A promise is a promise

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The last year was nothing but tough. Harry and Louis were surprised at how many times they have been able to just get away and be together. And it came as an even bigger shock to both boys that that was the thing that broke them up.

Louis started to keep secrets from Harry, making him go insane. He kept preaching about trust but never told a thing to Harry anymore. Always saying the same thing: "It's for your own good."

They had a huge fight, worse than any before and the curly-haired lad was done. He walked out of their little cottage that Snape let them use for the year and never went back. Louis never asked him to either.

After a while the pain dulled a little, only sometimes crunching down on Harry's heart like a little reminder that it is still broken even if he pretends that he's fine. Just moments of waking up from nightmares, of seeing Ron's parents together, of watching tiny things his friends did for each other, things that could have been done by Harry or Louis in order to show they love each other.

But he moved on. He wasn't a fool he knew he'll never fully get over the tiny lad, he figured that's normal with your first love but it felt different. He was connected to him.

He still did his best, watching his girlfriend do little things. Like when she was reading, cooking, sleeping basically anything she did Harry observed. Everyone thought that it's because he's whipped, it quickly becoming a joke and everyone called him cream for a little while.

The truth is Harry wasn't fascinated whatsoever, he simply watched to get comfortable with the idea. The idea to spend the rest of his life with this girl. He looked for anything resembling Louis which he was sure isn't healthy but that was his best attempt. He tried to fall in love but he never managed, actually thinking about it he wasn't sure why he tried to find resemblance between the tiny lad and his girlfriend that in itself should be such a red flag.

He was still oblivious and figured he's not in love because he hasn't found anyone who is his type. He didn't let this thought carry further to the part where his type was plainly Louis Tomlinson.

He remembers so clearly that night.

He was lying in bed with Vanessa and she started to play with his hair. She never did that before and it made Harry feel nauseous. He stormed out of the room after bluntly breaking up with her, not returning until she was gone.

Harry has not seen Louis for months until he was captured and brought to the Manor. Hermione hit him with a spell, making his face morph, his features changing in a grotesque way. Looking like that only his eyes remained the same even his scar deforming.

He was taken with the rest into the main room where they claimed he is Harry Styles. Lucius and Bellatrix were observing him for a long time then called Louis to see, after all he should be able to tell.

Harry will never forget that feeling, watching the tiny lad drag his feet on the tiled floor, his head down low, looking almost aged upon forced to take so much more weight than he can carry.

Their eyes locked and Harry knew as those amazing blue eyes filled with tears that Louis is more than able to tell it's him. He was not sure if he will say it though. They ended everything fully and the taller lad was a huge foul about it but he still stood by his decision.

He couldn't help the memories running through his mind with lightning speed. All the promises for him to always be on Harry's side.

"This is not Styles, spells can't change eyes. The git has different eyes, I have no idea who this is." Harry remembers vividly how tears were smeared away with those dainty hands and his back turned towards the curly-haired lad.

Louis dropped something in front of Harry while loudly exclaiming that he is tired and not to be bothered while his gaze fixated on his very own wand that Louis dropped. He also got a glimpse of Louis' own one, only to see that he never lost his pure wand. Harry tried to clear his mind from the thought of grabbing it to see if Louis still trusts him like in the old times when they were a team and instead clasped his rod getting out of there.

Then nothing for months again. Harry just knew that it would be so much easier to find and destroy Horcruxes with his sassy little pixie by his side but that was no option. He wrote so many letters but not once has he sent any of them. He said thank you in them, he begged for Louis to meet in them, lashed out on him over everything, even the stuff that weren't under his control either. All in all he had a lot to say but never enough might to send.

So until that final day when Voldemort returned to Hogwarts he had nothing again. He stopped fooling himself though, not pretending that he is over his angel. He still loved Louis with his entire heart and he wasn't sure how to change that.

In the woods he let himself be killed and it wasn't as hard as he thought it will be. He knew that someone will end this for him and he just prayed that at the end of everything Louis will find his happiness without Harry. Not how they planned but at least he will be alive, healthy and happy.

Narcissa came to check if he was dead but he wasn't, he didn't know why or even how but he wasn't. She could tell. Soft words escaped her trembling lips. "Is he still alive?" Harry wasn't able to answer so he tried to nod. It hurt like hell but he knew he was seen when Narcissa breathed deeply, he could technically hear how weights were lifted off of her chest.

Before fully slipping away Harry heard her voice one last time. "You can still trust him, he is still faithful to you and his promise."

Darkness. Darkness was all that surrounded Harry at first. When offered the choice he was sure to say no. He firstly wouldn't have thought that it will be offered but he would have wanted to go. Life wasn't worth living for him if there's no one to share it with.

However those words kept spinning in his head.

He can still trust Louis.

He is still faithful.

Their promise.

Harry believed in Louis, he trusted him through everything and he will do so until he truly dies which he has not done just yet and also wasn't considering anymore.

When he awoke he was already in Hogwarts, tumbling to the ground from Hagrid's arms. Everyone gasped whilst Voldemort turned towards him.

Harry's eyes found his boyfriend's who was standing with the death eaters, clearly the plan not working as amazingly without Harry in it. Their eyes locked and he just knew. He was certain that he can trust Louis with everything. He did.

"Lou finish it...the plan." He yelled and attacked just in time to dodge Voldemort their curses crashing against each other. He was not aware what have happened up after pushing themselves into the deep but he was later on told.


Louis has run from the rest pulling his wand on Neville. He tried to defend himself but Louis was so much stronger easily disarming him. He took the sword from his hands and as his aunt started to ran as well, probably to kill him but he was faster.

He cut off Nagini's head and cursed Bellatrix. Running to the edge of the cliff he screamed Harry's name but nothing was heard.

When Harry has won and went back to the rest, he was not ready. He was not prepared to how easily he will be able to forget and forgive.

They both made so many mistakes but at the end of the day they did keep all of their promises.

A/N: I feel ashamed even using this term, it's basically mocking me... I am genuinely sorry for the selective few who were reading this story and felt any excitement whatsoever by my terrible writing, I was convinced that I left wattpad with every story of mine wrapped up because it's one of my biggest pet-peeves, but I guess I've always been a mess.

I am sorry to be a disappointment and thank you if your read this book I hope it brought you some sort of joy at least.

Have a lovely day/night!

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