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Rushed through this so sorry for any errors

It was another long night at the mall, I had a major headache and I was already mad for no reason. I've been texting this jahseh kid, he's extremely cute but he hasn't texted me once today which pissed me off but that's okay I've been busy anyway. I sighed as I put the last clothing item on the rack. "Yasmine, dude." Jacqualine said as she walked toward me. "Hey Jackie chan." I say hugging her. Me and Jacqueline have been friends for almost 6 years now and she's the only friend I'll ever claim and get close too. That girl means the world to me.

"I bought you a sour war head slushie, cause I'm the shit. We close in an hour anyways so I asked Renee if I could just get it." She hands me the slushie as I grin and hug her. "You're the shit. Cute jeans btw." I say smiling at her. Jacqueline was so much different then me, she was really skinny and long. She wore tight dresses and heels almost everyday well, besides today. Shes extremely rude and honest too, which I can say I am sometimes but she is most the time.

"Hey Yasmine and Jackie, we have a few more customers then we'll go ahead and close the store 30 minutes earlier." Renee my boss says. We both nod and turn away, I set my slushy on the bottom part of the checkout desk. I check myself in the mirror before realizing no one is on this side of the store. I decide to play around with Jackie as she comes over to my side, I set my iPhone up before starting the video and singing to sativa.

"Is it hot in here or is it just me? I'm so hot in here from smoking on this weeed." I spin and make weird faces at the camera with Jackie as we laugh and end the video. I upload it to snapchat captioning it '30 minutes left 😅🤙🏾' I post the video to my story before sliding my phone and my pocket and opening the register. A tall darkskin man with a gold girl walks toward Jackie, I listen closely. "Is that all?" She ask. "How much is it for ya digits?" He ask looking at her. My mouth drops. "Awhhhh shit." I say smirking

I look beside him and make direct eye contact with a boy that looks j- oh shit it is jahseh. I turn around real quick and grab some random cloths and run into a dressing room. I wait 10 until I feel he's gone and as I step out, to my luck he is. "Yasmine bro that kid next to the sexy one who asked for my number was asking for you and I didn't know if you wanted me to say yes or not cause he looks kinda weird but I said no." She says as I laugh.

We go to talk about how he asked her for her number and how she would fuck the shit out him and blah blah.

I hit home and quickly changed, ate and, slumped. But my phone lit up to a text that woke me up.

Jahseh: Why'd you run?

Jahseh: are you scared of me??

Yasmine: what? No I just am awkward 😂 I didn't think you noticed me so I ran. I looked bad anyways.

Jahseh: oh.

Yasmine: yea not like that haha I can't believe  your friend asked for Jacqueline's number like that lmao

Jahseh: I can 😂 Ski is crazy

Yasmine: Ohhhh shitttt, we should all link up at my crib one day 🤙🏾

Jahseh: that's a bet.

Yasmine: whatre you doing rn?

Jahseh: writing wbu?

Yasmine: half asleep, half awake.

Jahseh: well go to sleep, we can plan some shit tmr,  goodnight blaisian bite ♥️

Yasmine: g'night mop head

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