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~Chapter 37~

"No wait, there's no way this is normal and..."

And it was too late. Everyone turned towards them and all Louis managed to do was pulling his hand out of Harry's grasp.

"Mr. Styles care to explain where you have spent the night?" Snape was the first to react no one else making a sound.

"Okay, maybe the plan wasn't too good." Harry was smiling at their professors while mumbling so only the tiny lad would hear. "You think so?!"

"Listen what will not help us right now is you being sassy with me." Louis looked at him in disbelief then snorted loudly. "Next time listen to me Styles." He watched his face scrunch up with fear but at that second he couldn't care simply walked away.

"Professor I have nothing to do with this, just slept in and happened to enter the Hall at the worst time." With that Louis walked to the Slytherin table and took a seat.

He kept his gaze on the taller lad, looking rather ridiculous in Louis' jumper in this light. It was almost like while they were in the dorms, all alone, he wasn't able to fully see the contrast, how much it didn't belong there.

Harry said nothing just shuffled his feet against the tile, waiting for a greater inspiration to hit him. Louis knew that it was not coming.

"We are not moving on until you tell us exactly where you've been Harry." Dumbledore looked dead serious and Louis felt bad for him. "I hate you so much Styles." He got up and walked over to their professors, trying to keep the conversation hushed even though besides him no one was talking.

"He was at the dungeons professor just wandering around aimlessly, I offered him to stay at our common room because I have a pure heart of gold, now if this would spread though it would get tainted with an incredible speed... I'm getting of track, the point is that Styles was simply with me through the entire night. He didn't do anything odd like usually, wasn't chatting with snakes unless I count as one, wasn't sneaking out to save all of us by having a hunger for death. Just sleeping at the couch in our common room."

"That is still just as much against the rules and..." Their chat wasn't so private anymore.

"I one hundred percent agree. Styles deserves and should be punished, I, on the other hand, did absolutely nothing." With that Louis strutted to the table and started to eat, the curly-haired lad doing the same after nodding his head in a grateful manner.

"What was that all about? Why are you suddenly friends with the git?" His gaze locked with Blaise's, only to see way more orbs on him. Groaning loudly he stabbed his fork into his egg a little too forceful.

"I'm not and it's none of your business." No one said a word to him after that, either because they've learned not to when he gets like that or simply knew that he was right and it wasn't their problem to deal with.

As charms came up, Louis needed to realise something exceedingly terrifying and for the first time he truly felt screwed. Greater problem than Styles could ever be.

His wand was resisting him. He was able to use it but he could feel that something was wrong. It was like he wasn't its master anymore.

He knew all too well that you can offend your wand, it chooses the wizard and not the other way around but he didn't do anything. Deciding to ignore it he convinced himself that he's just way too tired.

Around lunch, he was ignoring everyone like usual when a little note came to him. He sighed not sure if he should blow it up or read it. Maybe that's why his wand doesn't obey him, because he keeps hexing people and using curses. Unicorn cores are the easiest to offend and they're the least able for dark arts.

Shaking the thought away he opened it, utterly forgetting his other choice.

Is everything okay?-H

His eyes locked onto those green orbs that held so much concern in that second. He simply nodded his head going back to staring at his meal.

What could have offended his wand though? Did he use something really bad?

As he raised his gaze again, seeing that the tall boy was still eyeing him, it came to him. When he disarmed Barty Crouch Jr. he did use a rather powerful spell but he was saving Harry's life, that wouldn't be a good enough reason, right? And that happened months ago, why would it come out now?

He was snapped out of his wonders by Goyle and they walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts together.

The worst hour of his life passed, the class truly killing him on the inside. Umbridge won't let them use magic, which is actually benefitting him right now.

He walked to prefect's bathroom in frenzy and pulled his wand.

"Expecto Patronum." His doe appeared and waves of relief washed over him, he could still feel the resistance but he was still fully able to control his wand. He was not sure what's happening but he was almost certain it's not offended.

He watched the elegant deer walk around, seemingly having her own mind, Louis simply focusing on keeping her there. It walked towards him and then past, stopping a little behind. Louis' eyes locked onto Harry's who was standing in front of his patronus.

He raised his hand and the doe technically walked into the touch, casting blue lights across his face, enhancing his features.

"What is wrong? And don't bullshit me Lou." Louis let go and the deer disappeared while he sat on the cold tiles.

"I don't know myself, my wand is acting bizarre with me."

"What does that mean?" The curly-haired lad seated himself next to him his thigh pressing into Louis'.

"I don't know."

Neither said anything for a long time, plainly sat there in silence.

"We should go to Ollivander's he'd be able to help."

"First of all we can't leave, secondly..."

"It's not breaking the rules if no one knows about it."

Louis couldn't help the smile that stretched on his face, taking Harry's hand. They will definitely regret this decision.

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