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~Chapter 46~

Waking up with the extra warmth that Harry provided almost like his personal space heater was way too nice not to get used to. This time it was different though as Louis was able to just cuddle closer even though both of them were awake since they didn't get into this position after falling asleep.

Unfortunately nothing can last forever and the tiny lad was hungry anyways so he untangled his limbs while Harry sat up as well.

"Can I have your jumper again?" This time it didn't really make that much sense since Harry's robe from yesterday was here but the shorter lad didn't mention that only nodded.

He got up and saw that pretty much all his friends were still fast asleep. It was Saturday anyways and besides him all of them are lazy and also had partied all night long probably. At least the lads were in luck about keeping this hushed for a little.

Louis got dressed in a slightly smaller jumper than the one he gave the curly-haired lad and they headed out of the dungeons right away.

"Maybe we should take this slow, first just start to act less like we hate each other in public." Louis nodded clearly agreeing with those conditions so neither acted like it's a big deal for them to enter together.

"Well it will be easier than I thought." Harry chuckled next to him upon seeing probably ten people all together in the Great Hall. "Want to come sit with me? Really kick this off?"

Louis saw that 3 students were sitting at the Gryffindor table while none at the Slytherin. "No but you're welcome to join me, our house is way cooler than to come this early. Even those who didn't party would know not to humiliate themselves."

Harry laughed loudly and Louis giggled as well because that absolutely backfired on him. "I wouldn't be so cheerful you're also here, tosser." That only made him happier actual tears rolling down his cheeks from how amused he was at this point.

The lads did as they said and sat together at the Slytherin table, even though there was barely anyone, they both knew that this will spread through the school faster than the plague would.

Apparently neither really cared for that as they didn't stop their little breakfast date. Well no one knew that was the case but it was nice to call it that.

"Tonight I'll pick you up at 7 pm in front of the dungeons." Harry oddly leaned forwards while Louis was waiting for it but they both cleared their throat and the taller lad strutted away while Louis took another sip and did the same.

Louis did not expect it to be this fast though, by the time he reached back to his dorm everyone was up and there were a tsunami of questions. Like a mature person would he grabbed his potions and ran away.

Apparently he and the curly-haired lad share a lot of things since he was there only second later.

"Did everyone start screaming at you as well?"

"Pretty much."

"Mind me joining?" Louis' smiled widely, pushing the chair out for Harry. "Of course not."

They ended up spending most of the day together until Harry got up and left Louis to be, probably because of his grand plan for their date that he was not willing to tell the tiny lad.

Louis managed to sneak up to his room where he discharmed himself.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to come back." His eyes locked onto Theo's making it clear that he won't get away this time around.

"Listen you guys, Styles is really not all that bad and yeah at first I was just as much against hanging out with him as you but he turned out to be pretty cool. Just give him a chance or ignore it since it's none of your business anyways."

They all blinked at him but he knew that once you went there, there's no turning back. He said what he said. They made this rule a long time ago and when anything, usually their past or family, gets too uncomfortable they just threw that in the conversation and no one has the right to question it.

"Fine it's your life mate, we were just curious."

"Does that mean that we have to be nice to the Gryffindors now?" Goyle appeared generally troubled by the thought but Louis felt his heart warming up. That was so adorable of them.

"No, of course not, do whatever you want...maybe be a little bit kinder to Styles but not too much. Wouldn't want him getting cocky." They all laughed and it was rare but Louis hugged each of them. He certainly didn't expect on the first day when he got on that train and befriended them to find such true mates.

He changed his clothes but then changed back so Harry wouldn't think he cares that much then went to brush his teeth. Maybe this time they will have a few moments alone and he can actually kiss his boyfriend. That would be nice.

His eyes fixated on his form in the mirror grinning dumbly on just the simple thought of the curly-haired lad. He rinsed his mouth and started to walk out. He ignored everyone at the common room and exited through the painting.

"You look beautiful." He almost jumped out of his skin by hands wrapping around his waist, while Harry technically breathed into his ear.

"You mean handsome and rugged thanks, you're not too shabby either." He felt how his chest rocked with the laughter that bubbled out of him and his hand that inched down his hips and clasped his hand.

"Let's go on that date." Louis let their fingers intertwine while nodding his head with a beaming smile.


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