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For the people wondering.. she does speak to her parents, if you can't tell she's really raised her self. Her parents are very successful ceos and travel which is why she's constantly alone by herself. I don't include the parents yet cause that's what we aren't focusing on. >>

It's been 3 days in the hospital and it seems like jahseh grows away from me more and more. He won't leave my side tho so I know he still feels something. He won't let anyone take me to the bathroom but him. He helped me take my meds, even tried to help me shower but the nurse and doctor threatened to throw him out for threatening to smack the nurse for not letting him shower me.

He also sat there for an hour and helped me untangle my hair, he barked at the doctor when he checked my head for blood and hurt me in the process.

He still won't touch me unless To detangle my hair. If I cry, he leaves the room. He just won't touch me and its killing me, I crave it so much. I sit cross crossed, in joggers and a tank top. They finally let me out that damn scrub. I stare at him, annoyed and frustrated. I wanna know why he won't touch me.

Jahseh." I say frustratingly. Pushing my eye brows together as I stare at him. Today he wears all black. He looks over at me not speaking but making the same face as me. "Why won't you touch me?" I ask. His face turns surprised. "What do you mean?" He ask looking at me in curiosity. "You won't kiss me, you won't touch me. Was it because what I said last? I'm sorry if I made you mad. Listen I just don't like being controlled-" before I can finish he grabs my face gently and places a soft kiss on my lips. "Shush." He says as I grin.

It's finally my 4th day and I'm checked out. I'm home by now, my parents still not knowing about any part of the situation since I begged the doctors to keep it confidential. It's around 6:00pm and I'm comfortably laid with jahseh, he's been extremely exhausted trying to keep me feeling better so this entire day he's really slept. I stare at him, his eyes shut and mouth a jar. I kiss on his neck and cheek, attempting to wake him up.

He grunts, but it's hard to hear over the soul music I have playing in the back ground. I peck his lips as he kisses back, this time I go for a more depper kiss realizing he's awake. I crawl on top of him, straddling him. I kiss him, opening his mouth, his tongue seeps into mine. We kiss, his tongue battling mine for dominance. He grunts as my spot rubs his dìck.

I stop kissing him, my kisses lead down to his neck, sucking and biting. He grunts again. "Yas, stop." He says sternly but I ignore. I gasp as he grabs my hair, I feel slight pain in my head but in the moment I ignore it as he flips me over and begins kissing my neck. I moan wrapping my legs around his waist pushing him up against me. "Yas, stop it." He says again sternly. Lifting his head up. I whine frustrated.

"Do it, please do something, this is too much. " I whine under him as he holds my arms down. "Yas I can't." He claims, looking at me directly in the eye. "Yes you can, stop being a pussy." I challenge him. "C'mon, I'm not gonna regret this and you aren't either so shut the fuck up saying no and do something. Or is little jahseh all bark no bite?" I say challenging him.

He cracks a grin. "You really wanna test me?" He says, pushing his hips against me. I make a barking sound indicating a yes. He laughs, leaning down kissing me. We kiss, and I get more frustrated as it goes on.

A loud gasp comes out of my mouth as I realize his finger slips inside of me. He kisses down my neck as I moan, arching my back. His finger pump in and out of me, I hiss as he sticks another one in, I feel a slight pain. But I moan liking the pleasurable-pain. He goes slow but as my moans get louder he goes faster, pumping them in and out of me. "Jah- oh shit baby." I moan loudly. He bites my neck and the pain mixed with the pleasure pushes me over, I feel a slight tingling in my stomach as I hit my climax. "Oh! Baby."

I breathe heavy as he slips his fingers out, he lifts his head up, grinning at me as he sticks two fingers inside his mouth.

"Gross." I say embarrassed. He sucks on them before taking them out of his mouth. He leans down and pecks me. "You liked it, well she did." He claims shrugging, he flops down on the bed on his back. I was gonna ask who she was but realized he was talking about my vagina. I shake my head and get out of bed.

"Ow." I complain feeling a small soreness between my legs. "I told you-" he doesn't finish his sentence before I hurl one of my VS bras at his head. "Shut up!" I groan. He laughs loudly.

I change into a pair of spandex shorts, taking off my shirt and bra, I grab his hoodie holding my boobs together without having a total nip slip as he watches. I turn around my back facing him as I slip on his hoodie. "Stop staring creeper." I say crawling back into the bed. After our events I swear I felt extremely tired, I laid myself on top of him.

And slumped.

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