Polyjuice potion

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~Chapter 10~

Things weren't getting any better, now an actual student was petrified and people started to take this more seriously. Louis was still not sure that he believes that the Chamber of Secrets was opened again. What could possibly be the monster that petrifies everyone but is not killing them? Last time there was a murder. Wouldn't it be the same creature?

It was already the afternoon and instead of focusing on his Charms homework, Louis was browsing the library for dangerous creatures. There were plenty of them but none of them really fitted the description.

Louis needed to find something that is able to petrify someone and also kill them, while according to his father only the true heir of Slytherin is able to control it. That part was the least clear for the tiny lad. How is one supposed to know that? How would the beast know that?

He gave up when it was time for supper, not fully able to fathom that he spent the entire afternoon looking for this. After dinner he simply headed back to the common room, knowing all too well that his friends take ages to eat.

Maybe even a little sooner than he expected they came back so the feathery-haired lad put away his book that he was reading, raising his electric blue eyes to his mates. The lads looked odd, almost like they're lost but as their eyes locked they looked determined again, coming over.

Still, for whatever reason in front of the couch they stayed put, not moving to sit. Louis was sure that there's something going on but couldn't quite put a finger on it.

Nothing at all was adding up, but he felt intrigued if anything. "Well why aren't you sitting down?"

They did as told right away, seemingly eager for something. "What is it?" Louis' eyebrows were furrowed as he kept watching the two lads. Goyle was staring at him since he stepped a foot in and Crabbe looked simply bizarre, like they wouldn't be themselves.

"Do you know who the heir of Slytherin is? I mean you must have some ideas." For whatever reason it clicked in Louis' mind and he was almost one hundred percent sure. This has to be the polyjuice potion and someone is trying to screw him over. He definitely talked about this with the real lads.

"Great question. I also have one, how's your mother Goyle?" He blinked twice dumbly before nodding his head. "Really good, how's yours?" A wide smirk stretched on his face because he's a genius.

"Very well, thank you for asking, and don't be silly you guys know that I was the one who opened the chamber. We've talked about this." A mischief smile played on his lips upon watching the two idiots shocked and freak out but try to act like they didn't.

"Oh yeah, silly us." Louis leaned forward and let his voice come out soft in a whisper.

"And we both know that my little creature is there to kill mudbloods but I can definitely make an exception and set it to kill Styles." Crabbe stood up threateningly while Goyle kept watching him. That was more than enough confirmation.

"Now I'd advise you two idiots to get the hell out of our common room before I make you." He leaned back against the couch, keeping a hard glare on the gits.

"What?" Both boys looked utterly perplexed, still not realising that the tiny lad was toying with them.

"I said it loud and clear. I understand that you think I'm stupid but not this much Styles." Goyle's mouth dropped open but nothing came out, seemingly both of the twerps were caught off guard.

"Oh and if you idiots did anything to my real friends I'll make sure to get both of you expelled. Anyways maybe look a little closer to home it's you who can speak parseltongue not me. Come on Grumpy." His kitten hissed loudly and followed him up the stairs into the dormitories.

He had no idea why but he felt exceedingly pleased with himself. Perhaps because they weren't able to fool him but with that feeling he kind of felt hurt and relieved. Styles actually believes that he's the one with the desire to kill people. That has to mean that first he has not managed to figure Louis out and second he really isn't seeing anything more in him than any other person here.

"Well, well, well. What's up boys?" Crabbe and Goyle entered their room, looking disoriented.

"We have no idea what have happened, we were just walking back from supper and the next thing we know is that we woke up in the cleaning closet."

"Strange things happen lads, that's just life." Louis knew that there's no point in telling them what have actually happened. It's not like they'd particularly care anyways so why bother.

Instead they stayed up late and talked about all sorts of things. And to be fair Louis did not for a second believed that Styles was the heir, he just wanted to annoy the two gits. Where did they leave the third one anyways?

Letting go all of these thoughts he simply let himself relax and fall asleep, welcoming the dreamless night that came to him.

Well only while it was dreamless.

A/N: I've gotten not one BUT THREE pms from different people on how this story is not having enough 'action'. I'm sorry but they're bloody eleven here, if you don't want to wait for them to get together then please stop now because it will take a hot second.

That's it, I'll double update for those of you who care!

All the love, xx

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