First day

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~Chapter 3~

Louis was always an early riser and that obviously didn't change now that he was here. He got ready quickly and after waiting for Crabbe and Goyle, he walked out of the dungeons confidence emitting off of his tiny frame.

The pair just followed him, looking utterly lost. Louis himself was sure he'd be the same but he took the same exact route that their prefect has shown and soon they were walking into the Great Hall. He walked to the Slytherin table like he owned it, grabbing some toast for himself.

He was starting to get impatient, his fingers drumming on the table while his friends kept eating.

"How much can you eat? I'll leave both of you right about now." He knew that wasn't the kindest but Transfiguration was their first class and he was barely able to contain his excitement. In addition he didn't want to be late and was positive he only knows the more time consuming way there.

Without one more word he got up and walked towards the doors. As he stepped through he heard both of his friends following, still munching on whatever. He didn't mind that instead walked along the corridors, taking his steps rapidly still making sure to let the other two catch up when he turned corners.

Five minutes into the class the door opened and Styles ran in with Weasley, both panting out of breath and slowing down upon seeing that McGonagall wasn't there.

"Huh, we made it before her." Louis shook his head, exactly what he wanted to avoid badly and went back to writing. He still couldn't help the smirk that stretched on his lips when the two idiots gasped as the professor shifted from her cat form.

The classes flew by and between each, Tomlinson was walking along the halls, trying to map out everything. Obviously he knew well that he might not know all of Hogwarts by the time he finishes but he was making an effort to do his best at finding his classes at least.

Louis was laughing with the rest of his fellow mates at a first year Hufflepuff who was just cursed by him. It was a simple babbling curse, nothing extreme and he clearly gained recognition for already being able to use his magic like that.

After they ate, everyone was sticking around, talking and Louis himself was in a deep conversation with Blaise when they heard screeching. Everyone turned towards the windows, dozens of owls flying through.

"Mail time." A distant voice yelled, one that wasn't distinguished by the tiny lad. He simply watched as the birds started to drop packages and letters off. His blue eyes soon found a lot bigger bird that looked almost scary next to the others.

It only made him smile wildly as his family's eagle owl, dropped a package in front of him. He clasped the wrapped up thing and let his fingers caress the magnificent creature. With that Bonbon took off, not waiting around for treats like most trained owls would. He was never sure how he was taught but he did know that the bird was loyal to his family.

After watching how he flew back out, he ripped the pack open and smiled widely as his eyes fell on the treats inside. For once it was an honest smile and that only meant one thing. His mother.

Narcissa was one of the only people who Louis actually loved and respected. His mum was always kind even to those who did not deserve such compassion, she was also the smartest person that he knew and he aspired to turn out like her. Even in the worst of situations and amongst the worst of people, she managed to stay true to herself.

The problem starts with Louis not even knowing who he is.

Shaking off the thoughts, not liking the worry they brought he simply opened the letter, feeling so loved as he read the few lines of encouragement. He could technically see his mother being proud and that made him feel incredibly grateful.

After he let the others eat the expensive chocolate that was sent to him, he got up to leave. Crabbe stood right away, grabbing Goyle and following him out. He already had power over them, the two clearly being fine to just follow. He tried hard not to question why or to let himself ponder over the fact that he hates and cannot make decisions.

The afternoon went by in the blink of an eye, Tomlinson got rid of the idiots and spent hours at the library, he got absolutely lost among the lovely books and was gathering as much knowledge as possible. All the while he tried to be invisible not wanting to be seen studying.

When he was done for the day, his night went by similarly as yesterday. He fell asleep cuddling his kitten close and basking in the warmth his covers provided.

He has learned that much at least, if he wants to stay balmy then he needs to be in his bed as literally every inch of the dungeons was freezing cold.

A/N: Completely unrelated but do you guys ever feel like you'll never find love. Like the kind of instantly clicking and like the whole building of trust, like that person who will tolerate your flaws instead of asking you to change them? I've been feeling like that a lot lately, like I'm expected to just settle for someone who does not get me because I'm not getting any younger and everyone always pressures how I should already have someone.

Anyways that was uncalled for and I'm sorry about it.

Hope you guys are having a wonderful day/night!

All the love, xx

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