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"So you're back Yasmine?" Trixie says as I nod, I sit in her trap house as she puffs a blunt.

See Trixie is the female who ran these streets with me, who also helped the coming of Yas. I had to leave Trixie alone so Yas would leave me alone, it was the only way. Trixie brought out Yas in the worst possible way.

"You're late, it's been a couple years." She says, her grey eyes captivating mine. "I came here to tell you why I left, no threat or anything." I say leaning back. I could never be scared of Trixie, even tho she is a cold hearted killer.

Her complete white hair cascaded down her back.

"We ran this shit together Yas, you up and left me by my lonely

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"We ran this shit together Yas, you up and left me by my lonely. I thought it was us together." She says throwing me daggers. "You brought me out in the worst way Trixie, I had to push Yas away I wanted a better life. You know how this shit goes, running and killing was for you, it wasn't Yasmine it was Yas. Yas was who I never wanted to be, you knew this and you still took advantage of her." I say glaring back.

"I'm evil, you were too. Why the sudden change?" She puffs the blunt once more shaking her head and ghosting it.

"Because I had much more to live for, you know this. You know I had to leave Trixie, you told me to. I promised I'd come back and here I am," She hands me the blunt as I take it, puffing it. "I need your help, I need you to bring out Yas. We have a problem."

"Hah, you think ima help you? You promised and you came but, correct right? But you came back on the term for me to help you, not for you to be here for me. Don't know if I'm fucking with it." She says shrugging.

"This is why," I pulled out my phone showing my lock screen which was arte and basically my entire whole family and friends. "I need her to forever be safe, someone's out for her. You see him?" I point at jahseh. "His fuck ass ex stabbed me the other day, thankfully she couldn't find Artemis. But I need her gone, out of the picture. Forever."

"Hey baby." I say as I walked into the house, shopping bags in my hand. Once me and Trixie talked over the plan I'd told her I'd pay her cash to help me get rid of Geneva. She promised she's in and we'd talk more on it.

"Hey mama!" I said seeing arte laid on her back on the couch watching the T.V she noticed my voice before flaring her little arms and giggling, lord she was such a happy baby.  I picked her up as she stared into my eyes, she had this thing where she always put her little baby hands on my face and would make weird little sounds then laugh after. She thought it was the funniest thing ever.

I decided to have her stay the night with my father since he was seriously in love with seeing her, and it'd give me a small break even though I really didn't want it.

I had just got out of the shower, I sat in some underwear and my rob. I applied my face cream before lather up my body in some coconut oil. It shined on my silky skin as I stood up and laid on the bed, jahseh filling into the room. He shut the door and turned down the lights as I rolled on my stomach groaning.
Sexual scene, ACTION
"Hey ma." He said gripping my hips, I arched my back lowly as he hissed. "Man I've missed you." He wasted no time, flipping me over and setting me on my back. He spreaded my legs, pushing my under wear apart and ate the living shit out of me.

It felt amazing after a painful month of doing absolutely nothing but kissing. I moaned loudly thanking god we were the only ones here tonight. I clutched his dreads in my hands as he sucked on my clit, adding fingers. I gasped as they entered inside of me. He was rough tonight as the force of his fingers shook both me and the bed.

He stoped, scooting me up towards the head board. Taking my underwear off and forcing his pants and underwear off he slammed into me giving me no time. I laughed loudly as he made a high pitch scream, clearly liking the feeling. "Sorry, oh fuck. I'm finna give you all I got tonight." He says before stroking me.

His head sinks down, kissing me as I kiss him back moaning into his mouth. He strokes me very slowly, breathing heavy he lifts up staring me in the eyes. I stare back moaning. Blood pumps through my body, excitement in my brain.

He grabs my face with one hand while the other stands next to my head, I feel the connection sexually as he stares at me biting his lip while sill stroking inside of me, hitting all the right spots. He finishes up, speeding up causing the bed board to hit the wall. I moan as I feel myself realse on him, his hands now beside my head. He sinks down kissing my lips and whispering 'I love you' before his seed explodes inside of me.

"I love you." I say breathing heavy as he raps his arms around me. "I love you my wife."

We didn't fuck, we just made love.

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