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Chapter 10: Not This Time

Bryan's POV

My what?! The heck is this? This is my engagement party?

"Mom! What is happening?" I asked trying to be calm even though inside I am hysterically cursing every people I know

"Bryan.....I'm so sorry. We just wanted to help Mr. and Mrs. Dela Vega" Mom said on her sweetest tone but that ain't gonna lessen my panic

Madness and sadness is now combining inside of me. I might blow up anytime.

Yes, I have been known to obey everything my father and mother tells me. But this is too much! I even turned down the university that wants to get me for photography just to study business like what my father said. My dreams, my future. I forgot them all just for what they want.

And this, this is what I get? Huh! Unbelievable. Very surprising.

"So, you'll sell me off to people I don't really know? I thought you are on my side, Mom. But I was wrong" I said and Mom got teary eyed

Drama. One thing I really hate about life. Life is full of drama. Psh.

"Bryan...." Mom called me but I refuse to come near her

"No Mom. That's not gonna happen" I said and was about to go when I saw Dad went to where we are

"Bryan!" his thunderous voice occupied all the four corners of the hall which made everybody stopped

"Don't ever turn your back at us! Whether you like it or not, you're going to marry Cassandra Dela Vega! No one shall leave this mansion unless I said so!" he said with full authority

That's how he scares me every time. But no......

"Not this time, Dad" I said and walked out the mansion

I hopped inside my car and before I could go out the gates I saw that ordering everyone around.

I'll take care of him afterwards. I know he'll forgive me. And I am sure of it. Nang makalabas ako ng village ay hindi ko na alam kung saan ako pupunta. I might be rich but I'm not that kind of person that would usually go out every time they have money.

Saan ako pupunta nito? Hindi naman ako pwede sa condo ko ngayon dahil baka tumawag na doon si Dad. Saan ba pwede?

I looked at my watch and saw that it is only 5:20PM. I was staring outside the window of my car when a person came to my head. Amber. I'll go to her.

I drove my car until Amber's address and I stand outside while pushing the doorbell button. After fifteen minutes of waiting the big gates opened.

There I saw a maid in a blue uniform. She came closer to me with two bodyguards with her.

"Ano hong kailangan niyo?" she asked me

Medyo may katandaan na yung maid nila dito but her stares are frightening.

"Pumunta po ako rito para kay Amber" I said and she started dialling something on her phone

She talked to someone and after that she walked towards me with a smile on her face.

"Hinihintay na raw po kayo ni Ma'am Amber sa living room. Maari na po kayong pumasok" she said and gestured someone to open the bigger gates for my car to fit inside

I drove my car until there humongous garden and locked it. I walked until the big brown wooden doors of there mansion. It opened automatically and there I saw a very simple but stunning living room. On a long blue couch sat Amber with a popcorn on her hand. She's laughing while watching KDrama which I certainly know that she wouldn't understand.

I laughed at the thought and walked towards her. When I was about to surprise her she turned her head to me.

"Oh, hey Bryan. What are you doing at my house in this hour? Shouldn't you be reading your lessons? And why so handsome? A guy in a tux just came walking inside my house, now that's new" she said and I was curious if she have breaths left

I smiled weakly and hugged her. This is my medicine. Only she knows how to take care of me.

"I see.......don't worry. Everything's gonna be alright" she said while comforting me

I hugged her tighter and after minutes in that position I made a few distance from Amber enough for me to see her angelic face.

"You're pretty" I stated and Amber made face which made me laugh

"May problema ka nga. Come, I'll escort my patient to his room for tonight" she said and I chuckled

She led me to the marble staircase of their house until a medium sized wooden door painted in white paint.

"This is the guest room but feel free to consider it yours....just for tonight" she said and got the key from her pocket and opened the door

When she opened the door a neat bedroom welcomed us. A King size bed with white sheets and pillows is placed by the window with brown curtains. There is another white door which I presume is the comfort room. There is also a display cabinet when you enter. May mga pictures sa may display cabinet which I assume is yung mga photographs na kinuhanan ni Amber. She likes photography remember? A brown cabinet is placed five meters away from the side of my bed. May side table din where the lampshade and other stuffs are. Their guest room is quite luxurious. It think? Well, it's nice though.

"Halika na. I'll take care of you. Maghanap ka na muna pala ng damit mo diyan sa cabinet. If you want you can take a quick bath. I'll just be in the kitchen to prepare something for you. Sooth yourself." she said before I heard the door shut close

This is my real comfort zone. Kung nasaan si Amber Bubbles Aguilar nandun ang comfort zone ko.

Now ano bang pwedeng damit na gamitin ko ngayon? Hmm....

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