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~Chapter 25~

Wandering towards the Great Hall, Harry tried his best to close out his friends. They were pissing him off at this point. Literally the only person who wasn't pestering him with girls was Tomlinson, meaning he was the only one the curly-haired lad ever conversed with through this past week.

Today they'll have nothing special and Harry was not excited about spending time in the common room when all they can talk about is females. However tomorrow they'll have the contests for the Triwizard Tournament chosen which for sure will be a little more interesting.

He kept staring at Louis through breakfast and their eyes locked multiple times which meant that the tiny lad was bored. He never acknowledged Harry unless he wanted to but he knew that he was aware that the curly-haired boy always gawks at him.

After a bizarre day, where Neville was the one who blew up something not Seamus, still an unpleasant surprise as they can usually expect the catastrophe from him but Neville never really meant danger before, well not to others.

Harry was fast with supper not feeling like he wants to hang around for long. People always stare at him for being 'the Chosen One', 'the Boy who lived' and so on but all of it was just a true pain in the arse. He didn't want any attention at all.

"See you up in the tower, I'm going for a walk." Before any of his friends could have argued he was up and heading out.

Aimlessly wandering through the halls his eyes got caught on the Marauder's Map. He stopped and casted the light of his wand over it. It wasn't his eyes tricking him there appeared to be a brand new room in the restricted section of the library which was odd.

Harry started to head over and slipped in without getting noticed which wasn't hard seeing that he was invisible. The room wasn't even locked, probably because there aren't any students allowed here to begin with.

The curly-haired lad entered through and got the cloak off. It was a spacious room but still nowhere as big as most spots in this castle. It had many stairs along a main space, making the place slightly oval shaped.

There was literally nothing inside but that one single object in the middle that had him freeze on spot.

The Mirror of Erised.

He turned back, remembering Dumbledore's words about how he shall never go and look for it. As he reached the door again, he was forced to look back though. He also said that it will be moved out from Hogwarts. Why was it still here?

The tall boy sighed softly, promising himself to take just a quick look. He knew that what you desire the most changes quite often and he simply wanted to know if he'd still see his parents. When he was younger he felt way less content but it was mainly because he knew nothing and had nothing. Now that there were people like Lupin and Sirius who talked about his parents it was way easier on him.

In that point in his life he wasn't even sure what he wanted so why not see what the mirror thinks?

He reached it and stayed completely still until his form disappeared and reappeared but this time he was facing away.

The curly-haired lad's jaw dropped and he wanted to run away but he didn't, couldn't, he just kept watching the scene folding out, showing him as he was kissing someone.

It was technically only his own back that he was able to see but it didn't make sense he didn't want to kiss any girls he could think of.

Anticipation started to build inside him as their heads moved more to the side, the kiss getting deeper and almost more desperate like they would be caught so they shall be in a hurry, like they would drop dead without it, his form pressing almost angrily as if needing more. Is he really that oblivious to his own feelings? He likes a girl and can't even tell?

The forms were talking steps back and his way taller frame pushed the petite one up against a wall. This time he was more than able to see who it was.

Harry felt so many things, way more than he was able to handle at that point and it started to make him feel nauseous like he'll get sick at any moment. He simply wasn't able to deal with any of the sensations suddenly erupting in him so he shut it down.

It was like you'd switched the lights off, he was left feeling nothing. Empty. His legs were taking him to somewhere, he wasn't even heading in the right direction to get back to his room but he never halted. He needed to keep moving.

The bottoms of his shoes were squeaking on top of the tiles while his panting laced with those sounds was the only thing he was able to register. Though his emptiness did not last for long, instead of his surroundings he heard those soft choked breaths as the two figures kissed, he was seeing the dark blue of their uniforms swirling behind their retreating forms.

His running not once came to a stop until he found himself on the main yard. Looking up at the stars, he sat down on the bench, feeling the sickness coming back even though nothing else did.

"And what you'd be doing out of bed this late Mr. Styles?" He almost jumped out of his skin by the sudden voice of Snape, drawing on and on in just that one question.

"Why do you like Tomlinson so much? Is it because he's smart?" Snape gave him a questioning look but he simply always wanted to know that and needed a distraction from his real thoughts.

"There is a lot more to Mr. Tomlinson than a sharp brain. Now I'd advise you to go back to your dorm before I wake up fully and decide to punish your midnight trip." He got up right away walking towards the castle.

"Why are you awake then Professor?" Instead of an answer he got a look that had him running again, this time actually towards the Gryffindor tower.

Cuddling under his sheets made nothing better though and as soon as he closed his eyes the images raided his mind.

Those dainty hands threading into his curls, tugging gently but still desperately. How the green-eyed lad was pushing hard to make as much of their bodies touch as possible. How their lips moved together in perfect sync, those thinner almost red ones seemingly fitting so perfectly.

As much as he tried to forget he couldn't. Every second he closed his eyes that was the only thing he saw. But was it even accurate?

He pushed his fear to the side and tried to detect the emotions he felt from it. This time he genuinely tried to picture it again and that wasn't hard, the image basically burnt into his mind. He felt nervous and needy, he felt his heart clenching and beating so much faster, felt his stomach twisting all over the place fluttering oddly. He wanted to be the one in control of the mirror so it'd show more, go further.

His eyes flew open, knowing that he was truly screwed and it's not wrong.

His desire was actually there. He indeed wanted that kiss.

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