Mad plan

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~Chapter 30~

So Louis' genius idea was to pull a prank on her. It took him some time to convince Styles and his reasoning about Skeeter not stopping here definitely helped him in his quest.

"So we'll need a few things from here."

"This is a horrible idea." Harry was clearly not fond of the fact that they were technically breaking into Snape's storage, but worst casinerio Louis will need to apologise and do some odd detention with Harry. They'll be fine.

"Snape will literally expel us. No he'll expel you and kill me on the spot."

"He wouldn't, I'm right next to you, even if we get caught he wouldn't punish me so harshly."

"Why are you so sure?" Louis started to grab things they'll need and handed them over to the curly-haired lad. "Because he's my godfather."

"What?" Louis looked towards him, for a second confused then groaning loudly. "Urgh...your turn." He was met with an exaggerated eye roll but could tell that Harry was thinking.

He somewhere along their friendship stopped questioning Louis' reasoning and just went with it. So each time a secret of his slipped or was told, he wholeheartedly expected one in return and at this point the taller lad has grown used to that.

"I've never kissed anyone before." Louis' hands halted, the response catching him off guard. "I barely have anything left, you know everything about me. I genuinely don't have an exciting life."

"Well it's not like you couldn't change that so I'm not worried for you."

"Who was your first kiss? Does she go here?" Louis grabbed the last ingredient and started to head towards the prefect's bathroom where they can brew this potion.

"I've never kissed anyone either."



Silence fell between the two while he opened the door for Harry who was carrying most of their stuff. Louis started to put everything together, first needing to bring it to a boil and then let it sit for a few weeks. It had multiple incubation times between adding the rest of the ingredients but starting right now they'll have it ready soon enough, before the next task.

"Well you could also always change that."

"Change what?" Louis had no clue what the curly-haired lad just referred to.

"I mean I'm sure any girl would love to kiss you." Louis' nose scrunched up from the thought. He does not want to kiss any of them. Maybe he could kiss...

"Please I'm so above all of these trolls." He shook away his thoughts, cutting them off even before they would truly form.

"When will this be ready?"

"In three weeks and two days. Why?"

"Because we'll be only able to use it for four hours then it goes bad."

"What?" Louis didn't remember that detail but this one time Styles was actually right even though they were making a potion. Well he basically simply read but still with him one can never know.

"Well we do it then."

"Louis how are we supposed to sneak around when we can't even be seen together. That's the literal date of the Yule Ball."

"That's perfect then she will be actually here, otherwise we could have only done it on the interviews."

"No, you're still not getting me, we'll need dates and shit, how will we get away from all of it to do this? I even need to dance as an opening number. I've never even danced in my life."

"We'll figure that bit out."


Louis was so uncertain of this entire plan by the time he tied his bowtie that he was questioning his entire existence. This will make a huge impact and they might be making everything worse. No, not might, for sure.

There was no turning back now though, it was already the night of the ball and he can't just not show up, he promised to be there. This once he'll just have to suck it up and get through with the plan. He was praying that at least it will be worth it.

He wasn't even sure how either of them thought that this was a good idea for a second. Maybe they both lost their minds at some point.

He also tied up his shoes and watched his roommates get ready as well. "You can go without me I'll be taking a detour." They didn't question him and he also managed to get out of the article, telling that it's obviously bollocks.

He squeezed some tooth paste onto his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth for the second time that night. He was never one to procrastinate but right then he did everything in his power to just delay this whole plan.

He still couldn't lock himself into the dorm as tempting as that was so he pulled it together and with one final look he left the dungeons. He at least wanted to look good if everyone will undoubtedly stare.

He reached the stairs and Harry was waiting at the bottom looking pretty on the edge, probably not so happy with their plan either. No turning back now. Louis hopped down the stairs, trying desperately to picture their little trick working out amazingly.

"Are you ready?" Still he had a flicker of hope that somehow they'll end up talking and joking in the library instead of this madness. Harry was staring into his eyes with an unreadable expression.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He extended his hand and Louis took it.

"Let's do this then."

With a deep breath they watched together, hand in hand as the huge double doors opened and the music started to play quietly.

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