The Chosen One and the Son of a Death Eater

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~Chapter 29~

Louis stuck around, calming the taller lad fully before it was his turn to go. Louis walked him to the entrance and hugged him one last time, whispering so only he would hear.

"If you come back unharmed I'll listen to a joke." Harry was pushed out, grinning widely as he stumbled a little, looking back at the closed tent.

The tiny lad got out on the back side again, running in a frenzy towards the stands, sitting just in time to see Harry casting a spell and ducking behind a rock. People were yelling all sorts of things, many betting that he won't even make it but Louis knew better, they've never seen Harry fight.

He was also able to read his lips, smiling upon seeing the Accio spell. He got this, he was sure.

After probably the most agonising 47 minutes of his life, his eyes spotted his flying form, his broom slightly roasted but he appeared to be in one piece. He took the egg making the feathery-haired boy smile. "That is one joke for me."

"What?" He looked towards Blaise but simply shook his head. "Nothing."

After the first task the students felt proud of Harry and apparently everyone, including Weasley thought that they can be best friends again.

Louis had no right to get into the curly-haired lad's business though so he kept his opinion to himself. He was sitting in the library when he sensed someone slipping into the seat next to him. "Look at that if it's not the boy who lived, the absolute star of the competition, tied in first place."

Harry chuckled at him but said nothing just kept ogling the smaller lad with sparkling eyes, making him sigh theoretically.

"Go for it, a promise is a promise." A wide grin broke out on the twerp's face, making his heart flutter. He just looked so beautiful when he smiled, he should do it more often.

"Which country's capital has the fastest growing population?"

"I hope this is less horrible than usual, you had such a long time to come up with it." Harry smiled even wider already cracking up on his amazing joke.

"Ireland. Every day it's Dublin." Louis couldn't help the tiny giggles. Was it a good joke? No.

Was it even funny? Absolutely not.

Was Harry adorable? Yes, yes he was.

"Actually I think that was your worst one so far." Harry laughed some more on him.

"Admit it, you found my humour exhilarating."

"More like exasperating." Louis still had a dumb smile on his face but he tried to get rid of it for the time being.


It was already lunch time, students filling up the Great Hall. Louis kept getting his gaze locked with the curly-haired lad, making him oddly flushed. He wasn't sure why but it was getting annoying.

After their meal, some students started to study, some were still munching on dessert as the mail came.

Louis smiled upon seeing his usual chocolate from his mother but Bonbon also carried a letter with the Daily Prophet. He grabbed the paper and unrolled the news, getting a strange twist in his stomach.

Everyone else was starting to read it and they were all staring. Soon the tiny lad got why.


The Chosen One and the Son of a Death Eater

Louis' eyes almost bulged out while immediately starting to read the article. How would she even know about his father? Well everyone always said that he's one but it was never confirmed hence why his father is not in Azkaban. Saying such thing so openly in what supposed to be a credible paper was already baffling and Louis have not even got to the truly shocking part.

Young Harry Styles (12), has not only gotten himself involved in the Triwizard Tournament as his extreme ambition and mostly insanity has demanded him, hungry for attention but he also likes to experiment, pushing his boundaries with pissing off higher forces. His and Tomlinson's relationship was well-kept so far but there's nothing hidden from...


Louis felt like he's going to be sick, not sure what he could even react to that and really not ready to open that letter now. He didn't look up but also stopped reading. He knew-felt-that everyone was staring.

His eyes fixated on the main picture in the bloody front page that kept going on a never ending loop. It was of the moment they hugged for the first time. Him basically running into Harry's arms and them embracing each other tightly. It kept going on repeat, making Louis question his sanity each time it replayed. This is not truly happening to them right now.

He finally found the strength to raise his head and those who weren't watching him were staring at Styles, who was yet to look up from the Prophet.

"What the fuck is this Tomlinson?" With just that one Slytherin everyone started shouting questions to him, making his head hurt in mere seconds and those green eyes to lock onto his. His gaze wandered down to those full lips moving. 'Are you going to be okay?'

Louis looked towards his letter as well as Harry, both swallowing at the same time. 'Sure.' He simply nodded his head to it and stood abruptly. They all watched as he left the room hurriedly, really hoping that the taller lad won't do the same as that would be a dead giveaway.

Barely minutes have passed as he reached the library, Harry was soon coming over, sitting down so his prayers were clearly not answered.

"What does it say?" Ignoring how that probably made them look he lowered his head.

"I don't know, didn't open it yet."

"You think your parents will be angry about that article?" Harry's voice was shaking, his fear evident in his tone. "Are you mad?"

"Of course not, it's not like you wrote this, none of it is true anyways." Louis took a deep breath and opened his letter, glad that Harry respected his privacy and stayed opposite him not trying to read anything.

Dear Louis,

I'm utterly confused but you must know that whatever is going on you'll always have my support. Your father is furious but not with you. That article will be removed and I want you to know that whatever is happening to you right now, I'm here for you and if you feel like telling me I'd always listen. Otherwise you don't need to worry about a single thing.

I hope everything is going alright in school, Severus told us how amazing you're doing, especially on potions and we're incredibly proud of you.

I love you so much Boo, please take care!

Yours sincerely, Narcissa

"So what did it say? Are we in trouble?" Louis' eyes raised back up to Harry's but he shook his head, handing the letter over. "You can read it, it's just my mum thankfully. She'd never say anything bad to anyone let alone me. The fact that she still wrote that my father is angry says a lot though."

He watched the taller lad scan through the letter as well. "Is he like...against gay people?" It sounded odd coming out of his mouth. Like he was ashamed to even say the word. Louis just shook his head again.

"No, he's against you in particular. I don't even think he believes the article he simply fears that we're friends. Will your little followers take this well?"

"None of their business now, is it?"

"I don't understand how she even got the impression that we're in love. What the bloody hell is wrong with that woman?" Harry flinched by the words, probably still thinking that the tiny lad is mad which he was but not at him.

"I don't know." It was incredibly strange, almost like his tone was laced with something but Louis wasn't able to put a finger on it.

"Do you have your cloak?"

"No, why?"

"Then we have to use disillusionment." A sly smirk spread on his face, his eyes lighting up with mischief.

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