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Chapter 5: On My Side

Bryan's POV

After ko pumunta sa library I headed to the parking lot. I hopped inside my car and drove it until the house.

Pagdating ko dun, nakita ko na yung kotse na gamit nina Mom nung pumunta sila sa airport.

I went out the car and walked until the living room. There, I saw many big boxes and may malaking brown teddy bear din dun. Okay? Para kanino ang mga to?

Mom might've bought too much pasalubong para saamin. I groaned and looked for Mom. Nakita ko siya sa kwarto nila ni Dad na nag-aayos ng walk-in-closet niya.

"Mom! I missed you!" I said and ran to her for a hug

"Bryan! You came home late than what I expected" Mom said and I scratched my head for what she said

"Anyways, wala pa rin naman pala si Brix. He should be here any moment now...."

"Mom!" and here he is

Brix ran to hug Mom and Mom on being too delighted to see us pulled me for a group hug. I have no choice but to join them. After awhile another pair of arms circled us three.

"Dad!" Brix and I shouted at him

He was hugging us too tightly.

"Kayo ah! I'm starting to hate you two. Why is that when your Mom hugs you two, you don't complain but when its my turn, ah! Never mind!" Dad whined and I snickered at him

"My boys! How's school? It's been awhile. I heard from your Professors that you're doing great. Great job on that" Dad said but instead of being g flattered because of that compliment it made me lose a little hope

Mom might've seen me because she pulled me away from that.

"Hon...ibibigay ko lang kay Bryan yung pasalubong ko. Just wait for me here okay?" Mom said and Dad just nodded while talking to Brix about business

Hindi man halata but Brix has this passion towards owning and running a company. And if my hunch is right siya ang magmamana ng company.

"Bryan? Come...." Mom called me and we headed to the garden where our little gazebo stands

There a table was standing and four chairs are surrounding it. There was a little blue box with a ribbon in a darker shade of blue.

"What is this, Mom?" I asked and Mom just gave me a knowing look

"It's for you to find out. Open it" Mom said while pointing at the box

I sat down the chair and started loosening the ribbon. I lifted the lid of the box and I was surprised to see what was inside.

"You really bought me this? Thank you Mom!" I said and hugged her tightly

"It's not visible but I support you on that" Mom said while hugging me back

"I love you Mom" I said and she caressed my back

"I love you too Bryan. Pursue your dreams" was what she said before I saw myself holding my new camera

Now the hope I lose moments ago came back twice than what I expected. I have another person on my side.

A camera means that she is supporting me. Now I have more hope.


Amber's POV

"Really?! You aral na din there?" Denise asked

And here I was face palming while listening to her questions. She is a certified CK. Conyo Kid based to Denise.

"Yep. I'm very excited Denise. May nakilala kasi ako sa school" I told her while stirring the cake mixture I made

"Who?! Tell me! Tell me!" Denise said excitedly

"He's Bryan. And we're friends!" I said while smiling from ear to ear

"Bryan?! As in the Pierce Bryan Villegas?! Really?! You're so maswerte talaga. You should pakilala me sometimes" she said and I nodded

I put the cake mixture into the oven and stood there to look at Denise.

"Anyways, I have to go na pala. Mommy wants me to uwi na because of that family gathering. I'll be going. Bye bye!" she said and hugged me before walking until the doorsteps

She turned her head to me and smiled. I smiled back and waved my hand. I sighed when she left and untie the ribbon on the apron. I put it on the drawer tidy and neat. I went out the kitchen and told our maid to look after the cake I was baking. I also told her to bring the one whole chocolate cake with icings and such on my room.

I went upstairs and started preparing my assignments. I will also read the books I bought about my major subjects. Advance reading is really helpful for me.

After that, I faced my laptop to search for some information's I want to have some more explanation. Minsan kasi nahihirapan ako sa pag-cope up sa lessons.

I might also spend the remaining time drawing and looking for beautiful designs on the internet.

I walked until the bookshelf next to my bed and searched for my personal portfolio. I made this when I started drawing my dream house.

Kapag nag-asawa ako, ito ang dapat na design ng bahay. I'll be the one in charge for our house. I smiled at the thought of having someone as my husband. But for now, mag-aaral muna ako.

May test ata kami bukas. I might have overheard a conversation of teachers on the building's hallway. They were talking about giving a surprise test tomorrow on Architecture students.

I should read my books now. I was busy reading when I heard someone knock.

"Come in!" I said and the door opened

Our maid went inside my room and she bowed her head to show respect.

"Sabi po ng Mommy niyo ay bumaba na raw po kayo. Aalis daw po kayo" she said and I rose up from my seat

"Okay. Thank you" I said as I plastered a smile on my face

I went out and look for Mom. And then off we go.

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