In love

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~Chapter 41~

Louis will admit one thing. Waking up in Harry's arms was comfortable enough to truly scare him. Instead of doing something that would help like talk, he said nothing and they both got ready with Louis' canopy closed until they were left alone.

This time they entered the Great Hall separately and the git Gryffindors said nothing about Harry never going back to the tower yesterday. Finally they've learned to not get into others' business. Well hopefully they did.

They were all off to Hogsmeade right after breakfast but as Louis was walking behind his friend he felt a hand clasp his forearm yanking him behind a tapestry.

He pulled his wand without thinking, making the curly-haired lad throw his hands up in surrender.

"I need your help." Louis rolled his eyes while pocketing his wand and leaning against the wall. "In what?"

"Hermione and Ron think that I should teach defence, can you just come with me? People start to think that I told the truth because of all the disappearances but I still don't feel comfortable around them even if they apologised. It'd be nice to have you there."

Louis wanted to snap, laugh and yell at him all at once but the very last mumbled sentence made him bite his tongue, nodding stiffly.

"I think I'll make things worse but how about I'll sneak in and stay in the background, keep a low profile but you'll be able to see me yeah? Just to be safe and if anything happens I'll step in and show the twerps how it's done." A smile brighter than the sun itself stretched across his face, making Louis mirror it.

Harry's looked great when he was happy, today his hair looked even more out of control than normally, making the urge to smooth it back so much stronger than Louis ever felt.

"You have pretty hair." Louis' eyes widened as he mumbled that out loud, Harry turning towards him clearly not understanding what he just said.

"What was that?"

"I said you never play fair, prat." Louis tried to hide his blush that was furiously colouring his cheeks. He wasn't a flushing 10-year-old though. Harry said nothing probably uncertain why Louis was insulting him but better than him hearing what was truly said.

They soon reached the other two gits and while Harry walked over to them, waiting for the others Louis stood to the side by the door, playing with the snow on the ledge while there were enough people.

When he figured it's safe he slipped into the place and soon Hermione started to talk. She was exceedingly awkward but the tiny lad barely paid any mind to what was actually being said. People started to question things and he saw the Harry was about to lose it.

Before he could have Louis stepped closer, out of the safety corner he claimed for himself while this torture was lasting.

"I've heard you can make a patronus is that true?" Everyone gasped while ogling the pair, their gazes snapping from the curly-haired lad to him and back.

"That is true, he killed a Basilisk, defeated a dragon, handled the Great Lake and have fought you-know-who three times already, we need a teacher and Harry is our best choice." Hermione finished it off, making it clear to everyone that they will join or leave without any information from the taller lad.

"That all sound great if you say it like that but I've always had help and wouldn't have done any of that without...said help." His eyes locked onto Louis' grateful and it made him think. He's never actually thought about how much they've done together.

Everyone started to sign their paper, while Harry sat still, keeping his gaze on the tiny lad.

"Will you also join?" Louis' eyes darted to the warm brown ones that belonged to the annoying Gryffindor. "Of course not."

With that he turned around and walked out of the place. "See you later losers." He was able to still hear Harry's chuckle making a smile grow on his face.


He was sitting at the table in the very back of the library, not a living (or dead) soul near him. He was deep into a book but it was like he couldn't even read, nothing registering at all.

He angrily rubbed his eyes, throwing his head back. The next time he opened them he saw the curly-haired lad making his way over determined. He wouldn't admit but he was incredibly glad for the company, he was borderline insane at this point.

Harry appeared to be different but he couldn't quite put a finger on it. It was like he was way more confident than usual.

Upon reaching Louis, instead of sitting down next to him like he would have assumed he will, he grabbed the tiny lad and whipped him out of his chair.

The greeting that was on the tip of his tongue got lost and a tiny squeal was the only thing passing his lips while the taller lad seated himself where he just was seconds ago.

He was so stunned that he couldn't even muster a sassy reaction to the fact that Harry wanted that exact chair he was using and he was also not given any time for such luxury as arms wrapped around him, his waist grabbed firmly by the curly-haired boy and he was pulled back down, making him stumble slightly.

He held onto his shoulders to not fall but instead he found himself straddling the lad, those green eyes staring at him with such intense gaze basically pinning him down with only those orbs.

No words left his mouth as Harry leaned closer and before he could have blinked soft lips crashed on top of his own ones. He figured that there's no point fighting this. If Harry feels confident enough to make a move Louis will surely continue.

So when he felt Harry's tongue prodding at the entrance of his mouth he opened them wide enough to let it slip in, twirling his own with Harry's. Their kiss was groaning way too needy after that, just a mess of teeth and their tongues but it was still perfect to Louis.

He was running out of breath but didn't want to pull away, his lung almost burning after seconds, minutes have passed, he wasn't sure.

His fingers found their way into the soft curls, tugging on them fiercely while the curly-haired lad pushed his own palms under Louis' jumper, feeling his heated skin up and down.


Loud panting was all he was able to hear, his head exceedingly unsteady almost like he's high. Slowly slipping back to reality he took his surroundings in. The windows next to his bed, the soft blankets on top of him, the snores of Blaise, the sleeping kitten at his feet.

It was a dream.

Louis groaned rubbing his eyes, truly feeling the weight of this now. He wasn't sure where along the lines or exactly in what second but he surely knew two things.

First he had a raging hard on from a simple dream of making out with his best friend who he shouldn't even get along with but hate as his enemy.

And secondly he happened to be mad in love with the said git.

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