Lost angel

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~Chapter 52~

It has been weeks and Harry was getting slightly bipolar. At one second he was arguing with Louis in front of everyone and the next they were making out behind a tapestry. He was getting hexed by his boyfriend and right after they were making love in the Slytherin dorms. He was ridiculed by his friends and the tiny lad after which they held a deep conversation about his mum and things that are going on in the manor.

All in all Harry was developing a split personality but Louis was worth it. They did agree mutually that it would be best to pretend to hate each other this year, after all Louis needed to keep up that act in front of his family.

Narcissa and Snape were the only people who knew that they're dating and that was slightly strange. Harry wanted to tell his friends but they just never seemed to have the time for his problems anymore, way too preoccupied with their own ones.

Harry certainly understood that though and he had Louis to talk to. It just would have been nice to ask for their opinion on a few thighs. To hear a neutral party on how healthy their relationship actually was. The lads were definitely way too biased at this point.

He was trying multiple times, he did tell his tiny boyfriend already that he'll do this but he never got to talk to his friends. After breakfast the mail has come but Harry didn't care as no one ever sends him anything.

A hand clasped his forearm so he turned towards Hermione only to see her eyes wide with shock. She didn't say a word only pushed the Daily Prophet into Harry's hands, continuing to creepily stare at him.

He averted his attention down to the parchment and right front and centre was the main headline.


Harry Styles in the wrong hands again

It shall come as no shock that Styles likes to push his boundaries however this on and off romance he started with the son of Lucius Tomlinson has probably gone too far. The feelings keep feeding off of blinded trust but how will that affect the pitiable...


Harry couldn't focus on the words anymore all of them blending together but the never ending loop was crystal clear. Someone took a picture of them. It was them, no doubt about it, it wasn't blurry or misleading. Perfect quality.

The two of them were left alone on the corridor and Harry was just insulted by Louis. The loop showed how there was no one else on the halls anymore. Louis turned back towards him and ran whilst the curly-haired lad opened his arms.

His smaller boyfriend jumped into his arms, wrapping his legs around Harry's torso and kissing him right off while Harry's hands slipped under his thighs.

It went on repeat again and again. Each time destroying their perfect little plan just a tad bit more.

The tall boy felt a hand on his upper arm again, knowing it was Hermione but he only shut his eyes tightly he knew what is waiting for him and he knew he cannot actually hide away but he wasn't ready to face it just yet.

Although he was gathering his strength to look up, he didn't need to try too hard as the doors flew open, the huge force making them hit the wall with a heavy impact. His eyes snapped towards it watching Snape with his lips apart.

He looked furious and Harry was more than aware why. They had a talk which was incredibly uncomfortable but they all agreed to keep this hushed as Snape made the unbreakable vow to help Louis.

Harry's eyes filled with tears because the situation got crystal clear for him in that second. He is actually losing his Louis right now. The light in his days, his only angel, the sweetest creature, the literal reason why he's still alive.

Gone just like that.

He just stood there while Louis reached him, stepping out of the way to let him exit. Harry watched him walk away. Away from the Hall, away from his life.

Without thinking he got up as well, pulling his wand even though he wasn't sure why.

"You can't do it, I won't let you.." Snape looked at him with what appeared to be pity or maybe even regret but without acknowledging him turned as well.

Harry raised his wand to him but couldn't do anything. He was staring after his professor's form until it fully disappeared, not once moving a muscle.

"Harry." A delicate touch made him lower his wand again but he wasn't even aware of keeping it there. He felt the tears rolling down his cheeks but needed to make a move. He felt the sobs fighting to come and crying is one thing but to have a complete meltdown in front of so many people wasn't his dream.

"Harry..." Before she could finish he shrugged her hands off and ran. Literally.

His legs never stopped and he wasn't sure if they ever will. They took their own route doing as they please, carrying his body through the castle. His sobs were making his vision blotchy and odd noises left his mouth but he didn't care one bit. He just kept going.

He not once felt uncertain of himself even though he wasn't aware where he's heading he just kept going without doubting his aim.

That's how he found himself in the dungeons, hopping up the stairs towards Louis' room. It was completely empty and he needed to realise that he wasn't in need of the place but his boyfriend.

Unlike he thought his energy apparently ran low as all he did was collapse on his bed, sobbing into his pillows while basking in the scent of his angel.

His angel who he has just lost for good.

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