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~Chapter 14~

The place was definitely not well-kept. Webs and dust covering every single inch and sharp hard objects pressing into Louis' dainty hands.

He looked down and his eyes adjusted better to the gloomy space, making him sprung to his feet just when Styles did. The ground was covered in bones.

"So what are we going to do next genius?"

"Find Ginny and get the hell out of here." The tiny lad knew all too well that this won't be that simple. Nonetheless he started walking with Styles close to his side. An odd rumbling noise was breaking through the tunnel that they were following and he felt a hand grab his own out of instinct.

"What was that?" Harry looked worried but not scared at all, making Louis assume that he really is exceedingly mad. There was a thin line between being crazy and courageous.

Unlike he expected from himself, he said nothing snarky and didn't let go of his hand because the short lad had nothing to do with Gryffindor so he was terrified and having Styles right next to him calmed some of his nerves just a tad bit.

Soon they reached another gate and after his eyes locked onto to Styles' deep green ones he said something again in Parselmouth. The huge door, that almost looked like a vault would, opened and their eyes fell on Weasley.

Letting go of Styles' hand he stayed behind and actually took in their surroundings, whilst he just ran into the spacious place, as this clearly felt like a trap. Nothing appeared to be threatening them right at that point and finally Louis reached the unconscious girl and Styles kneeling next to her.

"We have to take her back up." Just as the curly-haired lad grabbed the girl, Louis' eyes averted from the dropped leather journal to movement opposite them. He pulled his wand right away, making his face stoned like he's not actually panicking.

"No use in that, as she's getting weaker I'm growing stronger."

"You're Tom. Tom Marvolo Riddle." Louis' brows furrowed never in his life has he heard that name but it still sounded oddly familiar.

"You opened the Chamber again just like 50 years ago."

"Indeed, well technically it was the girl not me, she did everything I told her to."

"Well you're all by yourself and against the two of us you can do nothing." Loud laughter filled the room, making Louis feel uneasy. They watched with jaws dropped how the young boy spelt out his name with Harry's wand and then moved the letters to form a sentence.

I am lord Voldemort

"It's not me who'll kill you." The feathery-haired lad's eyes widened as his ears were reached by that disgusting slithering sound. "Styles close your eyes, you'll die if you look into the eyes of the Basilisk."

After he did as told Louis has done the same. Louis was breathing heavily not at all sure what to even do, without seeing how is he supposed to fight with the monster?

Loud screeching filled the tunnels and soon a bird appeared, as Louis felt the movement he closed his eyes back but then he heard more rumbling. Creaking his eyes open he saw the shadow and understood what was happening.

"It's Fawkes. Dumbledore's phoenix."  The idiot was right next to him, watching the shadow just like him. Once in this life he was grateful for the old fool and they both turned to see it fly away and like he assumed the snake was blinded.

"Run Styles." He did as told and the Basilisk actually followed him ignoring Louis. Voldemort clearly didn't care enough to kill him first. He was quick to go after them, and upon reaching the git and the creature he saw that it cornered Styles.

Louis swore under his breath and sprinted past them, making the snake assume that it's Styles. Now the only problem left was that he was the one getting followed by the monstrous beast. After slaloming through the pipes he ended up back at the main part where Weasley was still lying idly.

The curly-haired lad also just ran out from a different one. "Behind you." He was not in the place to make sassy comments but he was way too tempted.

"No shit Styles, I didn't even notice."

"Just try and help Ginny." Suddenly he threw a rock towards the snake, hitting its head. He ran towards the huge sculpture above the water and started to climb up while the snake was close to destroy everything amongst which was Styles.

"You can't save her." Louis ignored the annoying memory of Voldemort and casted a simple healing charm, it appeared to be helping but was far from enough. He still kept going. They needed time more than anything right at that moment.

Suddenly something sparkling caught his attention and he saw that Fawkes brought the sorting hat. Inside said hat was a sword. He pulled it out and saw that it was Gryffindor's sword. Either Dumbledore was having that and sent it to help which he highly doubts or it appeared for Styles, both options would be pretty epic but not something that he could ponder in that second.

"Styles." He yelled through the loud rumbling and threw it to him. Catching, barely able to grasp the handle he stabbed the creature through his head.

Soon he was next to the tiny lad and that's when he saw that he was also hurt. He kept focusing on Weasley for the time being but he knew that he cannot truly help either. Out of nowhere Styles stabbed the journal itself.

Louis' jaw dropped, he would have never thought of that but it made sense, right then he was still just a memory preserved in an object that was far from indestructible so they needed to destroy the source.

The boy faded away and Weasley awoke right away. Styles did all the small talk while Louis focused on healing the idiot enough to get him back to Madam Pomfrey. But it wasn't looking good.

Flapping of wings echoed through the room again and it made the tiny lad smile. "Phoenixes can heal with their tears this it." He kept Styles' arm still while Fawkes let tears roll on top of it, healing the cut right away.

"Let's go back up and forget this ever happened." The curly-haired lad helped Weasley up and then extended his hand to Louis as well. Ignoring the gesture he stood, straightening himself out.

"When you tell this glorious story of yours leave me out of it. I wasn't even here. Got it? I'll curse both of you if I even as much as hear a rumour." The Weasley girl looked confused but Styles simply nodded and extended his hand again. "If that's what you want, I'm sure besides Dumbledore no one will care."

Louis shook the outstretched hand. "You're even dumber than I thought then." They both chuckled and flew out of the hole using Fawkes. As Styles has said he simply talked with the teachers, leaving Tomlinson completely out of the story, saying that it was him and Ron down there and to his friends he must have said he was alone.

However obviously everyone was talking about what have happened in the Chamber of Secrets.

"Did you truly believe that I was the heir?" Louis almost jumped out of his skin, not happy that someone found him in the library, he has an image to upkeep. Upon seeing Styles he relaxed a little, the git can clearly keep a secret.

"No, why would I?"

"Because I'm Parseltongue, I should have been in Slytherin, I wasn't sorted there because I asked not to be."

"Of course you wouldn't...Saint Styles"

Silence fell and Louis hated how Styles was doubting himself clearly linking Slytherin to being evil and afraid that he'll turn out to be just as dangerous as Voldemort.

"The sword, it appeared for you Styles don't be this dense. It was Godric Gryffindor's sword. It only does that for a true Gryffindor."

A smile stretched on his face involuntarily upon seeing the twerp's.

"Thank you Tomlinson, for everything. I'm truly grateful you've helped and I would have never been able to do any of it without you. You know you're a lot nicer when..."

"We're not friends and if you tell anyone I talked to you I'll curse you and will deny it anyways. No one would believe you against me." Louis stood tall, and slamming his book he made a dramatic entrance, knowing well that he was exceedingly great at those.

It was still a little overshadowed by the stupid grin that never left Styles' face.

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