New plan

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~Chapter 53~

They weren't stupid.

As the portkey got them back inside of Hogwarts, both Louis and Snape knew very well they need to put a little more effort into this act now that they got caught. However what the tiny lad wasn't expecting was to have his godfather on his and Harry's side, saving their asses from the Dark Lord and his followers.

The instructions were crystal clear. Louis officially received a whole new job because of this cock up they just made. He was a spy.

It was so bloody ironic as Snape told that he is trusted by the chosen one and that was their aim, now they're able to use this against him whilst in reality that's what they're doing to Voldemort and Louis just never felt less trustworthy in his life. He sure as hell wouldn't pin his faith on himself if he was Harry or Voldemort so he does not understand how he managed to gain both sides'.

He was heading towards the dungeons, wanting to find the taller lad but was instructed not to and he figured this really is the time to start listening. Severus is putting way too much on the line for him at this point.

He was happy for one thing though, not a living soul was on the halls so he had some more time until fully facing all the consequences.

He dragged his limbs up the stairs trying to come up with anything to message his boyfriend only to hear strange sounds that almost appeared to be sobs. Upon reaching his room they were absolutely clear and also evidently Harry's.

Louis took in his state, his own eyes filling up with tears right away. Without a word he climbed onto his bed and enveloped him in a tight embrace. Harry clang to his jumper like his life depended on it trying to talk but not able to.

"Shhh, it's okay love, all is right I promise, calm down a little and we talk how we shall continue but right now just breathe for me. I'm here Haz, you still have me. You will always have me, even if it does not appear that way to you or anyone at all. I'm yours no matter what."

It took a lot more time but the smaller boy kept rocking their bodies back and forth, comforting his Harry as much as he could even though it was really not his biggest strength. Soothing, small talk kept pouring out of his mouth like it was his job, slowly calming the curly-haired lad down.

"So Severus actually said that?" Louis went ahead and told everything exactly how it happened truly hoping that Harry will believe him and not question any of this mess that they've got themselves into.

"Uhum." Humming lightly, he kept his arms around the taller lad, linking their fingers together repeatedly to occupy his hands.

After that they both just laid in bed, deep in thought what their next move should be. "So will you like date me publicly now?" Louis knew this question will come up, they both were aware but it was Harry who decided to bring it up at the end.

"Well we don't have to...I mean we can do whatever we want here right now, if we do then they'll think I'm just playing you if I don't then they'll think you ditched me after the article came out. It's kind of up to us I guess."

"And what do you want to do?" Closing his eyes tightly, the tiny lad tried to truly consider the choices. He secretly hoped that Harry will have an opinion that he can agree with but apparently that's not the case. He hates making decisions.

"I'm not sure...I mean obviously I want to be with you I'm just not certain about the whole public relationship thing." Harry said absolutely nothing for long minutes, the anticipation slowly killing Louis. It wasn't fair, he just told his point of view and all Harry does is stay mute.

"I think I agree, maybe we should pretend that nothing ever happened and keep this between the two of us. Let's just not interact at all, don't hex me and I won't acknowledge you. Neither of us will address the Daily Prophet and keep this our secret. I'm afraid if we start to open up now then the Death Eaters will want results from you and if you have to come up with stuff about me then we might get caught."

"You know that you are a true genius when you want to be. I didn't even think of that. So that's final?" Harry sighed loudly but turned in Louis' arms. He knew in the very beginning of this conversation that it will be him who has to make the decision.

Louis is probably the smartest person he knows but still never exceedingly certain of himself which is definitely odd to Harry. Still he was sure that they're making the right decision.

"Yes, it is." He leaned forward, pressing his lips firmly onto Louis' much smaller ones, enjoying how he melted into it.

They stayed in bed until dinner, somewhere along the lines closing the canopy so when the Slytherins came back they wouldn't be found. Since they charmed the bed they couldn't hear them but Louis was sure they tried to talk to him.

This day turned out to be a lot better than the curly-haired lad first foreshadowed it. They did end up kissing on his boyfriend's bed, missing the whole day, hiding out. Although they also pretty much solved the problem for now.

"I still want to tell my friends the truth." Louis simply nodded while pulling on another jumper on top of what he already had on. "You should do that, I'll talk to Severus and my mum, ask her to deal with everything back at the Manor."

So they did everything according to that. Louis entered first, Harry trailing behind on the halls, making a lengthy loop around the Great Hall so it wouldn't appear to be right after his boyfriend.

He walked in and as hard as it was he didn't even glance the smaller boy's way. He kept his ogle on his spot, making his way over to it. Louis probably was bombarded with question but he only told them to sod off so that's what they did.

Harry knew it will be the same so as he sat down and looked to his friends, who were clearly dying to ask their questions but looked way too careful around him to do so.

This will be a hell of a long talk.

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