Trust me, please

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~Chapter 49~

"I have something for you." Harry's eyes flickered from the tiny lad's features down to his hands, seeing a wrapped small rectangle.

"Happy late Birthday Haz." His eyes widened completely forgetting that he just turned 16. He took the beautifully wrapped present and smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, this year we all kind of forgot I even had one." Louis shrugged and motioned for him to open it. It wasn't too big but he was sure he'll love it.

His eyes fell onto the back of a picture frame as he ripped the paper, gently removing it fully he flipped the photo around. His eyes teared up a little but a smile fought its way onto his face as well.

"This is amazing, how did you get it?" His eyes took in every single detail that was in front of them. His gift was a magical picture so it moved on a never ending loop and it was back in 4th year.

Louis and Harry were facing each other, dancing on the Yule Ball. It was almost like they were all by themselves, neither taking any of their surroundings in, solemnly focusing on each other. Harry was staring at the tiny lad with what appeared to be a love-sick ogle, while Louis was giggling softly, removing his hand from Harry's shoulder to cover his mouth like he always does it. They swayed back and forth, looking so carefree and happy.

They curly-haired lad snapped out of it when dainty hands came in contact with his cheek. That's when he realised that his tears have escaped and were rolling down his cheeks.

His eyes locked onto those majestic blue ones, making his heart beat faster from the crinkled up smile that he had on.

"Remember that we stole those pictures that Skeeter has taken?" Harry chuckled right away, his heart filling with happiness and warmth spreading through him. They did so many things together.

"Yes you almost gave me a heart attack when Snape came and you started to give me lovebites."

"Whoa Harold, easy there, no hickeys were involved."

"I guess my imagination ran wild with that bit, now that you're saying it we never went that far. Maybe we should, you would look lovely with my mark on you for everyone to see." Louis' eyes widened by Harry's wry smile as he leaned over and grabbed his neck.

As he opened his mouth all that came out was a breathy gasp by the curly-haired lad's lips attaching to his skin. He kissed along the area making Louis whimper and as he went lower, almost reaching his collarbone he moaned obscenely.

Harry smirked against his skin, nibbling on the same exact spot while being faster than the shorter boy and capturing both of his wrists, holding him down. Without Louis being able to raise his hands to his mouth, his moans were not muffled by anything, turning Harry own beyond belief.

The loud sounds turned into tender whimpers so Harry pulled away and grinned widely upon seeing his creation. It was incredibly red but for sure bruised a little. Louis will have it there for days.

"I hate you so much." Harry chuckled and pecked his boyfriend's nose, grinning like an idiot by the pouty face he was making. That had to be the most endearing thing in the entire world.

"I love you too." Louis rolled his eyes but let himself be engulfed in a tight hug. "I love you." He couldn't help but whisper it back, not wanting Harry to ever think otherwise.

"We should head to bed, can I sleep with you?"

"No, how easy do you think I am? Take me to dinner first." Harry laughed loudly, hugging Louis from behind while he kept the cloak around them, clinging to him like a koala bear.

"I will, it would be my pleasure." They walked up to his dorm, silently getting on the bed and Louis closed his canopy and casted the two charms to keep it that way like always.


"Hm?" Harry hummed into Louis' fluffy hair, pressing his lips against his scalp, feeling whole again from having his angel back in his arms.

"Do you actually believe that we'll be able to pull the plan off?"

"One hundred percent. We have to." Harry tried to sound reassuring and he did believe in them. He believed in Louis. He knew the smaller lad more than anyone and knew that he will be able to do everything he needs to, just the way they need.

"You're the best, most amazing, smartest person I know and I'll support you all through this. We got it." Louis sighed but it wasn't heavy at all, more like he was content and the taller boy knew that was mainly due to their position not him being convincing.

"I do not know what will happen Harry, but I promise to always be on your side. You will have me as yours even if something goes wrong or out of plan. Trust me with that bit at least."

"I trust you with everything Lou, and I know that. I know you would never betrayal me. And I'm also here for you, you don't need to do this alone."

They boys said nothing more, no words needed to be wasted. They just cuddled even closer together, trying to keep their minds filled with positive thoughts.

Harry closed his eyes, certain that they will be able to handle this. He has Louis and that is enough for him.

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