Not my loss

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~Chapter 24~

It was starting to get cold as Harry was walking out of Hogwarts. They were all heading down to Hogsmeade as it was already the weekend and he tagged along to Hermione while Ron was discussing some girl with the rest of the boys.

"Blimey I forgot my wand, no way in hell I'm going without it. I'll meet you guys there." With that Harry turned on his heels and ran straight back to the building's foyer.

The halls were completely empty, basically all the students have left and those who stayed back weren't out and about. Even their guests from the two schools coming for the Triwizard Tournament left.

He finally reached their room and grabbed his wand that was carelessly tossed on top of his sheets. With a huge sigh he decided to make his bed if he already came back, his being the only one looking like crap.

While folding his covers he saw that yesterday he fell asleep with the piece of parchment that held his map. He unfolded it and sat on his made bed to see who actually stayed.

There barely was any living (or dead) soul in the castle. A few of their teachers and to his huge surprise Louis. He appeared to be in the dungeons, upstairs Harry would guess his dormitories but he's only ever been to the common room.

Finding the fact that he stayed here, all by himself was way more interesting than Hogsmeade he headed towards the Slytherin dorms.

When he reached the painting he realised that he doesn't even know the password in this year just yet. Groaning softly he turned back as he clearly wasn't able to enter or make anything enter for him to get Louis to come down and let him in.

Just as he thought of that an idea came to him. It was crazy and he wasn't sure if it'd work, he's never heard anyone attempting but then again he never even heard of the charm before last year.

He got out his wand and cleared his throat casting his patronus. For a second he just watched the elegant stag but then made it walk through the wall. He was shocked that it actually worked and he could feel that it's still walking.

Trying to navigate it towards the stairs he remembered the tiny lad taking when he and Ron turned into his friends, he guided it upstairs. At this point he had nothing so he visualised their own room, almost certain that it'd look the same. Why wouldn't it?

Apparently he was a mad genius because minutes later the painting opened up, revealing the door where a tired looking Louis stood. He was bundled in a blanket fully, his hair all fluffed up and nose oddly red.

"What do you want? Better be worth my time if I got out of bed." Harry pouted after hearing his scratchy voice, feeling pity for the lad. He was sick.

"I just wanted to see why you stayed but now you'll have the fortune to enjoy my company."

"Lucky me." Harry knew that he would have been sent away if Louis truly wouldn't want him here, but instead he stepped out of the way, letting him enter.

He followed the tiny lad up the stairs without uttering a word until they came to a room. Louis let him enter first so he did. He one hundred percent understood what he was talking about Slytherin being elegant while Gryffindor is simply in your face.

Their interior design wasn't as green as you'd assume. Harry turned towards Louis only to see him in bed, having the one right next to the window. They had a view on the hills which was so bloody cool but as Harry wanted to voice that a shadow slipped past it making him pull his wand.

"Leave them to be Harry, you'll get used to it." He pushed it back into his pocket not at all convinced and walked over to Louis' bed seating himself on the edge.

"Since when are you sick? Yesterday you seemed fine." Reaching out he pressed the back of his hand flush against Louis' forehead, feeling that unlike everytime he touched his skin this time it was indeed burning up.

"This morning I woke up with a fever and feeling like utter faeces." Harry let out an incredibly manly yelp as something furry rubbed against his arm that was certainly not Louis.

He let go of the humiliation for two reason. One Louis cracked up, giggling at his reaction and that was adorable and second, more importantly, it was his kitten.

After that yet another exceedingly masculine squeal escaped his lips and he started to drown the kitty in his affection. The tiny lad chuckled some more but let him have his way with his pet.

"What's his name?"

"Her and Grumpy." Harry smiled widely, petting the kitten with passion. "Hi Grumpy, I'm Harry and you'll grow to love me very soon."

"How come no one stayed with you?" They were both lying on Louis' bed, at some point the curly-haired lad was granted permission to come under the blanket. He surely got why Louis always wears two jumpers after feeling how bloody cold it gets in the dungeons.

"I'm not five and in need of supervision."

"I didn't mean it like that more like to entertain you..."

"Well I guess I'm not as needy as you to have such expectations. Who would pass on Hogsmeade?!" Harry's answer was caught in his throat as they heard steps coming up the stairs. Louis started to freak out but Harry made him lay back and covered him up properly.

"Get better soon and rest a little, bye Grumpy I'll see you very soon." With that he pulled the cloak over himself, feeling smart for bringing it. He watched Louis' smile and as Goyle opened the door he slipped out and headed back to his own common room where he needed to explain himself on why he never ended up going to Hogsmeade.

He had way more fun with Louis though so he didn't mind the loss.

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