Madly in love

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~Chapter 55~ 

Harry was fumbling with his tie whilst Hermione has disappeared. He asked her to come to Slughorn's stupid dinner party with him but she already called someone else so Harry shamelessly decided to go alone.

He was not in the mood to try and ask someone, only for them to question everything and he also only wanted to go with Louis which he obviously cannot do.

Speaking of whom he was working on their plan, already sneaking into that wing of the castle so Harry intended to get out soon and help him.

Harry walked into the spacious room which was decorated like a vast. The ceiling was brightly coloured in crimsons, golds and emeralds while a huge chandelier basked the entirety of the space with light provided by actual fairies.

Harry was grabbed roughly and pushed behind a curtain making him groan while his gaze fixated on his friend's haphazard, unruly hair and panicked ogle.

"What the hell Hermione?"

"I just got away from Cormac and..." Harry's eyes widened as well as he tried not to laugh at her. "You brought him?"

"I figured he would annoy Ron the most." The curly-haired lad couldn't help the loud chuckles that have escaped, making a hand slap over his mouth right off.

Suddenly the otherwise noisy room silenced, the chatting and music freezing as only one voice remained.

"Professor Slughorn I caught this one sneaking around, he said you invited him."

"I lied okay?" Harry cursed under his breath, quickly sweeping the curtains out of his way and stepping back into the room.

"Actually I was the one who invited him." Louis hang his head right off, as they were supposed to do better and not get caught but maybe they can still make this work.

The air in the room froze, no one reacting at all first.

"Well let's continue then, we should eat anyways." Everyone started to converse again but it was way more hushed and a lot of side glancing towards the pair as they took a seat at the table.

Harry stayed dead quiet during the whole thing just like his tiny boyfriend, both of them eating in silence until Slughorn asked the two.

"Mr. Tomlinson I'm actually glad you came, upon seeing that my invitation was ignored by you I am happy that Mr. Styles' was not."

"Argh...khm..I was supposed to be somewhere else Professor." Louis placed his fork down and answered after clearing his throat. He was invited since he's still the best from potion but he misses Snape as his teacher.

"And what made you change your mind? If you don't mind me being noisy."

"My plan has changed, professor." Harry cleared his throat as well while starting to stand. "I think I should be going actually, I'm incredibly tired." Louis stood right after him but their teacher disagreed.

"Nonsense, we haven't even got to dessert just yet, sit back boys." They both did as told and sank back to their seats.

"So Mr. Styles, have you always had such a natural talent for the art of potions?" Louis coughed a little, so Harry hit his back a few times while his lovely angel was choking on his laughter.

"Yes, I guess I've always been quite good." Louis snorted again but tried to conceal it with one last cough. Fortunately for them Slughorn moved over to Hermione so they were out of the spotlight for a little.

"Did you finish before getting caught?" Harry leaned over and tried to be sleek about whispering so only the shorter boy would hear him. "Sort of. It's still not fully ready but I made progress."

Harry sighed but nodded, not liking that they even need to deal with such things though it was not their choice. He was still grateful that he had Louis because without him, he'd be fully in the dark, all by himself.

After dessert Harry managed to get both of them out for the night, smiling apologetically back to Hermione who was left alone with McLaggen upon their departure.

"Can you stay with me? Just tonight." Harry pulled some seriously adorable puppy eyes on Louis so he said yes, heading to the towers with him.

"Do you think this will work out?" Louis was lying on top of Harry, playing with his curls seemingly not wanting to deal with this anymore. The lanky boy couldn't help his worry though. His eyes were searching Louis' face until those blue eyes found his own ones.

"It has to Haz. We'll be just fine." Louis' voice was tender his eyes softening incredibly more. Harry has no idea how he's still able to convince himself that he is bad at comforting people. He always calms Harry down, almost like the tiny lad is his reality, bonding him here and keeping him sane.

"You promise?" Louis shook his head, giggling softly before replying. "I cannot make such promise, but I do promise to do my best and no matter what I vow to be here for you Harold."

"If you'd be a muggle you for sure would be a lawyer. You already talk like one." They both laughed and for that night they just forgot everything. They weren't carrying the weight of worlds on their shoulders.

Instead the lads just laid together, being madly in love just like teenagers should.

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