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Chapter 7: Her Kind Side

Amber's POV

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock. Is it already seven in the morning?

While stretching my arms, I walked to the bathroom to take a quick bath. Mom and Dad might have left early today. Kahit kasi Sunday may pasok sila sa company.

I reached for my toothbrush and did my thing. After thirty minutes I walked out the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around my body. I went inside my walk-in-closet and looked for a simple clothes.

I picked a black A-line skirt partnered with a simple baby pink long sleeves and I wore a fitted white sando inside. I picked my black boots. I might look like someone who will go to some event with other actors and actresses. I don't care, I want to wear this.

I grabbed my sling bag and told Manang that I'll be doing the same routine again. She nodded and told me that she'll just inform Mom and Dad about it. I told our driver that I'll be the one to drive but he didn't agree with the idea. He drove me to the nearest fast food chain and left me there. He told me to just call him kapag uuwi na ako.

I went inside and stand on the end of the line. When it's time for my order, I told the girl what I want and she nodded and pressed something on the monitor. My bills flashed and I gave her my money. I was waiting for what I ordered when someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned my head around and saw a familiar guy.

"Bryan!" I exclaimed and smiled at him

"Hi, Amber. What are you doing here alone?" he asked and I just shrugged

The girl gave me the foods I ordered and I saw Bryan's eyes widened.

"You ordered that much? Let me help you" he said and I just nodded

He was the one who carried the two big eco bags and he stopped when we were outside the building.

"So, where are you going with all these foods?" he asked and I looked around

"I'm going to where the children are" I said and Bryan's brows creased

"What I mean is, pupuntahan ko yung mga street dwellers." I said and he looked at me with amusement

"You'll just give these away to the street dwellers? I can't let you walk. Come, let's bring these to my car and we'll buy something for them to drink" Bryan said and I was surprised

I happily followed him until his car and he went inside the driver's seat and started the engine.

We went to the supermarket to buy bottled waters for the children. He carried them until his car and off we go.


Bryan's POV

After I went to the playground where I met Aaron, I went home to change my clothes. May bibilhin pala ako. I forgot to buy ingredients for my snack tomorrow.

I decided to buy ingredients for my cookies. Last na to. Not actually last but I'll have myself a food plan for one week. I might have diabetes because of what I eat.

I changed into a white printed shirt and a denim jacket. I also changed into a denim jeans that are not fitted and not oversized. I went out and drove my car to the nearest supermarket.

I bought everything I need and I felt hungry so I decided to go to the nearest fast food. I decided to eat at Jollibee. I parked my car and went inside. Pagpasok ko ay may nakita akong familiar na tao. Kahit nakatalikod pa siya I am pretty sure that she is that girl. I tapped her shoulder and she faced me.

"Bryan!" she exclaimed and smiled at me

"Hi, Amber. What are you doing here alone?" I asked and she just shrugged

I was just standing there when I saw how much her bill was. It was over five thousand for Pete's sake! What did she bought?

"You ordered that much? Let me help you" I said when her order came

I carried the eco bags for her and went outside.

"So, where are you going with all these foods?" I asked while she was looking around

"I'm going to where the children are" I heard her said and my brows creased

"What I mean is, pupuntahan ko yung mga street dwellers." she said and I looked at her with amusement

Unbelievable. Ibang klase. Never encountered someone like this. Talaga.

"You'll just give these away to the street dwellers? I can't let you walk. Come, let's bring these to my car and we'll buy something for them to drink" I said and she nodded to me

I have no plans on being with her today but I was touched to see that there are still some good people left to give what they can gave to those poor.

We headed to the same supermarket I went minutes ago and I bought bottled mineral waters for the street dwellers. I put it on the car's trunk and drove off to where she said that has many street dwellers.

We arrived at a park and there was many people. I got out my car and helped her out. She carried the bags until the children and gave them away while I give them water.

It took us five minutes before the bottled waters I am holding ran out so I went back to my car. I was standing there next to my car when I saw my camera. I grabbed it and started taking pictures of her smiling and laughing along with those strangers.

I slowly put down my camera when I saw her waved at me. She was smiling and then and there I knew that she was different from any other girls I met.

Very different. Different that I can't analyze why my heart is pounding like crazy.

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