First lesson

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~Chapter 17~

"Who is Bellatrix Lestrange?" They were sitting on their favourite couch at the Gryffindor common room and neither of his friends seemed to be interested in the fact that Louis' biggest fear is his own aunt.

"She's a murderer Harry, nothing more. She's probably the second most insane person after you-know-who. By the way great follower of his, clearly since she was a Death Eater. I personally don't know too much about her antics but what I do gathered is that she was mostly known for using the Cruciatus curse on people who refused to cooperate with them."

Harry felt his stomach crunch tightly while his eyes widened. "You don't think she ever used it on Tomlinson right?"

"Of course not. He, if anyone is very serious about family. Think about it Harry it's like you wouldn't know how much his father does for him, he'd never let the little prick get hurt, everything's always handed to him." The answer only made him more worried, Tomlinson was playing the part good but did someone as smart as Hermione truly let hatred blind her that much? Why didn't it do the same for Harry? Why is he so invested in the tiny lad with electric blue eyes that could convince you to do anything? He was not able to figure out why he never even told anything that happened between them or the things he's seen.

During supper he was not able to peel his eyes away from the feathery-haired lad even though he knew it would raise suspicion. Thinking about it, what he was doing since their lesson, he never even despised Tomlinson.

Although to his greatest surprise no one seemed to notice or care for his ogle. Not even the short boy, he was disinterestedly scribbling something down then taking his sweet time to fold it into a beautiful bird. As he was done he casted a spell on the parchment and it started to fly, getting some attention.

The bird didn't stop, nor let itself be caught by anyone until it reached Harry who held out his hand and it landed right on his palm. Being careful not to let anyone else see he cautiously unfolded it and read the lines written in cursive letters.

'I'll TRY to teach you, be at the third floor, prefect's bathroom tonight, 8 pm. Not making promises though, you're helpless.-L'

An involuntary smile spread on his face as he nodded delighted and mouthed a thank you. Before his friends would have taken the paper he dismissed them saying it's just an insult and he doesn't care, slipping it into his robe.

After his shower the curly-haired lad, grabbed his cloak and sneaked out of the common room. He hurried down the corridor and entered the bathroom. Probably not the most ideal place to learn but they had no better and also patronus really doesn't depend on your surroundings.

Harry sat down on the cold tiles, folding his legs under himself. For a split second the idea of Tomlinson tricking him ran through his mind but he simply shook it off. He wouldn't do that or at least not like this. If he ever did insult Harry or anyone for what it's worth he always did it with an audience.


"Why do I react to them so strongly?" His professor was gathering papers, seemingly about to head somewhere.

"Dementors are horrible creatures Harry, they feed off of your fears and suck away all the good. You've seen horrible things through your life."

"Can you cast a patronus?"

"Only an uncorporeal one and that's also pretty weak. I remember your father was really talented at it." His eyes widened and Lupin smiled.

"Yeah, the three of us were pretty close. He had a stag as his patronus, it resembles strength and loyalty, courage, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd be able to learn it. I, however couldn't teach it to you."

"Was my mother also able to cast it?" A knowing smile appeared on his teacher's face.

"Yes, indeed. She had a doe which didn't just show how perfect she was for James but also represented the love and care she held for everyone. It means that they'd do anything for the ones they love. Like she loved you Harry."


The door creaked open, breaking Harry away from his memory and he saw Tomlinson coming in. At first he also appeared to be a little uncertain almost like he'd think it's a trap even though he was the one offering to meet and giving all the details.

"Okay so first things first, I'm by no mean an expert and..." He barely even reached the curly-haired lad he was already doubting this and Harry couldn't let that happen.

"You have figured it out all by yourself with nothing but a book, even if it's a simple uncorporeal one that is bloody impressive and something I want to be able to cast." His blue eyes shone under the fluorescent lights but the expression on his face was unreadable.

"Why weren't you coming to Hogsmeade last week?" That was so bloody random and for a second made the curly-haired lad wonder if he really cannot take a compliment.

"I didn't have the signature from a guardian." Harry got up and also pulled his wand just like the shorter lad did.


"That's not important." His face showed such a stubborn expression that he knew this won't go as he has planned.

"You know one of my secrets it's only fair." That didn't make any sense to Harry and he wasn't afraid to voice his thoughts.

"That's not how it works, you need to give trust that I will keep it, not rely on me being blackmailed into keeping it. This isn't trade." The tiny lad's features didn't smooth out and he kept waiting for a proper answer.

"I live with Muggles and they're not a big fan of magic, never really do anything for me."

"What does that mean? Just because they're poor and can't afford clothes and stuff it doesn't mean they're incapable of writing." Harry's eyes darted down, watching his huge shirt that was a hand-down from Dudley.

"That's not what I meant, they have money they just don't spend it on me so I wouldn't think that I'm worth it. They think I'm a freak for being a wizard and that they need to show how irrelevant I am. I've never gotten anything in my life until I came to Hogwarts and the Weasleys and Hermione gave me presents for Christmas. Molly knitted me a jumper and still this day it warms my heart more than anything. Someone just putting so much effort into making something just for me."

"What the hell? That's can't...why aren't you telling that to someone?"

"It's not that bad Tomlinson, it's not like they hurt me or anything, sometimes when I'm locked in they forget to feed me but other than that they've never done anything to harm me."

"Locked in? Locked in where?"

"I lived in a cupboard until I turned 12, but now I have Dudley's old room so even when I'm closed in it's really not that bad." The tiny lad opened his mouth again but Harry simply shook his head.

"That was enough of a secret, I've never even told that to my friends, now start teaching me." To his greatest surprise those blue eyes scanned his face, appearing to be about to make this harder than that but he ended up nodding tightly and started the first lesson.

They both had a pretty hard life and if Harry ponders about it, the tiny lad's still sounds worse than his own.

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