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~Chapter 7~

It was finally afternoon and Louis was exceedingly excited and horribly nervous. They were walking across the yard with his quidditch team when the Gryffindors came ahead of them.

"We booked the field."

"Snape gave us permission to practice in order to teach in our new seeker."

"And who would that be?" Louis took that as his turn to talk so he stepped in front of the lads, standing tall. "Me."

He saw Styles' eyes widening the stupid green shining brightly under the rays of sunshine that pushed through the crown of the trees above them. Also the two other gits made their way over and he saw their eyes widen as well, just from something different.

"Those are Nimbus 2001s, how did you get those?"

"A gift from Louis' father." The tiny lad's eyes locked onto Styles' that were seemingly different than everyone else's. Not as judgmental.

"Unlike some, his father can afford the best." Louis never acknowledge the conversation his eyes glued to the curly-haired lad's trying to desperately figure out if he knows just how much he hates his own father.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." That really hit home, making Louis not able to ignore it anymore, instead of running away to cry like he wanted, he turned towards the dumb twerp. He hated how everyone always thought that when in reality his father would never do anything for him, only if he or their family's name would benefit from the action. He worked hard on the tryouts to become the seeker.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy, little mudblood." He seriously felt disgusted with himself but tried hard to hide it, keeping his ogle on those warm brown eyes that looked crossed but hurt more than anything.

"You'll pay for that one Tomlinson. Eat slugs." His eyes widened but before he could react, Weasley's wand was pointing right at him. Unlike he expected, it backfired and hit the idiot instead. The tiny lad decided to flee the scene, turning around only to see Styles still staring at him.

He pushed past him, making sure to bump into the lad, being way more dramatic than necessary. Truly feeling bad he tried to just forget how repulsive and sordid that was and focused on the practice they were having. He shouldn't care, he was not supposed to.

After a long and hard training, Louis felt relieved to go back and have a long shower. He usually waits until dinner is over but not today. He walked to dinner in his pyjama pants as he couldn't care less and two jumpers stacked on top because he was freaking freezing.

Dinner passed by in no time, and beside Styles not coming there was nothing out of ordinary. Louis was heading back to the dungeons when talking reached his ears. He heard Snape and then Filch. After listening for some time and peeking past the walls of the hall, he managed to understand that Mrs. Norris has been petrified and Styles was accused of it.

Louis honestly felt like that's ridiculous, as much as he hated the green-eyed boy, they all knew that he was anything but evil. Anyways who would ever be so heartless to hurt an innocent kitty, fucking Satan or something.

As Dumbledore dismissed all of them, the tiny lad mushed himself back against the wall, trying real hard to blend in. All the teachers walked past him so he breathed out relieved, starting to walk further only to bump into a hard chest.

His eyes rose and linked with Professor Snape's.

"I hope you're not looking for trouble Louis."

"Of course not professor, I was just walking back to the dungeons after dinner."

"So you have no idea whose fluffy hair I might have seen along this exact corridor while we were in a discussion." Louis blinked twice and then let his award-winning smile to spread on his face, making his eyes as big and innocent as possible.

"Of course not." Snape's lips twitched, giving his reaction away but before a full smile would have spread he plainly walked past the blue-eyed lad.

"Good night Mr. Tomlinson, be careful, I wouldn't want you in any trouble."

"Never Sir, good night." Louis continued on, happy upon reaching his dormitory and cuddling straight into his bed. Maybe he should take showers before dinner more often.

A tender thud was heard and slight rustling as the tiny lad felt his covers moving. An involuntary grin spread on his face as Grumpy laid on top of his chest, tucking her head under his chin. It was exceedingly precious but made his heart twist uncomfortably.

"Do not dare to leave the safety of this room without me okay?" What if someone hates cats or something? Why on this bloody earth would anyone petrify a kitten unless they do so?

Shaking off the bad thoughts, he just let his body to relax and slip into a well-needed rest.

It didn't take long for him to learn that his cat may not to be the one he needs to worry about.

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