Get used to it

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~Chapter 22~

The goblet of fire

Beads of sweat were running down the tiny lad's face but he kept running. Obnoxious screeching was following right behind him and screams were echoing through the meadow. He jumped over a tent, running faster truly pushing himself.

"Stupor." He knew he was not supposed to, he shouldn't do such things to Death Eaters as if his father finds out he's literally dead but at that moment he just wanted to get away.

He felt tears welling up in his eyes, anxious shivers making his skin break out in goosebumps upon seeing the dark mark. He wanted to run and get away but he wasn't even sure if that's possible anymore.

Turning on his heel and starting to run he saw a shadow. Yet another Death Eater but this one was heading towards another form. After further inspection Louis realised it's Harry. He groaned but ran towards them, really hoping that he's in luck today.

"Duro!" He waved his wand and turned a tent that was in his way into hard as stone, injuring the man. "Run." His hand was grabbed right away both of them taking off. They kept up in an inhuman speed, Louis running ahead of Harry and dragging him with.

"Use those long legs Styles." He heard him panting but he was no better himself, he was covered in dirt and felt like he'll collapse at any given second now, but they couldn't stop.

Voices reached them and this time they were looking for Harry. As the tiny lad's eyes fell onto the Weasleys he let go of Harry even though he wasn't cooperating.

"Wait stay here, we'll be safe."

"I'm safe anyways." With that he took off, leaving Harry by himself ducking down behind another tent just in time as the adults and his friends reached him.

He got out of there as soon as he was capable and went back home. He really hoped that at least his year at Hogwarts will be smooth and non-problematic.

After the first dinner that was pretty much confirmed. He would never even do something like the Triwizard Tournament and maybe that will bring some peaceful days here for him, everyone focusing on the game. He was also only 14 but that awkward age meant something maybe even worse.

" that's what I did with her. How about you Louis? Did you get a girlfriend as well?" He felt tempted to ignore Crabbe but he knew that first that be rude and he usually isn't meaningfully a jerk and secondly it would just come out wrong if he gets offended by such a simple question.

", not really I was pretty busy."

"What about Pansy? She didn't even try anything? You know she's head over heels for you." Louis shifted uncomfortably but tried to act annoyed instead.

"Really not my cup of tea, we're only friends." He wasn't even sure why he felt so bad about all of this, but apparently as a teenage boy he's supposed to look at girls differently but he still saw them as before. Except a selective few they were all exasperating. He felt like about most people in general.

After supper he took a quick shower and left the dungeons like usually, staying under his charm until he reached the library.

"I see you still like to wear two jumpers." He almost jumped out of his skin, staring wide-eyed at the curly-haired lad.

"How did you find me?"

"You're always here. Are you actually studying potions right now?" Louis just huffed in return deciding that the best method here would be to ignore the git and hope he'll get the message.

" that's pretty much my whole summer. But don't get me wrong I love spending time with Ron's entire family and it's not like I was keen on hanging out with the Dursleys so it was more of like a win-win. I'd just really appreciate if this whole tournament would take away all the attention for once and I could have a calm year. What are you even studying? The school year hasn't even started yet."

He was so incredibly wrong. Ignorance clearly won't cut it. "It's called revising Styles, try it sometime." He gritted his teeth at this point, simply wanting to study not listen to Harry's summer. Because if it would have been someone else he would have just closed it out but somehow he wasn't able to do that to the taller lad's rambling.

"How was your summer?"

"Jesus Christ Styles, bloody amazing." He watched his face form a little pout, making him angrily shut the book.

"What do you want to know?"

They ended up talking for almost three hours which meant that they needed to get back to their dorms hurriedly. Louis tried hard to conceal the fact that he exceedingly enjoyed their conversation, not wanting Harry to know that.

"Want to hear a joke?" Louis groaned as they were still under the cloak, the git knowing well that this time he has nowhere to run.

"No, I really don't and I'd appreciate if you'd be a doll and wouldn't..."

"What is a cat's favourite song?"

"First of all I said no, learn how to accept a rejection. Secondly you should work on your mannerism as interrupting someone is not a proper way of communication. And finally why are you so obsessed with cats?"

"I just love them and I hope to meet yours soon. When can I?" Louis rolled his eyes but his response was cut off by the lanky boy. "Three Blind Mice." For a second he didn't even get what he was on about but as soon as he remembered the joke he sighed not even replying to that.

"And here's our final destination the dungeons. Thank you for using this way of transportation, hope to have you back."

"I genuinely don't know why I'm putting up with this, where did I go wrong?"

Harry shrugged the cloak off of his head as well after letting Louis out from underneath. "Have a lovely night Louis." He couldn't help his grin upon seeing those green-green eyes shining, his entire face litting up with a wide smile.

"You too idiot and if you stop telling jokes I'll let you hang out with my kitten."

"You're a cruel person Tomlinson." He giggled softly, stifling the sound with his dainty hands and waved at Harry.

"You should have gotten used to that by now."

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