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Chapter 35: Our Dreams Together

Bryan's POV

"Mom? Mom! Where is my toga gone?" I shouted to my Mom who is currently downstairs cooking breakfast

"Just look for it in your closet Bryan! I'm busy here." Mom shouted back and I grimaced

I literally dug my closet to look for that black toga but it was nowhere to be found. Baka nasa labas or something. Bahala na nga.

I should take a bath first, right?

Anyways, tama. Maliligo na ako. I don't want to be smelly on my big day!

I took 10 minutes preparing myself  Add up the shaving and all. I threw on a simple white long sleeves and a black slacks with a black belt securing it. I grabbed my black shoed and put it on. I combed my hair to let it fall and I put on a black necktie. Bumaba ako at nakita si Brix na nakasuot na din ng damit niya.

Mom entered the dining room with s large bowl of fried rice on her hands.

"Eat well, my sons. Today is your big day!" she smiled happily and we returned it

Maya maya pa dumating na si Dad on his usual black suit and his usual face. He smiled and hugged us two and Mom joined.

"I'm proud of you my sons. Continue to pursue your dreams." he stated and we smiled

"Mamaya na po yan. Baka malate ho kayo sa ceremony." saad ni Manang at tumawa kaming lahat

We sat down on the dining table and started eating our breakfast. After minutes of eating and talking, pumasok na kami sa family car namin and off we go to the university.

I hope Amber is already there. I miss her already.

Amber's POV

"Amber? Gumising ka na diyan! Ito na yung araw na hinihintay mo diba? Gumising ka na diyan at baka malate ka sa ceremony. Sige ka. Ikaw din magsisisi." someone from outside my door shouted that woke up me go first thing in the morning

I stretched my arms and loosened up a bit. I yawned twice before opening my eyes. Right at that moment, I saw a black toga hanging on my closet door.

Black toga?

OHMY! It's my graduation today!

I quickly ran towards the shower and took a quick bath before blow drying my hair. I put on a lip balm and started rummaging my closet.

I threw out almost everything inside before I saw the dress Mom bought for me. It was a pink sleeveless cocktail dress. The sequins are glimmering. I love it!

Sinuot ko na ang black wedge heels ko and ran towards the door. Bago ko pa man mabuksan ang pinto, a gay surprised me.

"Bet ko to, Ma'am. Ang pretty ng junakis niyo! So? Ready ka na ba hija?" tanong niya sa akin and I was stunned

Mom stood beside her and she smiled.

"I hired her to fix you up before your graduation. Pasok ka na, Michele." Mom said and I sat in front of my mirror

The gay started exploring my hair and I just closed my eyes and waited until she finish on what she is doing.

After almost half an hour, thirty minutes to be exact, natapos na siya. I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes bawled when I saw my reflection.

Who is this? Ako ba to? Ghad! Ibang iba ang itsura ko.

My hair was curled to be wavy. My side bangs where also curled up a bit to emphasize it a bit. Ate Michele also braided some of my hair and tied it in the middle. Ang cute.

My face was also different. From a simple lip balm, Ate Michele applied a light makeup on my face. Ang ganda.

"Thank you po" I said and she smiled

"You are always welcome hija. Alis na ako ha? Don't worry about your makeup. Waterproof ang mga ginamit ko diyan. Bye hija, good luck on your graduation day!" Ate Michele said before exiting my room

Kinuha ko na yung black toga ko at bumaba na. Mom was waiting in the living room together with Dad. They were watching television.

"Amber! My daughter grown into a fine lady. Hug Daddy, dear." Dad welcomed and I smiled before embracing him

"Aww. Sama niyo naman ako" Mom stated and joined our group hug

We stayed there for about five minutes before walking to the garage. Sumakay kami sa family car together with the family driver 

And now, we are heading to the university. Madali lang naman bago kami nakarating.

When we arrived, the school was surrounded with various cars at maingay na sa loob ng campus.

Pumasok kami and I fixed my hat before looking for Bryan. I saw Bryan waved his hands together with the other Archi students. He was smiling ear to ear.

"Go on anak. Pumunta ka na kay Bryan. We'll stay with Bryan's parents." Mom stated at umalis na ako

I walk run towards the crowd of Archi students and sat beside Bryan. He smiled before pulling out his camera and taking a picture of me.

"You are so beautiful today, honey." he sweetly said after kong nakaupo

"So do you" I replied shortly

We took a lot of pictures bago nagsimula ang ceremony. After all the talk, the awarding started.

"Our Magna Cum Laude, Amber Bubbles Aguilar of the BS Architecture!" I heard my name and I happily went to stage and delivered my speech

Everybody clapped their hands and I smiled before walking down the stage. Bryan was up next.

"And we proudly present to you all, the Suma Cum Laude of the Batch 2019 BS Architecture students! Pierce Bryan Villegas!" the host announced and I felt so proud seeing him holding his diploma

He fixed the microphone and smiled at me before starting his speech.

"First of all, congratulations to us all!" he said and raised his diploma

The crowd went wild and shouted with all of their power. I just laughed and shouted along. When the noise calmed down, Bryan resumed.

"So, I just wanted to say thank you, of course, to my parents over there. Without them, I am sure that I won't be here in the first place.  To my professors who molded me to be better and be on top of this stage. To those colleagues who have helped me in everything I do. To my friends who are always by my side. To my brother, Brix who is the reason why I fight. And of course, to this one person who showed me the light out of the darkness. To my one and only, Amber Aguilar. I know that you don't want everyone to know about us but I just wanted to shout it to the world how meaningful you are to me. You are the reason why I still don't give up despite the hindrances I face. Ikaw yun. You are the one who brings color to my dull world. Thank you and I love you." he said and everyone teased us

They cheered for the both of us and I smiled trying to prevent the tears to flow down. Tears of joy, I guess. That was heart whelming. Now I know why Bryan has a special place in my heart.

"Once again, congratulations to all of the BS Architecture students! Congrats to us Batch 2019!" Bryan shouted and we all threw our hats upward

Bryan went down at pumunta sa tabi ko. He threw his hat and took a picture of all the black hats filling the sky. He then faced me and kissed me lovingly.

This will be the first stepping stone on reaching for our dreams.

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