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~Chapter 36~

Louis watched mortified how Umbridge made a speech. This meant no good, this meant the ministry getting into Hogwarts business. Everyone was already a jerk to Harry and Louis was able to see what he meant in his letters.

The curly-haired lad appeared to be a lot snappier with everyone, not even talking to his friends. The Slytherins only made it worse but right now his problem wasn't Louis' house, it was his own.

Technically besides the two gits, the tiny lad and some teachers no one believed Harry but for whatever reason Louis didn't think that was it. The tall boy was going through a lot indeed but he did this before, something was wrong and Louis needs to do something about that.

After supper, Louis tried to sign to him, to tell him to be at the library but he was grabbed by Blaise and dragged away, knowing well that he needs to delay their chat.

He was left to spend the entire evening back at the dungeons, pretending that things are alright. He went to bed early, not able to get away this time so instead he wanted to rest.

He was barely slipping away when he felt his blanket being pulled off of him. He groaned and grabbed the other end, yanking it back on top of himself. It didn't budge and made the tiny lad sit up, only to see no one.

Everyone was sound asleep and his blanket was slipping from nothing. "Louis?"

He jumped ten feet in the air, heart racing by the sudden noise, clasping the cloak. Harry was sitting on the very edge of his bed, Louis' sheets tangled up in his hands.

A sad smile stretched across his face, simply opening his arms to the taller lad who cuddled up to him right away.

"Even Hogwarts isn't the same." Louis knew that as soon as the last semester ended, the fact that Harry was hopeful truly broke his heart.

"I know but you still have what counts Haz. You have your friends and me, it's not the school that's special it's the students. And everyone will calm down and things will go back to normal, you'll see."

The curly-haired lad pulled back and lied next to Louis on his bed. "I had a nightmare again, I keep seeing this door, but I don't know where it is, or what's inside?"

"Maybe it doesn't mean anything, let's try and rest a little, you look like shit." Harry chuckled lowly, his eyes a little dull, angry purple colouring his upper cheeks. The smaller lad knew that his dreams mean way more than probably either of them could imagine but he also knew that they won't solve this tonight.

"Can I stay here?" His eyes were already closed, face buried deep into Louis' pillow, already dozed off. Getting up Louis closed his canopy and tucked the curly-haired boy in. "Of course but don't get used to it."

He smiled seeing that Harry was already out cold, really hoping that this time he won't wake up at all, also shimming under the blanket, he let himself drift off as well, not wanting to wake up until next morning.

A steady rhythm was lulling the tiny lad back to sleep each time he tried to drag his arse out of bed.

"Tomlinson I don't know what you're doing but get up because we'll have an announcement during breakfast in five minutes." His eyes sprung open and it took him some time to understand what's going on.

He had arms twined around his torso and was sleeping basically on top of Styles. He pushed himself away abruptly, waking him as well in the process.

"Why are you jumping on me?" He swallowed hard, hearing his voice so thick and deep, a raspy tone laced through it.

"We're really bloody late, come on move it Styles." He technically pushed him out of his bed, cringing by the low thud of his body colliding with the floor.

"Oops." As his face appeared in Harry's vision while he grinned up at him. "Hi."

Shaking his head he started to run around, grabbing his robe and dressing up. "I don't have my robe."

"Come in your pjs, they're fine and it's just breakfast."

"Okay I'm not that trashy." Louis groaned and threw clothes at him. "This is the best I can do for you." He stopped to get his giggles out, forgetting their hurry for a second upon seeing his face.

"You cannot possibly think that I'll..."

"This is my biggest jumper Styles, you wouldn't fit your huge self into anything else I own." He laughed even harder when Harry pulled on the green jumper with the Slytherin crest decorating its front.

"Should have come to Slytherin, green is really your colour."

"Don't test me." Louis laughed even more and grabbed his hand, pulling him through the halls right after he had on pants.

"I'm telling you Professor, he was having a bad dream and then he disappeared."

"Maybe he went to find you-know-who." They heard laughter and Harry halted. Dumbledore's voice rang through the Great Hall, making everyone else shut up.

"When was the last time you saw him Mr. Weasley?" Harry turned towards Louis who threw up his hands. "Even Snape is involved already, what should we do?"

"Act normal!" With that Louis' hand was grabbed and he felt himself yanked towards the entrance.

"No wait, there's no way this is normal and..."

And it was too late.

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