Want my secret?

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~Chapter 44~

Louis was not proud of how he handled everything. He still did what he did and was forced to live his life carrying on with that burden heavy on his shoulders.

He was in the Great Hall right now and could feel the ogle. After everything that happened people truly started to pay attention to him because of the things that were said. He felt even worse for the curly-haired lad once truly seeing what it's like for him to be the boy who lived.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a letter dove flying on top of his hand. He let go of the spoon he was holding and grabbed the parchment. Without as much as raising his head he stuffed it into his pocket.

It was technically a routine by now. Every single morning Styles made a letter, Louis put it away but he knew that he was aware that they're not being read by the tiny lad. He hasn't talked to Harry since that day. Exactly 16 days now.

"Tonight we'll have the dance, are you coming Louis?" He shook his head, not even able to ponder on things like that. Who will be taken by Harry? He shook his head almost angry at himself, he shouldn't care.

He sneaked into the library and hid behind a shelf, watching how the taller lad was sitting at their table. He came everyday, never reading or studying. He plainly sits there and waits for Louis to appear.

He sighed loudly, feeling his heart twist uncomfortably but like always he ignored it and grabbed the book on charms he needed running back to the dungeons.

"Mr. Tomlinson what's with the hurry?" He barely stopped his form before crashing into Snape who didn't look worried about that at all, standing in his way.

"I have a lot of homework." His upper arm was grabbed making him huff annoyed. "This is not a solution to anything, plus class starts in a few." With that he was pulled along and entered potions with Snape guiding him in.

"Today we'll make something a little more challenging." He started off but didn't let go of Louis guiding him to the very first desk. "Mr. Styles I'd advise you to stop and come over here to join Mr. Tomlinson I'm sure your chattiness will be gone right away."

Harry shut his mouth right off but stood from next to Weasley and walked over. "Seriously? What is this a punishment?" Snape said nothing back to him simply turned towards his own desk.

"Page 356, you have 60 minutes get started now."

"Okay so this will be horrible but start cutting the Fluxweed that's simple enough even for you." Louis focused on the recipe but soon needed to realise that for the first time the git didn't just do as told. He was standing there absolutely motionless ogling the smaller lad.

"I will not do this alone so get to work." Seemingly he snapped him out of whatever trance he was in but that apparently meant no good to him.

"Louis please..." Now that he actually looked at him, the curly-haired lad was in a horrible form. Like he didn't have a proper sleep in ages.

"Do you still have those dreams?"

Harry was caught off guard, probably talking about something else but Louis wasn't paying attention. He was aware of their surroundings, how everyone was trying to subtly eavesdrop how Snape didn't say a word to them even though in any other situation they would have already received detention. Technically he comprehended everything but not what Harry just said, made sense to him.

"Not really, I just want to talk to you again if you could..." His lips closed when Louis raised the Fluxweed, with a huge sigh he grabbed it, making sure not to touch Louis at all almost like he'd burn him or something and without a word started to chop it.

Louis wanted to tell him that he's doing it the wrong way but he wasn't able to make himself.

After a full hour they still 14 steps left and even what they did was wrong.

"So my best student created this with the partner he's able to work with in the most outstanding manner." It was only the two of them left in the classroom by now and Louis has completely given up. They absolutely failed this one.

"The two of you will stay behind and start all over again, I need to keep an eye on the students at the ball that will start probably sooner than the two of you fix this, I expect the both of you to behave and succeed." With that their professor stormed out of the room, closing the door loudly. Louis wasn't sure if he meant the potion or their relationship.


"No, let's just start all over again and pay attention this time. So..."

"No, you pay attention." Louis flinched by Harry knocking the ball out of his hands and raising his voice.

"Sorry but I cannot do this anymore Lou come on. Why did you start ignoring me?" Louis sighed averting his gaze to the ground.

"I didn't, don't lo...I just-everything was a little too much and what he said..."

"You're being just as ridiculous as always. What now? I know one of your secrets? Do you want to know one of mine? Would that make this better? Would you talk to me again?" Harry's voice gradually got louder and louder making the tiny lad feel smaller and smaller.

"I'm sorry-I...I was just..."

"Well here's a fucking secret. It hurts me. You ignoring me hurts me more than anything I've ever felt before because if you couldn't tell I love you." Harry was looking rather intimidating as he kept yelling at him, pushing Louis against the table and trapping him in with his arms.

"Want that bloody secret? Hm? I don't just love you oh no, no that would be way too easy to handle. I am in love with you...idiot." It appeared that the curly-haired lad ran out of air or maybe fire, the end coming out quiet almost as a whisper but it was just as certain as the rest of his speech.

Louis had no time or will to actually think this properly through and for once he also didn't want to. He was done thinking.

He grabbed the git's idiotic, lovely face and pulled him down, connecting their lips. Unlike in his dreams it wasn't graceful or by any mean charming. It was passionate and clumsy but it was used to communicate their true emotions instead of words that clearly failed them.

Neither pulled back only separated by the tiniest bit to gasp for air, immediately reconnecting their lips. It wasn't needy in ways like Louis has dreamt before, not much tension behind it. It was more like they were able to breathe after being forced to stay under water for way too long.

Panting loudly Louis turned his head away so Harry's lips pecked the corner of his mouth this time. "For what it's worth I love you too...twerp."

"Whoa that was beautiful. We really know how to make things magical."

"Well we're wizards." Louis giggled at his own horrible joke, clearly showing how much time he's been spending with Harry. His humour was gone, the taller lad hugged him way too tightly to be comfortable chuckling against his neck but the sensations of everything was just perfect.

His aching ribs grounding him while he needed the closeness just as much if not even more. Taking one final breath he pushed Harry away, making him pout.

"So you hear that? The music is already going, we'll never finish if we don't start now."

"Aye aye captain." Louis hit his chest giggling only for his wrist to be captured by the lanky boy and the next second he was whipped closer, soft lips firmly planted on his own ones.

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