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~Chapter 34~

Almost a month has passed and the boys were still back to square one. They just weren't really able to act as friends should, seeing their sorting and other friends.

They did indeed make sure to meet a lot, Louis' table becoming their table somewhere along the lines. They mostly studied together, and Harry was grateful that he seemingly was pissing Snape off way less with Louis' help.

Louis was simply sitting on his bed, at his very own room. Grumpy cuddled under his knee while Harry was sitting across from him, both deep into their own books.

"Did you have that first kiss since we talked?" Louis almost dropped his book simply shaking his head, more than shocked by how bold the curly-haired was. He was never one to mention such subject, mostly awkward about anything even suggesting this.

"Well me neither but I figured that could be changed. Do you want it to change?" Louis raised his gaze for the first time and Harry was staring at him immensely, leaning forward more, resting his weight fully on his hands that were pressing into his sheets right before Louis' ankles.

"Well...I-I don't, don't really think about this or like care for it?" He swallowed hard, wanting nothing more than to smack himself for that answer that made no sense at all. Way to go.

"Maybe you could change the perspective and think of it this way. You wouldn't be doing it to have your first kiss but to help me have mine." The tall lad was technically hovering above him, not keeping any reasonable distance whatsoever while Louis tried to be sensible and phantom what the bloody hell that was supposed to mean.

It was just so challenging with Harry's nose almost touching his own, like he'd be trying to divert the small lad, not wanting him to get it at all. Was he talking about Louis kissing some random girl so Harry could talk to her friend or something? Be a distraction for him?

All of these thoughts flew out the window as his mind blanked. Soft, plump lips pressed against his own, Harry's eyes closed, his hands on Louis' thighs now.

He felt way too many things all at once but the most distinguish one was how amazing it was. He enjoyed the contact so he closed out the rest of his emotions and simply copied the taller lad who was doing a great job even though he's never done this before.

"Blimey, when the bloody hell did you become so bold?" He felt his chuckle under his palms that ended up pressing against the curly-haired lad's chest but not trying to push him away at all, more like to ground Louis instead.

"I'd say it's worth it for me." He smiled but it was wiped off his face by yet another kiss, this one turning into more. The thought of doing everything too fast barely crossed his mind, he already lost the worry as he was pushed down against his bed with Harry holding him there.

Slow, open-mouthed pecks were littered along his chin and jaw, the tall boy heading down on his body. He stopped around the base of his neck, nibbling longer than he did before. Louis felt his stomach turn with a brand new emotion and he was technically blinded by need.

Shooting up abruptly, it took minutes for the tiny lad to take in his state and environment. He had a book pressing into his leg while everyone was sleeping in their dormitory.

He tried to phantom the idea that he actually just had a dream like that. Worst of all he highly enjoyed having said dream. Enough to have his hormonal, teen boy parts excited as well. Groaning lowly he turned to his side, forcing his eyes to shut and fall back asleep. It was a lot harder this time around.

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