The beginning

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~Chapter 1~

The philosopher's stone

A loud thump filled the spacious inside of the Tomlinsons' library as Louis' tiny hands let go of the old book. Instead they flew up and cupped his cheek, feeling the wetness of his tears that definitely didn't sooth the stinging.

His eyes never stopped watering as he watched his father with quivering lips, hoping to disappear by making himself as small as possible.

"I do not need said book anymore, get out."

"But father you just told me to find..."

"GET OUT!...useless fool." The end was a lot more hushed but Louis still heard him. He, like always, didn't try to defend himself simply turned on his heel and ran out of the room. His tears were blurring his vision but he never halted until he was behind the locked doors of safety. His room.

"I wish mummy would be here right now." He whispered softly to his kitten, Grumpy, letting her cuddle up to him while he let more sobs to escape.

His mother was away for the day, doing something confidential with her sister. Louis hated to be left alone with his father as he never seems to be able to please him with anything he does.

'You're a disappointment.'

'Do better.'

'We do not talk to mudbloods.'

'Is it really that hard to get out of my way?'

'Worthless fool.'

Somewhere along the horrible thoughts that kept reminding him how his father feels about his only child and the soft purring of his kitty, he fell into a dreamless rest, not waking up until the next day.


When he was awakened, he was happy to see that his mum was back and he also felt exceedingly hungry just now realising that he indeed skipped every single meal yesterday.

"Get ready Lou, we're going to shop for school. This is going to be so exciting, your first year at Hogwarts. We're so proud of you baby." Caring lips pressed against his forehead, but he was not fooled, he knew that the plural was there out of fear or maybe some bizarre love that his mother still held for the monster Louis called his dad. Lucius Tomlinson.

He simply nodded and did as told, making sure to sneak some toasts out of the kitchen that he munched on while waiting for his parents. His father was talking to someone and he learned by now not to disturb him.

"Let's take the portkey." Louis wasn't sure why they'd use that horrible thing instead of their trusty floo powder over even an Apparate spell but he just walked over, not trying to annoy his father.

All three of them grabbed the knob on the carved edge of their fireplace and Louis felt the pressure from all sides, as he was yanked away harshly as soon as the clock striked 8.

His eyes shut tightly, trying to will away the nausea that was creeping up on him, holding his stomach in a vice grip.

"Dear, just go to Ollivanders and pick a wand, your father and I will start getting the rest." Louis without a word walked to do as told. He took a deep breath as soft chiming of the bell rang through the drudgery shop.

"Well hi there my child."

"Hi." Louis squealed in return to the old man getting off of a ladder. "First wand?"


He stared at him a little longer making him feel uncomfortable under his curious, intense gaze but soon he ran towards a shelf and took a wand.

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