The truth?

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~Chapter 39~

"Okay so first let me just say this." Louis watched horrified how Harry started to talk and hopped off of the table. "No, Styles, let me think." His grasp was pushed away by Harry who walked deliberately towards their teachers.

"Before even as much as explaining which we can do by the way. Let me just say that I technically forced Louis, I mean Tomlinson, to come with me so this is fully on me."

"That's not..."

"So everything started a few weeks before..." It was almost like the curly-haired lad was telling a tale making Louis even more anxious. What was he doing?

"I had a dream but it was very different. I do not really expect any of you to understand since first none of you ever dream with Voldemort and second you don't even believe me about anything anyways. But you wanted the truth so back to my story. I started having this same exact dream but it's very odd, like it would be a memory but here's the twist not my memory but Voldemort's. I know creepy, trust me I feel the same. Anyways in said memory I keep seeing this door and so far I wasn't able to tell where it's located but today it struck me." Harry clapped his hands dramatically, making a few flinch while Louis was listening with his mouth hanging open.

"It's in the Ministry of Magic. Now obviously this raises the question why would Voldemort want a ball from said place and what does this has to do with me? It looks like a prophecy if you're wondering, the ball I mean. Anyways, getting distracted, I figured it is probably mine if I dream of it in which case I should go a get it before Voldemort could. Following me so far?" Harry was pacing up and down and Louis almost believed that that's what they just did. He was good.

"Now personally only been to said ministry once when I was charged and threaten to go to Azkaban for using magic in front of a muggle who happened to be my cousin who knows I'm a wizard but yet again this is an unimportant detail. So I thought who do I know that is smarter than me and could be forced to help? Louis! I mean Tomlinson, and that's pretty much it." Harry started to walk out but turned back almost like he forgot something.

"Oh silly me, we didn't even find the door and came back, that's the end. Here." He pulled his wand and casted something that Louis has never seen before, it was almost like a mirror but made out of liquid.

The curly-haired lad pulled a thought out of his mind and guided it into the mirror. "I'll go and do my packing."

Louis watched as he literally walked out like he actually just took full blame here which he certainly did. He watched the memory fold out, showing the two of them in the hospital wing.

"Sounds fair to me." They reached the right wing and just as the taller lad said there was a portkey. They made sure to distract Madam Pomfrey, leading her into the other wing of the hospital.

"How sure are we Styles? We'll be expelled for this, maybe we should just..."

"We've done worse before, come on." Louis let his hand be guided on top of Harry's, closing his eyes tightly.

His eyes locked with Snape's one last time as the whole thing disintegrated but he didn't know what to do.

"If you expel the git then you have to do the same to me. Oh and by the way Harry would have never done any of this if any of you would even as much as listen. And by any I mean you, Dumbledore. Even when we were still on summer break he was trying to talk to you." With that he walked out as well, not sure if he made things worse or not.

Instead of going to the dungeons he walked until he reached the fat lady. He pulled his wand after making sure no one sees but many paintings still gasped. He shook his head and focused. Styles was able to do this before.

He guided his patronus up assuming the curly-haired lad is actually packing. Soon he came down and let Louis in. This year he didn't get the chance to learn their password before.

They ended up not saying a word just packing together, Harry organising most of his books and miscellanies while Louis folded his clothes into his case neatly.

Soon they were interrupted by a knock and Dumbledore came in with Snape and McGonagall close behind.

"You can stop that, neither of you is expelled just yet." They shared a look both feeling that this will be a long talk but they got through it.

Louis was pretty grateful for the lie, not just because his secret was safe but this way the taller lad was able to talk and he truly needed that. He was going through something that Louis was sure was beyond both of them and telling it to adults should have been the first thing among their priorities.

"You both need to serve quite the detention though since Umbridge wasn't touched by your story and breaking into the ministry." They plainly agreed not really sure what else they could have done.

"That's it, both of you go to sleep for today and tomorrow you'll report at Hagrid for said detention."

"Forbidden forest again?" They said in unison and their old headmaster nodded with a smile. Certainly dying is fun.

As soon as they stepped out, Gryffindors came in all expecting to talk to Harry until their eyes fell on Louis.

"Well as lovely as this all was I wish to have nothing to do with you or this horrible place so bye." Harry chuckled but it wasn't the right time so the tiny lad simply fled the scene feeling slightly bad for leaving him to deal with all of that.

He felt just as bad for himself when he reached his own common room and needed to deal with the same.

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