Stop thanking me

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~Chapter 21~

Christmas break was over but Louis really didn't expect all of these things to happen.

He was holding a sobbing Harry in his arms, trying to console him even though he was really shitty at it. Today he's learned a lot and told everything to Louis.

First things first, turns out that Buckbeak was sentenced to death because he was found dangerous. Black was also caught and about to get a Dementor's kiss which wouldn't have been bad but it also turned out that he was a good guy and Harry barely got a relative back he was already gone. To top it all of Peter Pettigrew who actually betrayed his parents got away.

"Okay so what if we can save more than one innocent life?" Harry's breath hitched as he pulled back, rubbing his nose and smearing the tears away from his face. "What?"

Louis didn't mind the fact that his jumper was a little drenched from him crying so much against it. "I said that we could do something about this."

Without any further explanation he pulled out his time turner and leaped the necklace around Harry as well. "What is this?"

He ignored the lad and figured three would be more than enough. They heard the clock chiming as the lights were beaming into the room.

"Where were you at 10 am?"

"At Hagrid's?" Louis grabbed his hand and started to run, thanking his mum in his head. This was definitely one of the most useful gifts one could receive.

"Listen we can't be seen." Louis mushed Harry up against a wall as he and his friends passed them after insulting the three Gryffindors.

"I'll see you two later." Past Louis left while Harry was on the verge of a mental breakdown as there were two of them. "How is this possible?"

Louis pulled out his necklace and showed it to him. "This is a time turner Harry, we travelled back in time to this morning."

As Harry opened his mouth, he didn't wait just grabbed his hand again, seeing the three twerps already running towards Hagrid. "Come on and as I said don't be seen."

They ducked behind some pumpkins, and Harry appeared to understand why they're here when he saw Buckbeak still alive. They watched the three distant forms getting closer, Dumbledore being the main one to talk.

"Why aren't we leaving?"

"I don't know, why did you leave?" Harry was biting his lips, but wasn't saying anything perhaps deep in thought. Looking down Louis saw a few little rocks, grabbing one he threw it and a bowl broke. "Are you crazy?" Instead of answering he did it again, this time hitting Harry on the head.

"Come on." Louis intertwined their fingers again as they ran towards the woods, watching how the three Gryffindors left.

After saving Buckbeak they simply ran towards the whomping willow and waited. "This way you'll see my father as well."

"Harry I don't think..."

"You'll see him and won't doubt me, I saw it, his stag was right across the lake." Louis said nothing but grabbed his arm. "Show time." They ran away yet again and watched Lupin change.

"Well that's truly not what I expected." Harry just shrugged probably not really caring or not understanding what it means when a wizard turns.

"Auuuu." His hands were grabbed and pulled away from his mouth, stopping his howling. "What are you doing?"

"Saving you." He continued until the wolf started to run towards them. "And now run." They were slaloming between the trees, gripping each other's hands tightly as to not get lost. Louis started to climb up on a tree and Harry followed.

They stayed dead quiet until the creature stopped looking and confusedly walked away. "Now all we have left is Black."

The curly-haired lad followed right after him yet again. Upon reaching the lake they saw the pair already lying on the ground, dozens of dementors circling them.

Long minutes have passed and Louis saw Black's soul starting to come out, literally.

"Harry no one's coming, they'll kill you." With a groan the taller lad pushed him aside and ran towards the bank. "Expecto Patronum."

Louis felt oddly proud that he was the one who taught him. He plainly had a natural talent and was already way better than Louis himself but it was still him who showed the way.

Harry backed away, both watching entranced the stag standing there. "It's yours." Louis' tender tone broke the silence while Harry let go of it, ogling as it walked away and disappeared.

"Yeah." They said nothing after that simply stared ahead of them while he felt Harry's hand slipping back into his own. Almost like that was the needed touch that snapped him out he started to pull on the connection right away.

"Let's get Black and help him run away." They did just that and Louis simply stood to the side not wanting to intrude on a moment like the pair was having. Harry soon joined him though and they watched together how he flew away on the back of the hippogriff.

"If you tell this even to the halfwits you call friends I'll..."

"Yeah I know, I know. Walk me back to the tower." Louis blinked shocked as his hand came in contact with Harry's and he was pulled through the halls.

"I'm serious though, you're not supposed to mess with the past Harry and..."

"I'm serious as well. I understand. When have I ever said a word about anything we did together?"

"Just making sure." Louis decided not to argue about not wanting to go to the Gryffindor tower, plainly because he was way too tired. That's not the most glamorous part of time travelling, this way they were awake for technically two days now.

"Thank you so much for..."

"Can you just stop saying that?"

"Sure, soooo...why don't cats like online shopping?" Louis already felt that annoying smile pull at his lips but he fought it so hard.

"No, no way. Absolutely not a chance." He turned away and started to walk down the hall towards his own dorm.

"Because they prefer a cat-alogue." He shook his head fondly but didn't turn back, not giving him the pleasure to know that he was smiling.

"I still hate you Styles."

"Have a lovely night Louis." The curly-haired lad was definitely good at hearing what he wants.

"You too Harold."

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