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~Chapter 26~

The sound of soft purrs and his chin being tickled awoke Louis from his deep sleep. He was an early riser so he didn't mind, petting his angel tenderly and gathering his stuff.

After a quick shower he was basically skipping down the halls, exhilarated that it's weekend. Throwing the library's door open, he smiled at the empty space. He loved the early morning when everyone was being lazy and he was able to do whatever he wanted without hiding.

He picked up a few potions book and also one on charms as it caught his eyes then hopped along the rows towards the back. His favourite table was always free as he technically claimed it as his own.

The back of the library was only used by horny students to make out but in this specific table you weren't able to see that so if they weren't too loud he was fine but also no one ever wandered this far back to see him. It was a win-win.

Up until now that was the case however a hunched form was sitting in his usual chair. A soft groan escaping past his lips and he was about to turn around, not glad that he needed to study somewhere else, he loved that table but what he also cannot do is throw a full blown fit about it as he's trying to be invisible.

However upon suspecting said lanky kid further he realised that it was Styles. That meant that he was more than safe and also he probably wanted something from Louis. He only ever comes when he does. It just didn't make sense why he wouldn't simply find Louis with his map.

He started walking over, shrugging off his thoughts, maybe he did and saw Louis coming over here. "Well hi there, up early today as I see. Are you sick?" The curly-haired boy was truly lazy so it must be important.

"What?...oh you say something?"

"Alright so what's going on?" Louis was not this thick, he clearly wasn't here to bicker like they usually do.

"Nothing, why would there be anything?" Louis raised an eyebrow, easily seeing that the taller lad was bothered by something.

"Do you think that all magic is right?" And he was utterly lost just like that. "What?"

"You know like for example when you take the veritaserum is there still a chance of you lying?"

"I have no idea what could be possibly going through your mind but no. If you take such strong potion there's technically no chance but that doesn't make all magic invincible. Like look at yourself, you also shouldn't be able to survive the killing curse but you did so I guess anything can happen." Louis was playing with the pages inside the book, already knowing that he won't get much done today.

"There are more trustworthy spells and branches though. I'd say potions is definitely pretty spot on but if we'd be talking about something like divination that's a whole another story. So why are you pondering about this and what exactly did you manage to do this time?" Harry barely even looked at him since he sat at the table which was odd as usually he stares at Louis until he wants to confess all of his darkest secrets.

"Oh nothing just a bizarre thought, I guess I'll leave you to it." With that the curly-haired lad got up and left, confusing him even further. He always stays to annoy Louis. What was bothering him so much? And why did he not once look into his eyes?

He tried to forget it but he kept wondering on his behaviour. Did the tiny lad do something wrong? He knew he shouldn't care but still here he was still doing exactly that.

Really everything went as expected with the Triwizard Tournament, all of the chosen ones were everyone's best guess. What didn't seem right was how much Styles didn't care. He not once even looked towards Louis or Dumbledore at all. He appeared to be not even there.

Suddenly his attention was drawn away as the goblet turned red again and it gave one more piece of parchment. Dumbledore caught it and read what it said with disbelief.

"Harry Styles." Everyone erupted with chatter, no one understanding what was going on or how did that happen. Louis let his mind wonder, was this what Harry talked about? Did he just put his name in?

That plainly didn't make sense as he said that he wants no attention plus he wasn't even focusing on this ceremony. Yet it so nicely added up with his strange behaviour, Louis couldn't help but believe that Harry came to him shocked upon being able to enter through the age circle, maybe he did not even try and tricks, he could have just done it and that would explain his confusion with magic and its reliability.

"Harry Styles." Dumbledore's voice rang through the Great Hall again, while Harry was grabbed by Hermione and pushed off of the bench.

"What? What is it?" Still he, just like Louis assumed, had no idea what's going on but walked to their headmaster. He clasped the piece of parchment curious. His eyes scanned through it making his jaw drop.

"What? How's that even possible? I don't..." He was sent after the rest without any explanation and the tiny lad watched him go whilst everyone started to trash him for doing this right as their teachers stepped a foot out.

Louis got up and walked away, back to his dorm. Nothing made sense to him but he wanted to talk to Harry at least. Casting his usual charm he sneaked out and into the Gryffindor tower. Harry was back after talking to the teachers and Louis knew this as the rumours of him competing as well already spread through the entire castle.

He found the curly-haired lad in the common room, all the Gryffindors screaming at him. He wasn't able to make out a single word or insult but he could tell that no one really took Harry's side here who kept repeating that he didn't do it.

"You're such a liar, at least you could have told me." His jaw dropped upon hearing Weasley involved as well. What kind of friend would do that?

He hopped up the stairs and took the cloak out of Harry's luggage. He managed to sneak behind the lanky boy, without anyone noticing the floating piece of material. He threw it over Harry and himself, everyone gasping and shutting up.

"Move it quick now Styles." They made a run for it before Weasley could have pulled the cloak away, only stopping at Louis' table in the library.

"So care to explain?"

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