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Chapter 6: Rhazier Aaron Gomez

Bryan's POV

Saturday. The best time of the day. Tapos na ang first week ko sa college. Its been boring for me but for my brother? Boring doesn't exist on his vocabulary. And here on our living room is Brix with his friends. They're playing with some sort of video games.

I mentally rolled my eyes at them. Aside from being too noisy, they're annoying. They are also very dirty. Kumalat na kasi sa buong living room yung mga plastic ng junk foods and some bowl where they put some snacks in. May mga Coke in cans din sa may center table.

Mabuti na lang wala sina Mom and Dad. They are on a business trip again. Quite busy for such young business mans.

I went down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw some ingredients. I picked all of the ingredients I needed for my recipe and wore my apron.

Ako lang ang merong apron sa bahay aside from our maids and Dad and Mom. Brix doesn't like to cook but he loves to eat.

At exactly two o'clock I started doing the recipe. I finished 10 minutes before three o'clock.

Brix ran to me and saw the cake I was designing. He smiled eventually and I moved the cake away from him.

"Gusto ko niyan" he said as he pointed to the cake with his pouted lips

"This is for later. I'll just bake you and your friends some muffins" I said and his eyed sparkled

"Thank you, twin! Love 'ya!" he said and ran back tot he living room

I shook my head and started on making the muffins I promised to him.

After I baked the muffins I gave them to Brix and his friends. Not exceeding three minutes the muffins disappeared.

Ibang klase. Are you still humans? I would like to ask them but decided to go up my room. I sat on my bed and stared at my side table. There was the new camera Mom gave me as her pasalubong. I was busy the days before today so, I didn't have the time to take pictures again. Although, I still see Amber.

We sometimes wait for each other on the garden and there we will have a picnic. We both know how to bake so I have been eating sweets for like three consecutive days now. She also introduced me to her friend Eunice. Eunice has braces and has black straightened hair. She also has big glasses but I think those are just display.

I changed into a yellow oversized shirt that sleeves are three inches below my elbow. I also wore black pants and some boots. I grabbed my camera and went out my room. Before going out, I stopped to tell Brix that I'm going out.

I decided to just stroll around the village. I might see some beautiful placed around. After minutes I arrived at a familiar park. There was children playing around and I can see they were happy.

I walked near them and one boy came running to me. He was smiling from ear to ear.

"Hi po!" he said as he wave at me

I waved back my hand and smiled to him. I bend down to pinch his fluffy cheeks. I searched for something in my pocket and got a chocolate lollipop. I gave it to him and the boy smiled happily.

"Aaron! Aish! Ito talagang bata na to. Asan ba yun? Aaron! Yaya is here!" I heard someone said and the boy went to my back once he heard the voice

He circled his arms on my neck and I told him that I'll stand up. Now he is on my back and I'm giving him a piggy back ride.

"I'll see you here tomorrow to give you cupcakes. Want that?" I asked and he nodded eventually

"Okay. Basta, promise me that you'll go back to your Yaya, okay?" I said

"Okay" he sweetly said

"Pinky promise?" I said and he gave me his pinky

"Aaron! Ikaw na bata ka talaga! Halika nga dito!" said a woman that perhaps is his Yaya

Aaron gripped on my shirt. He obviously doesn't want to go.

"Can you take us some pictures?" I asked her Yaya

I know that it is rude of me to ask her a favor when I don't know her.

"Syempre po, Sir" his Yaya said and Aaron clapped his hands and was about to fall when I gripped on him

He happily chuckled and I smiled because of that. His Yaya gave me back my camera and I thanked her. I was about to go when Aaron pulled the hem of my shirt. I looked at him and we went to the nearby bench to seat. His Yaya excused herself to buy something and I told her that I'll take care do Aaron for awhile.

"Want to take some pictures?" I asked Aaron giving him my camera

"Pictures?" he asked curiously while looking at the camera he was holding

He was so cute holding that camera. The camera was too big for his hands that he can't hold it with just one. I chuckled and get my phone to take pictures of him observing my camera.

He was tilting it from left to right probably looking at what it is. When he pushed the on button he gasped and yelped when the camera turned on. I was about to teach him how to use it when he took many pictures.

After awhile, he fell asleep on my lap. His Yaya came back with foods on her hand.

"Nakatulog na po ba siya? Pasensya na ho sir. Kukunin ko na lang siya" his Yaya said but I dismissed  what she said

"It's okay. Tell me where you live" I said and he pointed to a big blue mansion in front of the playground

I carried Aaron and brought him there and went home afterwards.

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