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Chapter 1: Pierce Bryan Villegas

Bryan's POV

"Brix! Ba't ang tagal mo?! Halika na! Yung flight natin!" sigaw ko sa kapatid kong ang tagal sa loob ng bahay

I looked at my watch and saw that it is almost time for our nine o'clock flight back to Philippines.

"Aish!" I mumbled to myself and stared impatiently at the house's door

After awhile ay nakita kong tumatakbo palabas ng bahay si Brix. He is wearing his signature square like smile. Kapag kasi ngumingiti siya parang square ang shape ng bibig niya.

He opened the left side door of the backseat and hopped in. I saw the driver opened the car's trunk and put all our baggage.

I saw Mom put out her powder and applied some on her face. She looked at us and smiled.

"Ready for our flight? Your Dad's waiting for us." Mom said and we both smiled

Nauna na kasi si Dad umuwi. There is a sudden meeting with the Board of Directors kaya nauna na siya.

The car started and in no time, we arrived at Incheon Airport. We spend our summer here in Korea to watch our cousin's debut. Not the birthday. Yung debut ng K-POP idol.

I pulled my luggage to the departure area and waited until our time. Medyo delayed yung flight kasi marami daw yung nag-book ng flight.

I sat on the seat next to the window and put on my headphone. I removed my coat and put it inside my back pack.


"We are now approaching Manila International Airport."

I woke up after hearing that and I removed my headphone. When the airplane landed, I went out and walked to our car's direction.

Sumakay ako sa kotse and I waited for Mom and Brix to get in. After awhile, Mom and Brix hopped inside the car. The driver drove us to Dad's company and the three of us went to his office.

"Good evening, Ma'am Bettina. Mr. Villegas is still inside the conference room. Please just sit there and wait for him" Dad's secretary said and Mom nodded

I sat on the long sofa next to Brix who is busy with his PSP.

"Bryan..." I heard Mom said so I looked st her

"Yes Mom?"

"What course do you want?" she asked and that made me think

I'm not yet sure about that matter, of course.

"Honestly speaking, I want to take up BS Architecture. Why Mom?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to know. How about your brother?" she asked and I nudged Brix

"Mom's asking about your course." I said and he put his PSP on the table

"I want to be an engineer. ECE if necessary." he said and continued playing

"Are you sure about those?"

"Yes, Mom" we said in unison

"Will you be happy to work in those field? Seriously speaking, mahirap yan parehas" Mom said

"I'm perfectly sure about it" Brix said and continued playing

Mom landed her gaze to me and I sighed.

"I'm still not very sure but that is what I want, Mom" I said and Mom nodded

"My family!" we all heard and I removed my headphones and put it on the sofa

"Dad!" I exclaimed and hugged him tightly

Brix hugged him after me and Mom kissed Dad. Just a smack.

"So, ready for your new school? Then, let's go!" Dad said and Brix and I raced until Dad's car

I looked for a black Ford and hopped inside the backseat. I searched for my favorite song and I played it.

"No! You cheated!" Brix hissed at me

"No I didn't. I just got here first! Loser!" I said and made an L sign and put it on my forehead

Brix hopped inside the car with a grumpy face.

"I hate you!" he said and pointed at my nose

"Love 'ya brother" I said and he snorted at me

"Kids. Stop fighting. Brix, don't wear that grumpy face. Your Dean might not like you. Don't tease your brother, Bryan. " Mom reminded us

Dad hopped inside the driver's seat and drove the car to the university. Dad showed the guard his ID and the guard let us in.

Dad parked the car and I ran until the entrance of a building. I stood there catching breathe.

I roamed my eyes and my eyes caught a girl. Her hair is styled into a twin braid. She is wearing a pink blouse partnered with a black skirt.

It is unfortunate for me because I didn't saw her face. I was about to follow her when I heard Brix shouted.

"Bryan! Halika na!"

I looked at the girl's direction but I can't see her anymore. I ran towards Brix and we all went to the Dean's office.

"Good evening. I was expecting you. I thought you won't come, Mr. Villegas. Come sit" the Dean said

Naabutan kasi namin siyang papaalis na sana. Mabuti na lang nakita pa namin siya.

Gabi na kasi. Medyo late na rin. Mabuti na lang at kilala ng school si Dad.

I sat next to Brix and he busied his self on looking at the surrounding.

Matagal na nag-usap sina Mom at yung Dean. After that, the Dean welcomed us with a handshake.

Mom said her thank you and the four of us headed to the car.

"Where are we going now?" Dad asked while looking at us in the rearview mirror

"Brix...." I called Brix and gave him a knowing look

"Bryan...." he also called me and we snickered together

"Jollibee!"we shouted in unison

Mom and Dad laughed and Dad nodded.

"Okay. Jollibee it is" Dad said and he started the engine

He turned the steering wheel to the school's gate and greeted the school guard.

I didn't expected that I will fall asleep. Medyo malayo kasi sa school and malapit na Jollibee.

Ginising ako ni Mom and she requested for me to wake Brix up. I stretched my arms and looked at Brix.

"Let us go to Jollibee!"

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