First match

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~Chapter 8~

By the time he reached Transfiguration class, everyone was talking about the Chamber of Secrets. Louis had no idea what that even meant so he figured staying out of it would be wise, especially if Snape told him that personally. Well technically he knew what it was but he really hoped that is not the case as they'd be pretty screwed.

That doesn't mean that his jaw wasn't completely dropped and probably lost upon hearing McGonagall answering Granger's question.

After learning that even McGonagall seemed to fully believe that it was open, the tiny lad felt way more eyes on himself than usual and also a little bit scared. What could be in that chamber that is so dangerous? Who would be evil and cruel enough to open it? Louis has never met anyone besides his father and other Death Eaters who hated muggle-borns. Who in their right mind would?

He continued on, still sure as hell that he should just keep a low profile, even though he soon learned that apparently every living soul in the goddamn castle thinks he is the heir of Slytherin. Louis was sure that's not true but it's not like any of this was up to him, they will all believe whatever they want.


"Professor can I have a question?" Louis was alone at their Potions class for right now, usually the first one there.

"That highly depends on said question Tomlinson."

"Do you actually believe that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened?"

"That is a topic that should not cross your innocent little mind, Tomlinson."

"But Professor people will die and we both know it was opened before and that it did indeed ended with a murder."

"How do you know that?" Snape snapped, slightly scaring the tiny lad that he went too far.

"My father talked about it at some point...I...why shouldn't I?" He wasn't sure why it is even bad that he knows.

"This is definitely a matter that shall not be discussed and promise me to..." The door flew open cutting his teacher off, both of them turning towards it.

Dean, Seamus and right behind them Blaise came in, all of them freezing upon seeing the interaction.

Before a single word would have been uttered, Weasley also came not watching where he was going bumping straight into the Slytherin, followed tightly by Granger and Styles.

" just be careful during the game today." With that Snape turned around and walked to his desk while Crabbe came in as well seating himself next to Louis.

"Tomlinson, what was that all about?" Blaise's whisper yell reached his ears, making him roll his eyes. What's the point in whispering if everyone can hear you clearly?

"Obviously the Quidditch game today where I'll beat Styles' arse, obviously." He smirked his way, making all of the Gryffindors roll their eyes, but not Styles.

The fucking twerp was annoying the shit out of him. Did he actually see through Louis? No one ever succeeded, why on bloody earth would someone like him be able to do so?


Slytherin was playing it rough and the tiny lad was incredibly grateful that he didn't need to be part of that. They were on the lead but Louis just stayed put on his broom, waiting patiently to see the golden snitch.

His gaze often got stuck on his father who came to support his only son, being so exceedingly proud. It made him worried if anything but his ogle reached the kind professor sitting just besides him and for once Snape looked encouraging and truly apprehensive.

It was so nice to have someone who actually cares for once. Someone who maybe would even be a tiny little bit sad in case something happened to him. His mother wasn't here to do the job so that's the best he got.

Suddenly his attention was swept away but not by the golden snitch. Styles kept flying all over the place, a rogue Bludger following his every move.

"Please tell me that's not my father's work...just please." Louis whispered tenderly, ducking away as Styles stopped in front of him, the Bludger ripping over both of their heads.

Abruptly the golden snitch also appeared and as his eyes locked onto those warm green coloured ones, the pair moved in sync flying after it. Soon unfortunately the Bludger came back and now it was also following Louis too as they were head to head trying to catch the snitch.

The rapid small ball flew down and started to zigzag within the bleachers' rods, both boys following tightly after. The Bludger kept breaking the hard wood, for a second making the feathery-haired lad question how bad that is. It couldn't crumble from just a few of them broken, right?

They flew right past the last tower, going back down after the frenzy pellet. Just as they reached the special tower for teachers the Bludger ripped the side and as Louis watched it disappear he felt an uneasy feeling creeping up his spine. It was like quiet before the storm.

He was proven right as the ball emerged ahead of them, advancing towards the two kids.

"Styles." Louis pushed his broom, making the curly-haired lad go upwards, successfully dodging the attack but his broom was hit and it made him flew right off of it. Closing his eyes tightly he waited for the impact.

Every last bit of him was hurting and as he landed on his back the air got knocked out of him so he was struggling to breathe properly, fighting to get enough oxygen to fill his lungs.

In the time he gathered himself, Styles also fell off of his broom and was attacked ever so openly by the Bludger.

"Finite Incantatem!" Louis lowered his wand, watching how everyone hurried to Styles, his arm probably broken from the ball hitting it so harshly.

No one cared for Louis who also got injured but he expected nothing more. He saw his father exiting, acting almost ashamed not one bit concerned. Maybe he should have been a little more subtle with saving Styles.

"That's not what I call careful...are you alright?" Louis averted his attention away from Styles who was trying to object so Lockhart wouldn't heal him and locked his gaze with his favourite person here.

"Blimey I know, such a missed out opportunity to off Styles." Snape's eyes were soft, almost caring, aware of how Louis was feeling and why he helped Styles.

"Are you hurt?"

"Not too badly." Snape helped him to his feet, but his back ached in protest. "I'll take you to Madam Pomfrey anyways."

The tiny lad didn't object just wobbled away, resting most of his weight on his teacher. "That was truly honourable from you Mr. Tomlinson."

A soft smile made its way to his lips. Beside his mother no one ever complimented him even if he did do something right. His hair was ruffled by Snape and he was left to rest.

A/N: So I know I've been MIA for a hot second but after what have happened I took a break from my socials because ot5 is the vast majority of my feed on most platforms and I was not able to handle seeing everything for personal reasons.

Though I'm back finally, if you follow me on ig you would have seen this before, I posted to my story how I'll be gone.

Not much happened though, I'm back, I got over my midterms and I'll post double for you lot, I'm sorry for the long wait.

Hope you all had a wonderful day/night!

All the love, B

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