Sabi ko isa lang. Pumasok na rin si Angel kasama ang dalawa pa. They are holding the cake and my present. My present and their present.

"Wow! Thank you guys. I really appreciate this" Amber said but still didn't saw me

"Bekla! Hindi kami ang dapat mong pasalamatan. Hagardo Verzosa lang kami pero wit lang! Mas Hagardo V ang Fafa mo...." Angel said and Amber's brows creased

"Happy Birthday...." I greeted her once her gaze shifted to me

"Bryan? Waaah!!!! Thank you!!" she shouted and ran to hug me

Wala namang malisya saamin kung magyayakapan kami but maraming tao. Judgemental pa sila.

"Thank you ha? I really much appreciated all of your efforts. Pero....paano mo napasunod itong mga tukmol na to? They're very much one of a baggage" Amber said

"Hoy, Bekla! Huwag mo nga akong siraan kay Fafa Bryan. Propeta ka talaga. Chaka ka friend..." Angel said and rolled her eyes

Amber and the whole class chuckled at Angel's remark.

"Hoy! Mga walanjo kayo. Huwag niyo nga akong pagtawanan" Angel said but we didn't stopped

"Let's eat?" I said and they all rejoiced

"Hurrah! Magic word yun Fafa Bryan! Thank you!" Angal said before she dig in to the food on a table

"Hiram ko muna si Amber ha? Balik ko na lang siya" I said as permission to all of them

"Oo naman! Go lang Fafa Bryan! Basta ako ninang!" Angle said kahit ang daming laman na pagkain ng bibig niya

"Thanks!" I shouted before I pulled Amber out of the room where all her classmates are busy eating the foods I brought

"Saan tayo pupunta?" Amber asked curiously

"Don't worry, I'll know you'll really like my own surprise. This is the first time I did a surprise for someone. So, bare with me, please"

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