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~Chapter 18~

"Okay so first things first, it is Expecto Patronum and do it like this." Louis showed the wand movement that appeared to be pretty simple actually.

Harry followed along and said the two words with great care.

"Now the harder part. The point of this spell is to make a shield, that's all it is. And you have to do that with happiness now stay with me on this." Harry kept his eyes locked on the tiny lad's face as he was deep into describing how to do it.

"You have to imagine something happy. A memory that makes you feel joyful, think of the best one you have. And just try it."

Harry did as told, visioning his first day at Hogwarts and saying the spell, it didn't even make a flare let alone a full shield.

"Alright now let's try it again but this time do as I said. I said imagine your best memory, you didn't even smile. You have to find something powerful Styles, a thought or image that makes your heart fill with warmth and your lips to stretch upwards even if you don't want to smile. Try again but do a better job." That sounded a little harsh but Harry knew that all he wanted was to help him, he wouldn't be here otherwise.

"What changed your mind?"

"What do you mean?" Louis was caught off guard, raising his gaze from Harry's lips to his eyes by the question instead of the action. Maybe he thought Harry was pronouncing it wrong or something.

"Why did you decide to help me?"

"Because I know what it's like, I've been terrified of dementors when I was younger and after Lupin's class it just truly clicked how serious you actually are. Why aren't you afraid of Voldemort?"

"I've literally never met anyone who says his name but me."

"I'm not afraid of a name, that's just foolish but being scared of him, it's dumb not to, so?"

"I am, I guess it just doesn't really phase me that much. I'm used to it, which probably sounds insane but I pretty much met him three times now and still he did nothing to me."

"Happy memory Styles." Harry closed his eyes and tried again, glad that the shorter boy didn't voice any further thoughts of his on the matter. He imagined flying, it was his favourite thing to do ever. He saw himself carefree gliding almost weightlessly amongst the clouds.

"Expecto Patronum." This time it was a tad bit better, he managed to make a few sparks of whitish blue to emit from his wand but it was still a weak attempt. He felt drained though, like he'd be able to fall asleep standing up.

"I think that has to be it for today. If that means anything you're doing a lot better than I did the first time. Just go and rest, try to come up with something better, you must have at least one of those amazing memories."

Harry followed Tomlinson out of the bathroom and they started to head along the corridor.

"Thank you so much for teaching me, can we meet again? Tomorrow?"

"No we'll have a potions test. Maybe the day after." Harry simply agreed, he probably should learn anyways. "Want to hear a joke?"

"No, absolutely not why would I?"

"You're going to anyways. So what kind of ship has two mates but no captain?"

"You're not being serious right now. Please my lord what have I ever done to deserve this?"

"A relationship." Harry laughed loudly at his own, quirky joke and it must have been contiguous because the tiny lad cracked a smile as well. He tried to stifle his giggles but he broke and laughed along softly.

His dainty hands were hiding his lips while his eyes crinkled up, shining even brighter than usual. Harry wasn't sure why but he never wanted to see anything else in his life. He looked so precious like that and the curly-haired lad felt obligated to make this his goal in life. He needs to keep that smile on the smaller lad's face.

Unfortunately they needed to split up, really not heading in the same direction and while Tomlinson was sneaking down the halls, gracefully almost like a cat would, Harry threw the cloak over himself because he was no good at that kind of elegant movement.

"Where were you?" Harry jumped ten feet in the air, feeling his heartbeat quicken by the adrenalin. Ron was sitting in his bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly while having a questioning expression.

"Just wanted to take a little walk. Couldn't sleep properly, but now I feel knackered so just go back to bed."

His friend did as told and Harry wasted no time in crawling into his bed. He barely even achieved anything but he was done for the day, feeling like he could sleep for weeks if he wouldn't be bothered.

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