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Chapter 14: Their First Kiss

Bryan's POV:

After we went to Aaron, Amber requested to stay in our house a bit longer. Gusto niya raw matikman ang Japanese recipes ko. Like I have those kinds of things. Note the sarcasm.

I don't have any choice but to try doing what I forgot for years now. I used to love cooking Japanese foods when I was so into watching Anime. But I'm in college now, time is limited for me.

Anyways, I don't have any choice but to make one. Kahit sushi lang. Or I'll also pair it up with a seafood ramen. Nice right? A'right then its settled. Seafood ramen and sushi for lunch.

I wore my apron and went to the kitchen to start cooking. Geez. I'm nervous hut excited at the same time because this will be the first time I'll don't again for years. I'm more on Korean food.

I started doing the sushi first because I want to serve the ramen hot, for more taste. Mas masarap kasi kapag mainit pa. After ten or fifteen minutes I finished doing the sushis and I made twenty of them. Madami tung stock eh.

Now, I'm preparing the ramen. Dalawa lang. After finishing the ramen I took a picture of it together with Amber who is very happy to see it. She is a cutie.

When I told her that it is okay to eat it now, she happily gripped on her chopsticks and started emptying the bowl of seafood ramen.

She was so happy that I got so many stolen pictures of her eating like a five year old kid. Cute.

"Ang sarap! Pwedeng akin na din to?" she asked while pointing to my bowl of seafood ramen

My brows creased but I eventually nodded when I saw her face. Smiling so brightly like the sun and eyes sparkling like thousands of glitters were shattered on it. Psh. Cute.

"Busog na ako! Thank you Bryan! Ang sarap nung luto mo. Hmmm....I would definitely look for it more often. Anyways, ang boring naman ng bahay niyo. Halika labas tayo!" she exclaimed and pulled me outside

She looked from left to right of our house and spotted the perfect spot under a big tree. Coincidentally, that tree was the same tree where I always do my home works on a late afternoon. Mas relaxing kasi dun. Kapag kasi sa kwarto ko mang-iistorbo si Brix. He sometimes gets into my nerves so I prefer staying outdoors than indoors.

I'm adventurous.

"Ha! At last, peace of mind..." Amber murmured as she laid on her back

Luckily, there was a picnic blanket scattered here so she won't be itchy because of the grass. I get bug bites sometimes too. Itchy.

"Hey, want to go for a walk?" I asked and she opened one of her eye to look at me

"Where to?" she asked

"Just by the corner. Want to come?" I asked but she just snorted at me

"Come on!" I said and stood up from my sit

"'s tiring Bryan. I don't want my feet to get numb. May school pa naman bukas..." she insisted but I'm persistent

"How about let's watch the sunset? More fun?" I asked and she eventually stood up

"Haven't I told you that I love sunset? Now, let's go!" she excitedly said and ran towards my car

Gusto rin naman pala eh.

"Wait! I'll just get my keys!" I shouted before going inside to find my keys


After a five minute drive from our subdivision to the beach we decided to get a drink first before walking around. I also brought a jacket for me and Amber. It's windy to start with.

Amber insisted that she would just be the one to buy bottled water for us and I should look for a better spot. She also said that I should find the best spot of the beach for looking at a sunset or else she would leave me here. She's very good at throwing empty threats to me. Usual Amber.

As instructed by Amber I found the best spot in the beach. In the middle. Para maganda diba? Even though this is not the best spot for her she can't leave me, I know she can't. She's still a baby.

"Why did it took you so long?" I asked and she was standing there holding one bottle full of water and one bottle half emptied

"I got thirsty on the way and....there were so many people. I thought I was in a maze! Too dizzying" she said and sat beside me

She asked for my camera so I handed it to her. She then turned it on and started taking pictures. While she is busy with her business I go down to work. I pulled out my phone from my jeans and pushed the icon for my camera. I secretly took some pictures of Amber who is busy taking pictures.

"Bryan! Ayan na! Ayan na!" she excitedly said and positioned the camera

She then took pictures of the sun setting and was not yet satisfied and called a stranger.

"Kuya! Pwede po bang humingi ng favor? Can you take us some pictures?" she asked and the stranger happily accepted the camera

"One, two, three, say cheese!" the stranger shouted and Amber made a peace sign which I just copied

I don't know any posing!

"Thank you, Kuya!" Amber said and started looking at the pictures the stranger took

While she was busy rummaging my camera with the pictures I took my bottled water from the side and opened it.

I am so thirsty. How long are we here anyway? I took a few sip from my water and was about to close it when Amber suddenly pulled it from my grasp.

I was surprised with it that I don't have the chance to say anything until she sipped on it too.

Our first kiss........happened on the beach. Indirect kiss nga lang.

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