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Chapter 36: Let's Celebrate

Bryan's POV

After the graduation ceremony, we went out to a fancy restaurant together with Amber's family.

We went there on separate cars. Mom, Dad and Brix rode our family car, Amber's parents went there on their own and me and Amber went there riding on my car.

Amber is now on cloud nine screaming all over the place. She is overwhelmed, very. I stared at her and she caught me.

"Stop staring. Look in front. Focus on driving, babe!" she shouted and I stopped driving

Amber flew an inch from her seat but she was safe. I looked at her with wide eyes and tried to catch my breath.

"Oh my god! Why did you stop all of a sudden? You could've have warn me, you know?" she said but my mind is still a mess

"Please say it again....." I said or more like begged her

"Say what?" she was confused and looked at me with her eye brows creased

"The b word." I asked with pleading eyes

She stared at me for awhile and blushed. She might have remembered it already.

"Hindi. Ayoko." she said and crossed her arms across her chest

"Say it or we will not follow the others." I warned and she rolled her eyes

"Fine. Drive now,........babe" she said and blushed


I smiled before starting the car again and followed the others to the restaurant. When we arrived, they are still outside. Probably waiting for us.

"Bakit ang tagal niyo?" Brix said and I slightly punched his shoulders

"Sorry" I said with a smirk but he ignored me and walked inside first

We settled on a long table with Amber beside me. She is currently scanning the whole menu and I think she will order everything in there.

"Thank you" Amber smiled sweetly to the female waitress getting her orders

"What about you sir?" she asked and I bit my lower lip

I'm not hungry. But I have to eat I guess.

"Just a steak and a salad" I stated and Amber looked horrified

"What? Why is your face like that?" I asked and she fanned herself with her palms

"Yun lang ang kakainin mo? Oh no babe. I'll tell her your order" she said and I couldn't argue more

She called me babe for goodness sake! Who would want to argue?

I was smiling all the way until our orders came. Obviously, Amber ordered a feast for me. Can I even finish this all? But having a cute girlfriend by my side that wouldn't be a problem for sure.

We spent the whole meal talking to each other. Mom and Dad asked Amber about her plans now that we are graduates.

I was silently eating by myself when Tita Angeline called me.

"Po?" I respectfully answered

"Do you have any plans on the upcoming days, Bryan dear?" she asked and I smiled before answering

"Well I would probably spend a couple of days in Korea for, you know, a little time off. I would like to rest and have fun there." I stated and Amber stopped eating

"Korea? You never told me you were going." she said pouting and I pinched the bridge of her nose

"I was supposed to tell you tomorrow or maybe later but at least now you know. And oh, by the way Tita" I said and looked at Tita Angeline

"Yes Bryan?" she asked and I smiled

"I would love it if I could go with Amber there. Can she....come with me?" I asked unsure

They may not allow Amber because you know, they might also go somewhere.

"Oh help yourself. She can go as long as she is with you. We will always say yes." they answered

I smiled and thanked them calmly but inside I'm screaming, as gay as it sounds, but hell yeah! Amber will be with me for five days in Korea! Who wouldn't like that?

"Really Mom? Dad?" she asked like a five year old which is given a candy

"Oh yes honey. You can go." her Dad said and she squealed

She resumed eating the food she ordered and I smiled to myself before finishing my food. The meal ended shortly after that and the ladies insisted on going shopping. It's just 1 in the afternoon and I think we can still go but the others complained.

"Come on, honey. Aren't you tired after all the events today?" Dad asked Mom and she smacked Dad playfully

"Honey, I will never be tired when it comes to shopping. Right, Angeline?" Mom asked Tita

"Oh of course, Bettina. Shopping is everything!" she exclaimed and they snickered like kids

"Let's just let them do whatever they want. They're still the boss, right?" Tito said and Dad laughed

We all went to the mall and I knew why Dad refused coming here. It's hell.

"Told you we shouldn't have let them." Dad said while catching his breath

"You're right this time." Tito said and they sighed at the same time

I returned my stare inside the boutique. The three girls were everywhere. Mom and Tita might have even went back to their twenties. I scratched my head and yawned.

"What do you all say we sneak out and drink a little alcohol?" Tito said and surprisingly Dad nodded

"That is a great idea. Come on boys, let's leave them here." Dad said and Brix smiled and followed them out

I was hesitating whether to follow them or not. I can't leave Amber here.

"Come on, Bryan! Amber won't be missing." Brix said and pulled me together with them

We walked to the bar and Dad ordered beer. Brix ordered a wine and so do I. I don't want to get wasted today.

Having two older guys being wasted because of beer is enough. I don't want to add up.

After a few hours drinking and eating, Dad and Tito are now knocked out in the sofa.

"Shall we carry them?" Brix asked and I shook my head

"Let's just call the drivers to do it." I suggested and he nodded in response

We were just sitting there staring at a spot when the three ladies appeared in front of us.

"You boys are all pain in the neck" Mom said and called the driver and so do Tita Angeline

I walked towards Amber and she smiled.

"Glad you are not drunk" she said and I smirked

"I don't drink. Just for today. So how did your shopping go?" I asked diverting the topic from me to her

She smiled before telling me how fun and all it was. I'm happy that she is happy.

I couldn't wish for more, I guess.

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