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Aight y'all, Yasmine and Jahseh have been through so much shit and guess what bitch.

It's ain't over.

It's been 2 whole years, 2 years since I took Jahsehs last name. We became a power couple, modeling for GQ and many other things. Everyone loves us.

I feel blessed as I rub my stomach feeling my baby kick a little, I've gotten pretty big at 6 months. I couldn't express into words the happiness that bubbles inside of me. I sat cross crossed on the white fur rug as Artemis played with her toy trucks, making sounds. She had just had her 4th birthday, she was such a little

I've had small troubles with that baby I'm carrying now, she's been a little frisky but I refuse to give up on her even though she could kill me. I just couldn't do it, Jahseh and I have had so many disagreements about this. He doesn't wanna lose the baby or me, but he more or so doesn't wanna lose me. He wants me to get rid of it but I'm in too deep.

I've gotten a little sicker, much skinned but not too much. Ass still phat.

I feel sick when I eat but I refuse to not eat, I can't give up on her.

I've prayed to god and some of the sickness problems have went away and I'm honestly doing a little better. I thank god everyday for helping me through this ride.

"Mama whewe is Daddy?" She says looking up, her green eyes making contact with mine. "Baby he's at work, he'll be home soon."

I sat, behind four white walls.

Death seemed pleasing right now.

I lost her, 2 days after I had just named her I lost her. She was gone. My heart ached, as did Jahsehs. He sat at the end of the bed, head in his hands as I started up, my pulse fastening. I was broken.

I tried so hard not to question god, I just wanted my baby back. This isn't fair, everything happens for a reason though.

"Yasmine, baby." Jahseh says lifting his head up as we make eye contact. "It's gonna be okay, we're gonna be okay. She's okay." He whispers. His eyes are red and watery, as are his cheeks. I've been trying to hold on, but I can't as I break. I sob into my hand as jahseh comes towards me holding me and cooing me.

After a few hours I'm released, with empty hands and heart. I felt broken, I came home to everyone surrounded and excited. All the smiles dropped to frowns as I broke down again too.

I got so many people apologizing and praying for me, it didn't numb the pain though. I felt so fucking sad it was crazy, but I needed to pray and get better for Artemis.

I now sat on the couch as Artemis slobbered on my shoulder, I rocked her before setting her in her little bed. I smiled at her, I felt a little better but I was still hurting. I decided on taking a shower.

"Hey ma, you gotta boyfriend?" I heard jahseh say as I laughed. "Yes, I'm married."

We joke around a bit before laying down but it soon comes to end as I'm reminded of my angel baby. I ignore the sadness a bit before cuddling with jahseh and falling asleep in his arms.

I felt like god was testing me, but I know I got this.

Thought it was over?

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