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~Chapter 15~

The prisoner of Azkaban

After a long and boring summer Louis was actually glad to go back to Hogwarts. His mother was away a lot and on those days it was better for him to just keep a low profile. Upon losing their house elf his father also started to make him do shit around the Manor what was hard work and borderline annoying.

The train ride back was a little different though as they were chatting the train stopped. Everything started to get incredibly cold and dark. Louis knew the feeling all too well. Dementors.

He has dealt with them before and was technically able to cast a patronus which meant that he mostly was able to create an uncorporeal one that could be used against one or two. Sometimes when he was simply practising he managed to make a full corporeal patronus but he was never able to tell what it is. He's almost one hundred percent sure it's some type of a four legged mammal but that's as far as he's gotten.

It was still way above more wizards' abilities seen as they were extremely hard to cast. It was one of the proudest moments of his life when he managed but he only ever told his mum.

"I'll be right back." He was sure it must be because of Sirius Black. He has escaped Azkaban and probably intended to kill Styles which as fun as that could be was still not something that the tiny lad wanted at all.

While wandering through the train, he found one of them and it was actually sucking out Styles' soul, making Louis raise his wand. He knew that they're not supposed to do that and he wasn't for a second sure why this one would attack Styles but he seem to have gotten here just in time.

"Expecto Patronum!" He casted the charm and the dementor was swept away and soon the lights switched back on and they started to move again, certainly meaning that the foul creatures got off.

The blue-eyed lad fled the scene, really hoping that neither of the two idiots saw that it was him who helped. He's had enough of Styles thinking that he knows the tiny lad or that he could trust him. That obviously wasn't the case.

The rest of the night was pretty usual, nothing out of order happening. The old headmaster talked about Hogwarts giving home to a couple of dementors and right off Slytherins put on their hoods and started to hu at Styles, ridiculing him for fainting.

Louis was always one to join even if he didn't agree nor saw a point but not this time. There's nothing fun and light-hearted about dementors and none of the idiots has ever met one if they think any of this is entertaining.

"What's up with you Louis? Why aren't you joining us? You're always the one crossed at the git and mocking him the most." His eyes locked onto Styles' who seemed to be actually embarrassed about this.

"I can only tolerate so many halfwits at once and right now I just cannot make a valid reason to care for Styles fainting over almost receiving a Dementor's kiss. I don't have a soul but even I know that I wouldn't feel my best when the foulest creature in our world is trying to suck it out." With that he got up and left the Great Hall not caring that he defended Styles so openly right now. He's fine with doing a lot of shit that actually bothers him but not this.

He grew up fearing them. Everyone knew that his father was a Death Eater, meaning that he had horrible experiences with the monsters from a very young age.

He used to be terrified of them and when he turned 11 and got his acceptance letter, his mother also got him a book about the patronus charm. It took him several weeks to learn it properly at the age of 13 so not that long ago, seeing he just turned 13 in June, not able to practise a lot, or with a real dementor, also having no teacher just one book. He was exceedingly determined though as he just voiced, dementors are the worst kind of creatures that he can think of.

After taking a shower he sneaked out of the dungeons, getting on two thick green hoodies and wearing some simple chequered cotton pants. Like always he ended up in the library where he ditched the disillusionment charm and started to learn for his potions class tomorrow. He loved to study in advance in order to make Snape feel appreciated and just show him that someone cares.

"Thank you." A loud groan broke out of him and it came from deep within, way more exaggerated than necessary. His eyes rolled all the way back only to open and lock with those annoyingly green orbs.

"I was simply stating the obvious not trying to help your little princess self."

"I wasn't talking about supper but the train. How did you do that?" An odd hybrid between a huff and a sigh fought its way past his lips again, closing the book he was reading and getting up. Before he could walk away he felt a tender touch, soft and warm hands connecting to his own icey ones that were covered by his sleeves but were still technically frozen.

"Please." It was quiet and almost broken, reminding the tiny lad way too much how he felt when he first met a dementor. It would have been so much easier to say no if he wouldn't relate. If only he simply wouldn't know how the twerp was feeling.

"I used a patronus charm, find a book and learn it if you can." With that he walked away feeling like he gave what he was given when he was in need of help. Somehow he still felt like a proper git but he tried to push back that emotion.

"We're back again Grumpy, are you as happy as I am?" His kitten plainly yawned and cuddled in the junction of his neck and shoulder, purring softly.

"I'll take that as a yes." He giggled softly, running his hand through the fluffy fur of his angel a few times while slipping away as well.

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