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Chapter 9: Harriet Denise Fuentes

Denise's POV

I am on my way na to Amber's bahay. You know, I will sabay sabay na to her to school. This is my everyday routine kasi. Like I would always go to her house to make sabay na to her and then we will sabay ulit pauwi.

"Driver, you make bilis na kasi I will be late." I irritatedly sabi to our nakakainis na driver because he was driving like a pagong and I'm starting to get angry na

After awhile I make baba na to our car dahil I saw Amber inside. I smiled and walk towards their kotse to make sabay na to her like what I said.

"Hi, Denise!" she make bati to me and I hugged her tightly as I can

I saw that she wore the damit I told her to wear kahapon. It was a blue dress that has white ribbons on both sides. Not sides talaga, it was medyo in front of her damit na. She was also wearing a white high cut shoes. But I frowned when I saw a long sleeves under her dress. It was not noticeable naman talaga because it was kakulay of her skin but!

"Bryan texted me that he is already at school" I heard her sabi to me and I rolled my eyes inwardly

Why did Amber became close to Bryan that bilis? Like, she just lipat this year but Bryan became her kaibigan na agad.

I just groaned inwardly and sat beside Amber on their kotse. After fifteen minutes we make it na to school. I male baba the kotse and walk with grace and beauty.

"Ang ganda talaga ni Denise no?"

"Tama ka girl! Ang kaso, conyo much girl"

"Mas lalo nga siyang gumaganda dahil dun eh!"

"Medyo tama ka, pero para saakin mas cute yung personality ni Amber"

Ano ba yan! Even in gossips Amber make singit pa rin. Hmp! But, thank you for Girl 1 she brightened my mood na. I was called pretty today!

But my smile didn't make tagal to my face kasi Bryan came into the hallway. It was sakto when I turned around he was back hugging Amber! No!

I was about to make ngiti na when he made distance with Amber but his jacket kuha my attention.

Concern much? Why is he like that to Amber?! Why?! I just rolled my mata secretly when they make usap to each other and Amber even blamed me for wearing that dress! Ghad! I stomped my foot and walked away. Bahala na sila diyan.


"Denise, halika na. Nandoon na daw si Bryan" I heard Amber sabi to me

I make ayos na my gamit so that I will see Bryan my loves na. I rinig from Amber that Bryan was the one who cooked the pagkain for today. I'm soooooo excited!

I wasn't done daydreaming when Amber make hila na to me. I hate her na talaga. She was still wearing the jacket Bryan bigay to her! Ugh!

We arrived at the school garden and I saw Bryan na. He was opening the lunch boxes in front of him.

My eyed sparkled at the sight of him. He is so gwapo talaga. Like I'm gonna faint na here. But no! I have to eat with them.

Amber make hila again and we both sat on the blanket. Bryan make bati to me! And we then started to eat.

While I make kain my food I saw Bryan kuha some tissues. He leaned forward Amber and I make kita on how sweet they are. Bryan make punas the sauce on Amber's lips. Are they still friends?

I really hate her na talaga. She is making kuha everything I have. But I shouldn't worry. Bryan will be mine.

Just wait for it.

Bryan's POV

"Bye, Bryan! Alis na kami and thank you pala sa pagkain" Amber said and pulled Denise inside their car

I also noticed na simula nang kumain kami sa garden nagbago yung mood ni Denise. Parang naging gloomy yung mood niya. She might not like the food I prepared. I'll ask her tomorrow.

I waved my hand to Amber who is looking outside the window. I mouthed, bye and I hopped inside my car.

I was about to start the engine when the door on the backseat opened. I saw a brown bag flew to the backseat and the door shut. And the passenger seat's door opened and there my twin entered.

"Be more careful on riding my car you idiot" I said and started the engine while I saw Brix stuck his tongue out like a five year old

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked and he started pressing something on his phone

"Mom told me that we'll have an emergency family dinner. The whole family. Doon daw tayo kina Tita Paula" he said without looking at me

Family dinner?

I just shrugged and started driving the car until my Auntie's mansion on a nearby exclusive village. When we arrived there I didn't expected that this will be like this. Ano to, party?

Lights were beaming on all the corners of the mansion's ball room. Four long tables and twenty circular tables where scattered around the room.

They were wearing formal clothes. Guys in tuxedos and ladies on gowns. What the heck is this?

Then, I saw Mom running towards us. She is wearing a white studded ball gown together with a white purse.

"Bryan! Brix! Why are you still on your uniform? Change your clothes upstairs. The party's gonna start any minute now" just wow. So this is still not a party for them?

I walked upstairs and changed into a black tuxedo above a black long sleeves. I fixed my blonde hair and went down.

And there I found out what the party was for. I wasn't really informed. Please note the sarcasm on that.

I wasn't informed that this is my Engagement Party. Yeah. Like what the heck?

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