Breaking point

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~Chapter 47~

The better the lads got at figuring out their relationship the worst Hogwart's outlooks has gotten.

Umbridge was officially the headmaster now, making everything so much harder. The pair kept their relationship as a secret even from their friends but today Harry decided that he needed to talk to someone about this.

He was sitting in the common room, all by himself listening to Sirius who talked about the order. Nothing was actually working out in that moment and Harry felt like his godfather would probably appreciate to know that the curly-haired lad is happy.

"How are the dreams Harry?"

"They've gotten a lot better, anytime I cannot sleep I just go to Louis."

"Louis? As in Tomlinson?"

"Yeah Sirius can I be honest with you?"

"Always Harry but why would..."

"He's my boyfriend." Harry tried hard to make out his features and reaction to him telling that.

"Harry I'm happy for you but his father..."

"Is not him, you don't even know the half of it Sirius and it's not my secret to share but I do trust him with everything I have and more." A long silence fell but he stood his ground, wanting Black to see how serious he was.

"Then I do too." A huge smile broke out on his face, thanking quietly and ending the chat.

That night he had yet another dream. One way more dreadful than anything he had before. Voldemort actually talked to him in it.

He shot up in his bed, panting loudly while beams of sweat rolled down his face.

"Harry are you alright?" His eyes focused a little better, seeing Ron sitting as well. He shook his head and mumbled for him to go back to sleep while grabbing the cloak and literally ran out of there. His legs took him almost instinctively, his brain way too fuzzy to control him.

He stopped right at the leg of his boyfriend's bed, watching how peaceful he looked in his sleep. He was wrapped around his blanket in an odd way almost twice. He had it cover him from head to toe but also managed to force it between his legs and form a lump that he was sleeping on.

Harry hated to wake the tiny lad, he hasn't done this often, not like this but the nightmare was still way too vivid. He could definitely be that lump so hopefully Louis won't mind the interruption.

"Lou?" He knelt next to his bed, being tender about touching him. Louis was always easy to awake so that was more than enough. As soon as he fully reached a right state of mind he opened his arms, letting the curly-haired lad crawl into his bed.

"Another nightmare?"

"This was worse, he talked to me. It was like he had a legilimency link to my brain and actually aimed the words at me. I'm really scared right now."

"I'm sure he cannot do that, they can be only casted with both of you there and it's a very powerful spell not anyone can do it."

Harry didn't reply he just enjoyed the nice weight on his chest while running his fingers through the soft fluffy hair of his lover. "I love you Lou."

That sounded slightly strange since they never actually said that to each other. They didn't need to be constantly reminded so why bother, they said it once and both were sure that they'd tell if anything changed but the taller lad felt the need to get that out there while he can.

"I love you too Haz, now don't get sappy on me or anything. We'll get through this shit like we always do."

"I told Sirius that you're my boyfriend." He felt his back tensing up under Harry's hand but he stayed quiet. "He said he's happy for me."

"Well I also told my mother, she was a little worried at first I think she still is but she supports my decision." Harry pressed a lingering kiss on top of the fluffy strands. "At least someone does."

"Go to sleep twerp." Harry chuckled lowly, his heart warming by the words. If anyone else would have said that he surely would have snapped but when Louis does he can't help but find it endearing.

"Do you think that we'll get through this year without any more trouble?" He could tell that the tiny lad was hesitant probably thinking about lying or not. "I'm almost certain that we won't."

"Will you be there for me when we will?"

"I am one hundred percent sure I will be." There was no hesitance the second time, helping Harry's eyes to shut. He's fine until he has his boyfriend by his side.


Everything was all messed up. All that Harry managed to achieve was everyone believing him. Sirius died and all things went wrong. He didn't bother to talk to anyone, finding Ron and Hermione pretty annoying actually on the way back. He tried to sleep but even the train was agitating him.

Getting up, he left without uttering a word and just walked to the toilet. Closing the door he sank to the floor, feeling like he'll have a panic attack at any given moment.

His thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door, making him groan exaggeratingly.

"It's bloody taken go away." That was way too rude and the curly-haired lad wasn't sure why he's so easily pissed off lately. "Haz it's me." Louis' voice was soft, almost a whisper but loud enough to be heard through the door.

Harry wasn't sure if he can handle seeing him either, not wanting to offend the smaller boy but he needed to remind himself that his boyfriend is not average so he sure as hell wouldn't be offended, he unlocked the door for him.

Sobbing all the way back to London wasn't Harry's plan nor was it fun but he certainly needed to let it out and he will never be able to thank Louis for sticking around to witness that.

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