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Editing off af I'm sorry y'all ily
I decided to stay with Gazzy, Wifi and, Ski, I still wanna have a good vacation time but jahseh convinced Ski and I to meet up with him and Jacqueline and talk everything out. I sat on the shower floor thinking, my heart aches from this whole situation and I was in a lot of disbelief that this even happened. I'm gonna have to face the issue because I'm still in love with jahseh, now Jacqueline, I don't know if I could really trust her after this. She plotted on me.

I got up, washed my body, shaved, washed my face and, hair. I got out, grabbing a towel. Drying off and lotioning up I wrapped Gazzys Versace robe around me that I snuck. I opened the door just to see Gazzy. "Really?"

"I needed it, shut up." I say pushing past him to grab some cloths which I realize I don't have. "Shit," I whisper. I only brought a pair of spandex, I don't mind free-balling but I need a shirt. "Gazzy!" I yell as he comes out the bathroom. "Wassup?" He says smoking his woods. "I just took a backwoods shit."

I gag, "You're so gross. But give me one of your shirts, I don't have one." He nods and flicks me off. He throws me an all black off-white shirt, I thank him before going into the bathroom and changing. The shirt looks huge covering my spandex. I slid on Gazzys Gucci socks, then my own Gucci slides.

I decide to put a little product and my hair and let it curl up.

Hey baby how is your vacation going?

Yea! How is it?

Yasmine: it's fun, I've never been happier. Thanks for sending me love you guys!

Anytime loveee I got your father's number if you wanna talk to him again, he changed it for the 5th time.

Sure :)

I set my phone in my hand as Ski and I got ready to leave, once we left the hotel we hurried down to the lobby so we could get into the car. "You nervous?" He ask pulling off from the parking grounds. "Yea kinda, I don't want shit to go bad." I say as he nods. "I've been talking to Jacqueline kinda but she's been giving me my space. Jah was mad I took you with me tho, he was pissed." He claimes. I shrug and nod understanding.

20 minutes later we arrived at the little coffee shop, I see jahseh sitting, his head in his hands, but he looks up seeing me. His eyes are extremely red and he has huge bags, he honestly looks horrible but I'm still so so in love with him. Jacqueline does too but I watch Ski as he observes her. We sit in the booth quietly as Jacqueline excuses her and ski to another table, I look up seeing him stare at me. "Hi." I say quietly feeling the awkwardness in the air. "Hey." He says still staring at me. I lean back relaxing a little. "So, you hot?"

His face looks puzzled, "what?" He ask leaning back as well. "Oh just wondering cause you know, all the shade you were under." I shrug looking over. "Let me explain myself Yasmine," I nod as he ask. "It was a bet, I didn't think you'd even let me, it wasn't supposed to be turned out this way. I'm so in love with you and I fell in love with YOU not your pussy, not the attention, no. You. Yasmine Martinez is the girl I fell in love with. I'm sorry we met like this, but it was fate. I wouldn't ever take it back. I'd do this shit again." He says as I gasp.

I slam my hand on the table, "what the fuck are you tryna say jahseh?"

"I'm saying- that I fucking love you and I wouldn't take it back because I would've never got to fall in love with such an amazing, beautiful ass girl. You don't even get how much I love you. I breathe for you. My blood runs for you. I'd sacrifice my self for you, let someone take my life just for you Yasmine. It's always you, you, you!" A tear slides down his face. The emotion over comes me as well as he and I both break. "I'm sorry for everything baby, I promise I'm not here cause I wanted one thing. I promise you, put that on my grandma."

I cover my face with my hands, as I cry, almost sobbing. We sit inside where it's pretty empty, no workers are really here. I uncover my face showing tears, and red cheeks. "I love you jahseh." I say as he stands and comes to the other side of the booth to hug me. "Please forgive me, I love you always." He kissed me on the lips as I did him.


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