True self

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~Chapter 11~

"I didn't know he had a kitten."

"Blimey Harry, who cares for that he admitted that he has opened it."

"Ron don't be so thick, he clearly knew it was us from the beginning. Tomlinson is a lot of things but he isn't dumb."

Finally reaching the prefect's bathroom on the third floor, they heard that Hermione was still in the stall.

"Hermione why aren't you coming out?"

"Mine went wrong, were you able to get anything out of him?"

"Not really, but I'm almost sure that he doesn't know either." Ron scoffed obnoxiously.

"While I'm pretty sure it's him."

"Listen I just know he isn't the one behind it okay? He wouldn't kill anyone. Tomlinson is all talk but no act."

"I disagree with you, Harry, it could still be him."

"Then we're back to square one."

"I don't know what you're on about Ron, we never even assumed that he's the one doing it, we just figured he might know more than us which we still didn't prove to be the case or not."

Harry simply changed back to his own robes and headed back towards the Gryffindor tower. So many things were on his mind and all of them were linked to the short blue-eyed boy.

He meant when he told his friends that Tomlinson isn't the one doing it. He saw it with his own eyes that he has no problem with muggle-borns. His father is a truly disgusting man though Harry had no idea what to do with any of these information.

After taking a long and well-needed shower, he got into his bed but wasn't able to fall asleep. His mind just kept racing, trying hard to figure out any reasonable explanation to what just happened. He shot out of bed as a thought came to him.

Was it his worst idea ever? One hundred percent.

Would it get him expelled? Definitely.

Will he still do it? Apparently so.

His legs kept him moving until he reached the bathroom again, his invisibility cloak securely under his arms, he grabbed the leftover potion and took off.

Sneaking into a teacher's classroom was probably the worst thing that you could do, but that teacher being Snape, Harry certainly lost it.

Without thinking anything through he pulled off a few pieces of his teacher's hair from his robe that was in the storage room hoping it belonged to him. On his way towards the dungeons he mixed it into the potion and also started to pull Snape's robe over his pyjama. Yes he also stole that.

He chugged it down just in time to reach the common room and to his greatest surprise Tomlinson was sitting on the ledge of the window. Harry had no idea how to act natural about any of this, he was almost certain that Snape never actually wandered around here, specially not in the middle of the night but he also knew that-for whatever reason-Tomlinson trusts Snape so it was worth a try. After all he came this far and the painting let him in without needing the password. Everything was on his side.

"Shouldn't you be in bed Mr. Tomlinson?" The tiny lad jumped ten feet in his seat, clearly startled by someone else's presence.

"Professor? What are you doing here?"

"I was taking a walk when my eyes caught the beaming lights." Harry felt like that is a vague answer and something that their mad professor would undeniably say. Seemingly he was right as Tomlinson said nothing back, simply turning back towards the window.

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