I am yours

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~Chapter 56~

A/N: Warning: Smut between °°°°°°

Everything was going as planned. Louis got everyone inside Hogwarts, trying his best not to puke from thinking about what will happen next.

Just before it happened he saw Harry under them, peeking up to everything folding out. It made him feel even worse, barely able to stand without breaking down and sobbing like a toddler.

He knew that he'll never be able to repay his godfather what he has done. They went through with the plan which would have never happened unless Snape was there.

Louis still felt it. His hands were shaking uncontrollably while panic was ripping through his body in tight waves. The resembles to actually drowning technically unbearable. It was like water continuously coming down on him, restricting his breathing but still letting him gasp enough air to survive. It was true torture.

He was holding onto his boyfriend's waist tightly, trying to gain some comfort from his presence. However he knew that Harry was just as sad and broken right now, if not even more. The wind blowing through his hair and slapping against his skin, reddening his cheeks weren't calming like he hoped. It was almost like even the weather was punishing them making his face burn from the cold.

They kept going though, Harry not once slowing on the broom and the tiny lad was honestly grateful that he wasn't expected to use his own as he was sure he wouldn't be able to pay enough attention to stay up on it.

They soon reached the little cottage that Severus told them to use. Harry started a fire while Louis sat on the floor with two mugs in his clasp.

Harry seated himself next to his boyfriend, tenderly thanking for the cup of tea. They simply watched the fire for a long time, neither saying a word.

"I'll need to leave soon, go to the Weasleys, they'll be looking for me." Louis sighed heavily, knowing that from now on he will not be able to even as much as see the taller boy. They need to go through with the plan fully.

"I know." Another silence fell but this one was way heavier. "As soon as this is done we can do whatever though. You will still have me...if you want."

Louis closed his eyes leaning his head onto Harry's shoulders. "I promise the same Haz. I love you."

He felt a tear running down his cheek and it took him some time to realise it wasn't his. When his forehead was getting wet he tilted his head up and fully turned towards the curly-haired lad.

Grabbing his face, Louis straddled him forcing his eyes to focus. "Listen here Harold, we got this..."

"I love you too." He was cut off with a little hiccup of his and more tears pouring out, making his own eyes to swell with them.

"We can spend this last night together in misery or delay that part and enjoy the evening while we are still able to do it. Just the two of us." Louis kissed Harry knowing well that they will have enough time to mop around but he was not sure that he'll be able to send as much as an owl to his boyfriend.


It took longer than usual, but Harry fully melted into Louis' touch, letting him do all the work right then.

He kissed along his jaw, down his neck leaving small little pecks on the pearly white skin of his boyfriend. "I guess I should leave a reminder." He smirked against Harry's neck then attached his lips entirely, sucking and biting along.

"I guess so." Harry basically moaned instead of answering but that only fired the tiny lad on, grinding his ass on top of Harry's crotch, both very swiftly forgetting all of their problems.

Louis tugged his shirt off only breaking the contact while lifting it above Harry's head then his own one as well. After which he fumbled with their jeans trying to get rid of both of them at the same time which didn't really work out but he gave it his best.

In the meantime Harry was kissing him again and that was only more distracting if anything. Louis still tried to multitask and opened his mouth for the curly-haired lad's tongue while pushing his jeans below his knees.

Harry kicked them off while Louis stood rushed and got his own one down. Before Harry could have gotten up as well, he was already back to straddling him, pushing on his chest in order to get him to lie down.

Harry did his hands resting on the soft carpet while Louis finished undressing them. After that he found them a better place in his angel's petite waist while leaning forward to get a kiss.

He was surprised to feel Louis' hand wrap around his dick as it was already wet. He didn't even notice him do that but then again it's hard to see things when you have Louis there to ogle.

The tiny lad coated his boyfriend's cock while opening himself up at the same time. He did a pretty sloppy job he was getting way too desperate so he figured it will have to do.

Positioning himself Louis pressed his hands flat against Harry's chest, slowly sitting down until he bottomed out. Harry did not move to make it easier for him even though this new angle felt way too amazing for their own good.

Louis soon started to rock himself first just back and forth then also distanced his hips and trusted back in when fully comfortable on Harry's dick.

They kept it slow and passionate like most times, quickly learning that this is what they enjoy the most. Just long and deep trusts so they both can feel everything and bask in the feeling of each other.


Cuddling in front of the fireplace with the smaller lad technically on top of him after about twenty good night kisses had to be Harry's favourite thing in this world.

He tried to stay in the present and not imagine living months without even seeing this sweet creature. He really did.

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