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~Chapter 35~

The order of Phoenix


Styles is a liar

Harry Styles was clearly not satisfied by the lights on him even after winning the Triwizard Tournament, his greed for attention getting out of control.

Lies after lies pour out of his mouth causing turmoil that is absolutely unnecessary. Furthermore Albus Dumbledore is worsening the situation by...


Louis watched as the papers shrivelled up from the heat of the fire, not wanting the Daily Prophet to ever write again. They were so highly influenced at this point, making Harry and the old headmaster look bad. It's not like they were there, it was the curly-haired lad. He's the only one knowing what have happened.

Harry wasn't insane and the tiny lad knew that well, apparently he was alone with that, almost everyone seemingly more comfortable to believe that nothing is wrong. But that was not a way of living, they should be preparing not trying to blame a 15-year-old for everything.

Sitting at his desk he kept hovering above a piece of parchment, his quill flopping back and forth between his fingers, not sure what he even wants to say. He gave up trying all together, clearly not able to make sense to any of this. He simply wanted to talk so he let his quill do the work without over thinking anything.

Dear Harry,

I'm not even sure if you'll get this letter of mine, well-aware of your home situation. However my owl is way smarter than those dumb muggles so I hope this will reach you. I'll make sure that Bonbon stays so you can send me a letter back since I know Hedwig is not used by you over the summer. (Simply included that if you were wondering why you can't get rid of my owl.)

I've read every single article in the Daily Prophet and I want you to know that you're not alone Harry, there are many people-the ones with brain-who know you wouldn't lie. As for one I'm so incredibly sorry for that crap that was written about my family, half of the things weren't even said and I personally didn't open my mouth at all but clearly that's not what was published.

I truly believe that it's actually a good thing we're away from Hogwarts right now, I simply missed talking to you. If by any chance you can't respond to me that is more than all right I just hope you're doing fine.

Yours sincerely, Louis

With a huge sigh he closed the envelope and gave it to Bonbon before he could change his mind or chicken out. He didn't even check the letter. It might not even made any sense or could have spelling errors but he didn't care, he knew if he'd read it back he wouldn't send it.

Almost a full week have passed and what made him worried was not that he heard nothing from the taller lad but the fact that Bonbon wasn't back at all.

At least not until later on, almost at night when Louis was already in bed, the owl scratched against his window. He had a letter and until Louis let him in he thought it was his own. Probably for the best.

Instead he saw that it had Louis' name on it written in cursive letters that he'd learn to recognise as Harry's. He took it and felt excited and worried all at the same time, sitting on his window seat and ripping the envelope.

Dear Louis,

Thank you so much for writing to me, you might think that it's better for me to be away from the wizarding world but I feel different. I was on the edge of a breakdown but your letter truly helped me.

I'm not sure if you'd understand but I'm feeling odd lately. I'm having these dreams about things that I didn't before and I feel so anxious. It's like I'm on the edge all the time, like a ticking bomb ready to explode. I've never felt like this before, it's like I'm angry and I don't know why or to who. I just am.

How are things going for you? Thankfully I'm not able to read most of those stuff, very rarely I get some mail from Hermione or Ron when they manage to sneak it past my uncle. It's okay anyways it's not like I'd believe what they said about your family.

It still must be hard for you so if you need to talk to anyone, you can always write me, you know I won't judge you for anything, definitely not for your family.

I hope you're fine though and that you actually understand how much I appreciate your letter, I know it must have been hard to hide it from your father but I will be waiting for another one. (If you want to write that is.)

All the love, H

Louis closed the parchment, letting his hands rest on his chest the letter pressing against him while he averted his gaze up towards the shining stars on the sky.

He got up soon, hopping towards his desk, taking a seat and getting everything out anxiously. He started right away, working with the same method as before and wrote out his reply.

He was never happier over a summer break before. Nothing his father and his horrible accompany did seem so bad with the knowledge that he can talk to Styles at night.

He still wasn't sure if this new school year will bring any good but it's not like he could stop the time so he was left to hug his mother goodbye, getting on the Hogwarts Express.

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